adjective as in creeping
Strong matches
adjective as in reptilian
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Example Sentences
Reptant, rep′tant, adj. crawling: pertaining to the Reptantia, those gasteropod mollusca adapted for crawling.—n.
Nam saepe in colli tondentes pabula laeta Lanigerae reptant pecudes quo quamque vocantes Invitant herbae gemmantes rore recenti8.
Reptilia, reptiles. crawling, a. creeping, reptile, reptant, reptatorial, reptatory.--n. creeping. craze, v. madden, derange, distract; confuse, disarrange. craze, n. craziness, distraction; fancy, freak, crotchet; mania, passion, infatuation. craziness, n. insanity, lunacy, dementia, delirium; monomania; megalomania; paranoia. crazy, a. demented, deranged, insane, delirious, dementate, mad, lunatic, distracted, frantic, crazed, crack-brained; rickety, decrepit, shaky, tottering, dilapidated; desirous, eager, infatuated.
Reptilia. creephole, n. retreat; subterfuge, expedient, makeshift excuse. creeping, a. crawling, reptile, reptant; fawning, truckling, obsequious, sycophantic. creeping, n. reptation; formication. creepingly, adv. insidiously, cunningly. cremate, v. incremate, incinerate. cremation, n. incremation, incineration.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.