Death Wish Quotes
Quotes tagged as "death-wish"
Showing 1-30 of 36

“Then, Holden, the little Fang gang kid, came out of nowhere with an apparent death wish. He raced directly toward the maniac with the gun shrieking something that sounded like " I am Starfishhh!”

“What if I just want to die?"
"Then I will be sad and disappointed that you cheated yourself out of your chance at existence. Not all of us have that opportunity, you know, to choose life.”
― Never Eighteen
"Then I will be sad and disappointed that you cheated yourself out of your chance at existence. Not all of us have that opportunity, you know, to choose life.”
― Never Eighteen

“Pitiful and pitied by no one, why have I come to the ignominy of this detestable old age, who was ruler of two kingdoms, mother of two kings? My guts are torn from me, my family is carried off and removed from me. The young king [crown prince Henry, †1183] and the count of Britanny [prince Geoffrey, †1186] sleep in dust, and their most unhappy mother is compelled to be irremediably tormented by the memory of the dead. Two sons remain to my solace, who today survive to punish me, miserable and condemned. King Richard [the Lionheart] is held in chains [in captivity with Emperor Henry VI of Germany]. His brother, John, depletes his kingdom with iron [the sword] and lays it waste with fire. In all things the Lord has turned cruel to me and attacked me with the harshness of his hand. Truly his wrath battles against me: my sons fight amongst themselves, if it is a fight where where one is restrained in chains, the other, adding sorrow to sorrow, undertakes to usurp the kingdom of the exile by cruel tyranny. Good Jesus, who will grant that you protect me in hell and hide me until your fury passes, until the arrows which are in me cease, by which my whole spirit is sucked out?"
[Third letter to Pope Celestine (1193)]”
[Third letter to Pope Celestine (1193)]”

“But at the bottom, the immanent philosopher sees in the entire universe only the deepest longing for absolute annihilation, and it is as if he clearly hears the call that permeates all spheres of heaven: Redemption! Redemption! Death to our life! and the comforting answer: you will all find annihilation and be redeemed!”
― Die Philosophie der Erlösung
― Die Philosophie der Erlösung

“She was like John Rambo meets Polly Pocket; Dakota Fanning crossed with Death Wish 4.”
― Kick-Ass
― Kick-Ass
“We must be conscious of this; one day, the life we have, will be gone.”
― Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
― Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

“Sometimes I felt I would die by wishing it when I went to sleep but I always woke up again and found I was still there. Every morning finding I'm still me, that's hell."
"Well, get out of hell then! The gate's open and I'm holding it!"
"I can't. I'm hell, myself.”
― The Sea, the Sea
"Well, get out of hell then! The gate's open and I'm holding it!"
"I can't. I'm hell, myself.”
― The Sea, the Sea

“Oh dire, dreadful death, you drag your heels.
Why dawdle and draw back? You drown my heart.”
― The Death of King Arthur: A New Verse Translation
Why dawdle and draw back? You drown my heart.”
― The Death of King Arthur: A New Verse Translation

“Maybe my dissertation really had been as brilliant as he claimed, the truth was I remember almost nothing about it; the intellectual leaps I made when I was young were a distant memory to me, and now I was surrounded by a kind of aura, when really my only goal in life was to do a little reading and get in bed at four in the afternoon with a carton of cigarettes and a bottle; and yet, at the same time, I had to admit, I was going to die if I kept that up – I was going to die fast, unhappy and alone. And did I really want to die fast, unhappy and alone? In the end, only kind of.”
― Soumission
― Soumission
“If you have few days to live your life, what will be your passion for last days?”
― Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
― Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

“Everyone’s mind has sort of a slum division—a flirtatious spot that doesn’t give a hoot about how grave a situation is but constantly endeavors to derail more earnest thoughts, almost like a death-wish backseat driver.”
― Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy
― Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy
“We drove in silence for a while. Then out of nowhere, Nancy quietly said, 'I'm going to die very soon. Before my twenty-first birthday. I won't live to be twenty-one. I'm never gonna be old. I don't ever want to be ugly and old. I'm an old lady now anyhow. I'm eighty. There's nothing left. I've already lived a whole lifetime. I'm going out. In a blaze of glory.'
Then she was quiet.
Her words just lay there like a bombshell. No one wanted to touch them. She hadn't issued a threat, simply made a flat statement. We all believed her. Even Sid.
'I honestly can't understand her,' David [Nancy's brother] said as we drove home. 'She's dying. She knows it. Why won't she stop herself?'
'She doesn't want to,' Frank [Nancy's father] ]said sadly. 'She wants to die. She has for a long, long time. It's been her goal.'
'But why?' asked David.
'She hates being alive,' I said. 'She hates her pain. She hates herself. She wants to destroy herself.'
'Isn't there anything you guys can do?' asked David.
'Yes,' I said.
'Watch her die.”
― And I Don't Want to Live This Life: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder
Then she was quiet.
Her words just lay there like a bombshell. No one wanted to touch them. She hadn't issued a threat, simply made a flat statement. We all believed her. Even Sid.
'I honestly can't understand her,' David [Nancy's brother] said as we drove home. 'She's dying. She knows it. Why won't she stop herself?'
'She doesn't want to,' Frank [Nancy's father] ]said sadly. 'She wants to die. She has for a long, long time. It's been her goal.'
'But why?' asked David.
'She hates being alive,' I said. 'She hates her pain. She hates herself. She wants to destroy herself.'
'Isn't there anything you guys can do?' asked David.
'Yes,' I said.
'Watch her die.”
― And I Don't Want to Live This Life: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder
“Life on earth is temporary.
May we pursue peace and live in harmony with one another.”
― Think Great: Be Great!
May we pursue peace and live in harmony with one another.”
― Think Great: Be Great!

