

Definition for weak

adjective as in faint, soft

adjective as in exposed, vulnerable

adjective as in watered-down

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Example Sentences

Several of the men carried the weaker passengers on their shoulders.

From BBC

Yet despite being at its weakest in years, Hezbollah retains a loyal following, a reality that appeared in full force with the thousands that descended on Aitaroun for the mass reburial ceremony.

The eugenicist urge is not far from the surface, right down to the tendency to see people who die of preventable illness as weak links who needed to be "culled" anyway.

From Salon

Responding, a Home Office spokesperson said: "The Tories had 14 years to reform immigration and asylum, yet they left a system in chaos and our borders weaker."

From BBC

Villarreal: He’s definitely up to no good, trying to find her weak spot to keep her from gabbing to authorities.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for weak?

Weak means not strong.

A synonym for weak in the context of physical strength is feeble. A person might also be considered weak as in cowardly or easily defeated.

Something that can easily break can be described as fragile or delicate.

When a sick or very tired person says they feel weak, it means they have no energy. A person who’s very ill and generally weak in this way might be described as frail.

When weak means lacking in force, effectiveness, or support, synonyms are ineffectual and poor, as in That’s a weak/poor excuse.

In the context of sounds, weak is used to mean faint, soft, and quiet. A weak sound might be one that’s indistinct, thin, or muffled.

A very informal slang term that can mean the same thing as weak is weak sauce.

To become weak is to weaken. A specific way of being weak is a weakness. Other terms for this are weak point, vulnerability, and soft spot. These terms often suggest a flaw that can allow someone or something to be defeated, attacked, exploited. An expression that means this is Achilles heel.

What is the opposite (antonym) of weak?

The direct and commonly used opposite of weak is strong.

Strong can be used as the opposite of weak in most contexts, such as a person’s physical strength, the effectiveness of an argument, the flavor of a drink, etc.

Other antonyms for weak include hearty and healthy (when weak means ill or frail), bold and brave (when weak means cowardly), and loud (when weak means faint or quiet).

How do you spell weak?

Weak as in lacking strength is spelled with ea. Week as in the period of seven days is spelled with ee. You can remember this because seven also has two e’s.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


