Comforting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "comforting" Showing 1-30 of 104
Criss Jami
“Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.”
Criss Jami

Matt Haig
“We only need to be one person.
We only need to feel one existence.
We don't have to do everything in order to be everything, because we are already infinite. While we are alive we always contain a future of multifarious possibility.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

J.R.R. Tolkien
“For myself, I find I become less cynical rather than more--remembering my own sins and follies; and realize that men's hearts are not often as bad as their acts, and very seldom as bad as their words.”
Tolkien J.R.R., The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

Joseph Smith Jr.
“Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;

And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.

Thy friends do stand by thee...'
-Jesus the Christ”
Joseph Smith Jr., The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Erik Pevernagie
“When grief impounds our thinking and eats our brains, it seeps through all the cracks of our daily living. Only the soothing wind of comforting words may counter the withering twilight and the frostiness of darkness. ("All the words he always wanted to tell her.")”
Erik Pevernagie

Alice Hoffman
“It was as if hope had appeared out of nowhere to settle beside her and it wasn't going anywhere, it wasn't going to desert her now.”
Alice Hoffman

Jacques Ellul
“No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty. It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself.”
Jacques Ellul, Anarchy and Christianity

Deborah Day
“Encourage, lift and strenthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all.”
Deborah Day

Banana Yoshimoto
“My loneliness was an important part of my own little universe, not some pathological disease that needs to be gotten [sic] rid of.”
Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita

Larada Horner-Miller
“The child in me remembers all those great Christmases and the anticipation. It was the anticipation that grabbed me —waiting, waiting, waiting! And wondering if my dream would come true!”
Larada Horner-Miller, Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir

Miss Read
“Thoughts by a graveside are too dark and deep to be sustained for any length of time. Sooner or later the hurt mind turns to the sun for healing, and this is as it should be, for otherwise, what future could any of us hope for, but madness?”
Miss Read, Village School

Charlotte Brontë
“Worn out with this torture of thought, I rose to my knees. Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night; too serene for the companionship of fear. We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us: and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His infinitude, His omnipotence, His omnipresence. I had risen to my knees to pray for Mr. Rochester. Looking up, I, with tear-dimmed eyes, saw the mighty Milky Way. Remembering what it was--what countless systems there swept space like a soft trace of light--I felt the might and strength of God. Sure was I of His efficiency to save what He had made: convinced I grew that neither earth should perish, nor one of the souls it treasured. I turned my prayer to thanksgiving: the Source of Life was also the Saviour of spirits. Mr. Rochester was safe: he was God's, and by God would he be guarded.”
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Susan Wiggs
“She knew the soothing power of a human touch on aching flesh. Knew the strange bond that formed when two creatures united in mutual need, one hurting, the other healing.”
Susan Wiggs, At the King's Command

Gina Greenlee
“Never underestimate the lingering effects of a dash of spontaneous comfort.”
Gina Greenlee, Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road

Caryll Houselander
“Soeur Marie Emelie"

Soeur Marie Emelie
is little and very old:
her eyes are onyx,
and her cheeks vermilion,
her apron wide and kind
and cobalt blue.

She comforts
generations and generations
of children,
who are
at the convent school.
When they are eight,
they are already up to her shoulder,
they grow up and go into the world,
she remains,
always incredibly old,
but incredibly never older...
She has an affinity with the hens,
When a hen dies,she sits down on a bench and cries,
she is the only grown-up, whose tears
are not frightening tears.
Children can weep without shame,
at her side...
Soeur Marie Emelie...
her apron as wide and kind
as skies on a summer day
and as clean and blue.”
Caryll Houselander, Flowering Tree

Iris Chang
“If you are struck by a bus, someone may steal your purse or wallet while you lie injured, but many more will come to your aid, trying to save your precious life. One person will call 911, and another will race down the street to alert a police officer on his or her beat. Someone else will take off his coat, fold it, and place it under your head, so that if these are indeed your last moments of life you will die in the small but real comfort of knowing that someone cared about you.”
Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II

W. Bruce Cameron
“I tried to be comfortable in the rough, cold sand, pressed up against Tutu Nani's leg. I could feel some of the fear leaving her as I lay there, so I didn't try to change position. Having a dog nearby always makes things better.”
W. Bruce Cameron, Zeus: Water Rescue

Sarah J. Maas
“He was sitting on the roof- in the dark. His great wings were spread behind him, draped over the tiles.

