total change
Example Sentences
Sasaki’s marriage came amid an offseason of total change for the hard-throwing right-hander, who signed with the Dodgers last month after an extended free agency and posting process that had much of the league pursuing the highly coveted pitcher.
Det Insp Grainger said: "We spoke to his mother, his auntie and other people and they talked about the total change in the wee boy after that night. He was really withdrawn."
“Let’s hope there is a total change in this country.”
He has called for a “total change” in the opposition since Erdogan defeated its candidate, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, on May 28.
"We're seeing a total change to the European security structure as a result of Russia's move and the Nordic countries writ large have moved closer to the West in response to Russia's aggressive and destabilizing actions," the official said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.