adjective as in healthy
adjective as in lucky, fortunate
Strongest match
Weak matches
advisable, agreeable, bright, comfortable, happy, profitable, proper, prosperous, providential, prudent, satisfactory, useful
adverb as in happily, pleasantly; capably
Strongest matches
accurately, adequately, carefully, closely, completely, correctly, effectively, efficiently, fully, nicely, properly, smoothly, strongly, successfully, thoroughly
Weak matches
ably, adeptly, admirably, agreeably, attentively, capitally, commendably, competently, conscientiously, excellently, expertly, famously, favorably, in a satisfactory manner, irreproachably, proficiently, profoundly, rightly, satisfactorily, skillfully, soundly, splendidly, suitably, with skill
adverb as in sufficiently
Strongest matches
adequately, appropriately, completely, easily, far, freely, fully, properly, quite, right, smoothly, thoroughly
Strong matches
Weak matches
abundantly, amply, becomingly, by a wide margin, effortlessly, entirely, extremely, fittingly, greatly, heartily, highly, luxuriantly, plentifully, rather, readily, satisfactorily, somewhat, suitably, very much, wholly
noun as in hole with water
Strong matches
abyss, bore, chasm, depression, derivation, fount, fountain, fountainhead, geyser, inception, mouth, origin, repository, root, shaft, spa, spring, springs, wellspring
Weak match
Example Sentences
“Even in the department they work in, you have to keep an eye over your shoulder. A sociopath does pretty well in this environment, but you don’t want too many sociopaths in the same department.”
Orff wrote the piece in Germany during the Nazi regime, and it was very popular with the Nazis — harmonizing uncomfortably well with their testosterone-fueled propaganda.
People often visit wellness tenants including gyms three to five times a week, he said, which may lead them to patronize other mall businesses as well.
But it’s a free country and Newsom is well past the age of consent, so clearly there’s no stopping him.
Removing a person’s daily routine as well as their sense of purpose and identity can seriously undermine their sense of self.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.