“Zugleich die Lust auf Provokation und Rückzug haben, instinktmäßig ein Störenfried und aus Überzeugung ein Leichnam sein!”

“You are far too well informed a man to pretend that you don’t know what little game you are playing. If you have presentiments of death, it is because of certain wishes. You desire to escape sexual impotence - impotence, in short - and you wish for death to save you from all that. It is one of the virility’s favorite ploys.”
― Au-delà de cette limite votre ticket n'est plus valable
― Au-delà de cette limite votre ticket n'est plus valable
“— He's {Sid Vicious] not nearly as threatening as I thought he'd be," David [Nancy Spungen's brother] observed. —
He's too zonked.
— At least she's calm around him, I said. —
Motherly, almost.
We went to bed. As he turned out the light Frank said, — Every time I look at the two of them, I keep thinking the same thing.
— What's that?
— That neither one of them looks like they're long for this world, he said sadly.
I couldn't sleep. I just lay there in the darkness, thinking, groping toward some kind of grasp on Nancy's relationship with Sid, her only lasting relationship.
They were two lost souls who had found each other. Their relationship came out of their inability to find what they wanted in the outside world. They were on the same wavelength. They fit each other's needs.
Both had trouble getting along with most people. Both were troubled and angry. Sid had the capacity to lash out in anger at others. Nancy tended to direct her anger at herself. She needed to have everything her way. Sid needed to have somebody tell him what to do. [...]
They were dependent on each other. They cared for each other. To them, what they had together was genuine love.”
He's too zonked.
— At least she's calm around him, I said. —
Motherly, almost.
We went to bed. As he turned out the light Frank said, — Every time I look at the two of them, I keep thinking the same thing.
— What's that?
— That neither one of them looks like they're long for this world, he said sadly.
I couldn't sleep. I just lay there in the darkness, thinking, groping toward some kind of grasp on Nancy's relationship with Sid, her only lasting relationship.
They were two lost souls who had found each other. Their relationship came out of their inability to find what they wanted in the outside world. They were on the same wavelength. They fit each other's needs.
Both had trouble getting along with most people. Both were troubled and angry. Sid had the capacity to lash out in anger at others. Nancy tended to direct her anger at herself. She needed to have everything her way. Sid needed to have somebody tell him what to do. [...]
They were dependent on each other. They cared for each other. To them, what they had together was genuine love.”

“Anyone who would willingly ride a bicycle through the frenzied streets of New York City could only have an I.Q. in the low double digits. That, or a death wish.”
― In Limbo
― In Limbo

“— Então — começou a Sra. Elm, encarando Nora. — O que você está sentindo agora?
— Como se ainda quisesse morrer. Faz tempo que venho querendo morrer. Já concluí por A mais B que minha dor de viver como a porra do desastre que eu sou é maior do que a dor que qualquer pessoa sentiria se eu morresse. Tenho certeza que seria um alívio, na verdade. Não tenho utilidade para ninguém. Eu sou péssima no trabalho. Deixei todo mundo na mão. Sou um desperdício de pegada de carbono, honestamente. Eu magoo as pessoas. Não tenho mais ninguém. Nem meu pobre e velho Volts, que morreu porque não consegui cuidar de um fato direito. Eu quero morrer. Minha vida é um desastre. Eu quero que acabe. Não fui feita para viver. E não faz o menor sentido eu passar por tudo isso. Porque é óbvio que meu destino é ser infeliz em outras vidas também. Essa sou eu. Não agrego nada. Estou chafurdando em autopiedade. Eu preciso da morte.
A Sra. Elm estudou Nora com atenção, como se estivesse lendo um trecho de um livro que já havia lido antes, mas descoberto agora que contia um novo significado.
— Precisar — disse ela, num tom de voz comedido — é uma palavra interessante. Implica estar carente de algo. Às vezes, se suprimos essa carência com outra coisa, a sensação original de precisar de algo desaparece completamente. Talvez seu problema seja a carência de alguma coisa e não você estar precisando de algo. Talvez exista uma vida que você precise muito viver.”
― The Midnight Library
— Como se ainda quisesse morrer. Faz tempo que venho querendo morrer. Já concluí por A mais B que minha dor de viver como a porra do desastre que eu sou é maior do que a dor que qualquer pessoa sentiria se eu morresse. Tenho certeza que seria um alívio, na verdade. Não tenho utilidade para ninguém. Eu sou péssima no trabalho. Deixei todo mundo na mão. Sou um desperdício de pegada de carbono, honestamente. Eu magoo as pessoas. Não tenho mais ninguém. Nem meu pobre e velho Volts, que morreu porque não consegui cuidar de um fato direito. Eu quero morrer. Minha vida é um desastre. Eu quero que acabe. Não fui feita para viver. E não faz o menor sentido eu passar por tudo isso. Porque é óbvio que meu destino é ser infeliz em outras vidas também. Essa sou eu. Não agrego nada. Estou chafurdando em autopiedade. Eu preciso da morte.
A Sra. Elm estudou Nora com atenção, como se estivesse lendo um trecho de um livro que já havia lido antes, mas descoberto agora que contia um novo significado.
— Precisar — disse ela, num tom de voz comedido — é uma palavra interessante. Implica estar carente de algo. Às vezes, se suprimos essa carência com outra coisa, a sensação original de precisar de algo desaparece completamente. Talvez seu problema seja a carência de alguma coisa e não você estar precisando de algo. Talvez exista uma vida que você precise muito viver.”
― The Midnight Library
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