noun as in speech, address to group
Strongest match
Strong matches
allocution, declamation, descant, discourse, disquisition, dissertation, epilogue, exhortation, expatiation, harangue, homily, monologue, oration, peroration, recitation, screed, sermon, spiel
Weak matches
noun as in gossip
Strongest matches
Strong matches
allusion, badinage, banter, blather, bombast, bunk, buzz, cant, chat, chatter, chitchat, cry, gab, grapevine, hearsay, hint, innuendo, insinuation, jaw, jive, lip, noise, nonsense, palaver, persiflage, prose, racket, raillery, rot, rubbish, rumble, scuttlebutt, trash, yarn
Weak matches
noun as in discussion
Strongest matches
argument, conference, consultation, conversation, deliberation, dialogue, interview, meeting, negotiation, seminar, symposium, visit
Strong matches
colloquy, conclave, confabulation, earful, encounter, huddle, palaver, parlance, parley, spiel, ventilation
Weak matches
noun as in communication with language
verb as in produce words; inform
Strong matches
articulate, babble, broach, chant, chatter, confess, converse, divulge, drawl, drone, gab, gabble, gossip, influence, intone, notify, palaver, parley, patter, persuade, prate, prattle, pronounce, rhapsodize, soliloquize, spout, squeak, squeal, utter, verbalize, voice, yak
Weak matches
comment on, flap one's tongue, give voice to, run on, spill the beans, talk one's leg off, tell all, ventriloquize
verb as in discuss with another
verb as in address group
Strong matches
accost, discourse, harangue, induce, influence, lecture, orate, persuade, sermonize, spiel, spout, stump, sway
Weak matches
deliver a speech, give a talk, give speech, hold forth, prelect
Example Sentences
“And as I’m talking to you, I was just told four or five new ones arriving. We can’t keep up.”
The president talks about Musk not like a valued colleague or even a friend.
Then we can talk about specific groups’ concerns — but here we’ve got to avoid any hint of the condescension that so often seeps into our message.
"The government needs to stop talking about everyone who is on disability benefits as if they are all the same because they are not," said another.
Tshisekedi has since renegotiated this, but the lack of transparency in those talks has been criticised.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.