adjective as in most favorable or desirable
Strongest match
Weak matches
24-carat, A1, ace, best, capital, choice, choicest, flawless, gilt-edge, greatest, highest, ideal, matchless, maximum, most advantageous, most favorable, peak, peerless, perfect, select, solid-gold, superlative, top, world-class
Example Sentences
I'm wondering what you think the optimal message would be?
Terruzzin said the reservoirs, which are 35 feet wide, were designed in the shape of a water drop, an optimal form as gravity pulls down the massive contents.
They will also prepare a backup elbow joint for the Canadarm2 robotic arm by positioning the joint in the optimal configuration for a quick replacement if needed.
While grabbing a banana or a peach a few times a week is a great start, it's generally not sufficient to meet the recommended fruit intake for optimal health.
A spokesperson for Northern said: "We are committed to working with directly-elected mayors across our network to find the optimal solution for passengers as part of an integrated network."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.