I slid into his lap, looping my arms around his neck.

He stared at the city around us. 'So few lights. So few lights left tonight.'

I did not look. I only traced the lines of his face, then brushed my thumb over his mouth. 'It is not your fault,' I said quietly.

His eyes shifted to mine, barely visible in the dark. 'Isn't it? I handed this city over to them. I said I would be willing to risk it, but... I don't know who I hate more: the king, those queens, or myself.'

I brushed the hair out of his face. He gripped my hand, halting my fingers. 'You shut me out,' he breathed. 'You- shielded against me. Completely. I couldn't find a way in.'

'I'm sorry.'

Rhys let out a bitter laugh. 'Sorry? Be impressed. That shield... What you did to the Attor...' He shook his head. 'You could have been killed.'

'Are you going to scold me for it?'

His brow furrowed. Then he buried his face in my shoulder. 'How could I scold you for defending my people? I want to throttle you, yes, for not going back to the town house, but... You chose to fight for them. For Velaris.' He kissed my neck. 'I don't deserve you.'

My heart strained. He meant it- truly felt that way. I stroked his hair again. And I said to him, the words the only sound in the silent, dark city, 'We deserve each other. And we deserve to be happy.'

Rhys shuddered against me. And when his lips found mine, I let him lay me down upon the roof tiles and make love to me under the stars.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Strong, broad hands rubbed down my spine, and I opened my eyes to find the room wholly black, Rhysand perched on the mattress beside me. 'Do you want anything to eat?' His voice was soft- tentative.

I didn't raise my head from the pillow. 'I feel... heavy again,' I breathed, voice breaking.

Rhys said nothing as he gathered me up into his arms. He was still in his jacket, as if he'd just come in from wherever he'd been talking with Cassian.

In the dark, I breathed in his scent, savoured his warmth. 'Are you all right?'

Rhys was quiet for a long minute. 'No.'

I slid my arms around him, holding him tightly.

'I should have found another way,' he said.

I stroked my fingers through his silken hair.

Rhys murmured, 'If she...' His swallow was audible. 'If she showed up at this house...' I knew who he meant. 'I would kill her. Without even letting her speak. I would kill her.'

'I know.' I would, too.

'You asked me at the library,' he whispered. 'Why I... Why I'd rather take all of this upon myself. Tonight is why. Seeing Mor cry is why. I made a bad call. Tried to find some other way around this shithole we're in.' And had lost something- Mor had lost something- in the process.

We held each other in silence for minutes. Hours. Two souls, twining in the dark. I lowered my shields, let him in fully. His mind curled around mine.

'Would you risk looking into it- the Ouroboros?' I asked.

'Not yet,' was all Rhys said, holding me tighter. 'Not yet.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“The storm had broken, and it was not what Cassian had expected. He had expected rage capable of bringing down mountains. Not tears enough to fill this lake.

Every sob had broken his heart.

