physical activity
Example Sentences
"I couldn't travel anywhere or do any physical activity," he told the Indian Express newspaper, adding that he had dropped out of school in the eighth grade.
But the research did find a link between more time on phones and social media, and worse mental wellbeing and mental health, less physical activity, poorer sleep, lower grades and more disruptive classroom behaviour.
McCauley expressed concern that the programs could unintentionally discourage people from working, social interaction and physical activity, but “despite this trade-off, the health benefits of SSI/SSDI likely outweigh any potential negative impacts for most recipients, especially those with high-cost conditions like cancer.”
The hypothesis's author itself is careful to state in the paper that carbonated water is not a standalone solution for weight loss and that healthy diet and physical activity are both key.
Your level of physical activity, exposure to pollution, stress and genetics, among other things, shape your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes or other chronic diseases.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.