adjective as in unhurried, lazy
Strongest matches
easy, gradual, heavy, lackadaisical, leisurely, lethargic, moderate, passive, quiet, reluctant, sluggish, stagnant
Strong matches
crawling, creeping, dawdling, delaying, deliberate, disinclined, idle, lagging, loitering, measured, plodding, postponing, procrastinating, slack
Weak matches
apathetic, bit-by-bit, dilatory, dreamy, drowsy, imperceptible, inactive, indolent, inert, laggard, leaden, listless, negligent, phlegmatic, ponderous, remiss, sleepy, slothful, slow-moving, snaillike, supine, tardy, torpid, tortoiselike
adjective as in behind, late
Strongest matches
dull, gradual, low, moderate, sluggish, stagnant, stiff, tame, tedious, time-consuming
Strong matches
delayed, detained, down, hindered, impeded, lingering, off, prolonged, protracted, reduced, slack
Weak matches
backward, behindhand, belated, conservative, dead, dilatory, draggy, inactive, long-delayed, long-drawn-out, overdue, sleepy, tardy, uneventful, unproductive, unprogressive, unpunctual
adjective as in unintelligent
verb as in delay, restrict
Strongest matches
abate, curb, curtail, decelerate, decrease, diminish, hinder, impede, lag, lessen, moderate, reduce, relax, retard, slacken, stall, temper
Strong matches
brake, check, choke, detain, loiter, mire, postpone, procrastinate, qualify, quiet, reef, regulate, stunt
Weak matches
anchor it, back-water, bog down, cut back, cut down, ease off, ease up, embog, hit the brakes, hold back, hold up, keep waiting, let down flaps, lose speed, lose steam, reduce speed, rein in, set back, wind down
Example Sentences
C Strip malls and other nonresidential land can be converted to open spaces such as tennis and basketball courts that slow a fire’s spread and provide emergency refuge.
He slowed and waved, and I asked him how things were despite knowing the answer.
Civil society organizations are using the courts to slow down some of the Trump administration’s most egregious assaults on the rule of law and the Constitution.
From 14 April testing will begin on the PGA Tour's feeder circuits to impose stroke penalties on the slowest golfers.
Although it cannot currently be cured, treatment can slow the disease and ease symptoms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.