Every shake of her body as the words worked themselves out of her had torn him to shreds. Until he hadn't been able to keep from wrapping himself around her, comforting her.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

W. Bruce Cameron
“The concern coming off both Kimo and Marco was raw and sharp, I knew that if I weren't in the crate could put my head in their laps and they would be comforted. A person will always feel better with a dog's head in their lap.”
W. Bruce Cameron, Zeus: Water Rescue

“I wept without end until suddenly a comforting feeling washed over me. If I could have heard God speak, I’m sure He would’ve said, “Yes, you fail, your heart is deceived, and it endlessly seeks things that hurt you, lie to you, and tear you from Me, but My heart seeks you. I will never give up on you.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Rory Miles
“Dane?” He lifts his bear head, sad brown eyes hitting me right in the soul. So much sorrow. “Are you okay, big guy? Do you want a hug? Or maybe some berries? Bears like berries, right? I’ll buy you the biggest bag of blackberries I can find if you come back to me in human form.”
Rory Miles, Shadow Slayer

Veronica Roth
“... I realized that what's out there is oblivious to us. There's no menace to it, because there's no intent. We're just fragile, and we break sometimes. And time keeps moving. I don't know. I think it's comforting - our smallness is comforting to me.”
Veronica Roth, Void

George Ceremuga
“It is immensely comforting to know that God loved us enough to share our burdens and pains. He has opened the gates of heaven for us so we can be in a place where there will be no more pain or sorrow.”
George Ceremuga, Lead with Love

Sarah Beth Durst
“And then she fled inside the bakery.
She exhaled once she was safely within. The scents of bread and cinnamon curled around her, and it was impossible to feel anxious. Being in the bakery felt like sitting by the nicest fireplace in the nicest reading room of the library. It was warm and welcoming, like the baker herself.”
Sarah Beth Durst, The Spellshop

Nadia El-Fassi
“After a while Heebie's tentative tail swishes and cautious sniffs around her cheeks. Dina shifted to her side so Heebie could crawl into the curve of her lap, kneading Dina's belly with her sharp little claws.
"What are you baking today, Madame Heebie?" Dina sniffed, tickling the cat under her chin as she kneaded. She liked to imagine Heebie in a little baker's hat and had once even tried knitting one--- but Heebie had hissed when Dina had tried to dress her in it. She wasn't sure how long she stayed there, petting Heebie's soft black fur, but slowly the pain in her chest started to loosen, as if gentle fingers were prying open a stiff knot thread by thread. It wasn't gone, but it was a little quieter for now.”
Nadia El-Fassi, Best Hex Ever

Chelsea Iversen
“But the plum tree lowered its branches and fanned leaves out wide to protect her from the chill, and soon, she was snug in her little nest. The cabbage roses bathed her in the smells of honey and leaned in to sing that sweet song they always did--- the one Harriet could not name, could not even be certain she could truly hear or only felt inside her chest. And the bluebells arched into her touch as she traced a delicate finger up their bowed stems.”
Chelsea Iversen, The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt

Sarah Strohmeyer
“WEEK ONE: Summer Abundance

Almond-Infused Hot White Chocolate over Iced Berries
Cold English Summer Pudding
Fresh and Easy Strawberry Crème Brûlée
Peach Cobbler D'Ours with Ginger Ice Cream
Limoncello Sorbet and Wild Maine Blueberries

WEEK TWO: Simple Comforts

Classic Tarte Tatin
Warm Cherry Crisp with Vermont Maple Cream
Almond Biscotti Tiramisu
Old-Fashioned Gingerbread and Lemon Sauce
Spiced Pear and Roquefort Flan

WEEK THREE: A Multiple Chocolate Orgasm

Grand Marnière Chocolate Mousse
Torta Caprese
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
Profiteroles with Dark Chocolate Kahlúa Sauce
Quick Chocolate Soufflé”
Sarah Strohmeyer, Sweet Love

“Things are getting ugly
very quickly,
and I see the fault lines getting darker, thicker,
more deeply embedded in the ground where we tread.
I see clearly, quickly the ones who are expendable
for too many people who are still comfortable
or believe they are comfortable
or believe they are somehow exempt from the wrath
of those trying to turn back time
to a world of kings and lords and peasants,
artists begging for pennies town to town,
lordly religious righteousness,
and pagans and witches
and those who are disabled or just 'different'
burned at the stake.”
Shellen Lubin

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