Director Quotes
Quotes tagged as "director"
Showing 1-30 of 64

“Your life is a movie. You are the main character. You say your scripts and act to your lines. Of course you do your lines in each scene. There is a hidden camera and a director who you can ask for help anytime up above.”

“A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later?"
Stanley Kubrick”
Stanley Kubrick”

“Your life experience is a moving picture, of which you are writer, director, performer, producer and critic.”
― From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence
― From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence
“A director is a general in charge of an army of traitors like any showman. An audience will love you, laugh with you and wait outside your stage door when you're hot and on a roll, but no audience is ever truly friendly. Not for long. Bore 'em or disappoint 'em - even once - and they'll turn on you and tear you to pieces, regardless of who you are or might once have been.”

“There are four hundred and fifty films written by Black screenwriters/filmmakers every year. Sadly, of these, only three will ever see the light of day. ("The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style," 2018)”
― The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style
― The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style

“You become a director by calling yourself a director and you then persuade other people that this is true.”
― The Shifting Point: Theatre, Film, Opera 1946-1987
― The Shifting Point: Theatre, Film, Opera 1946-1987
“A great director gives life to a work of art- gives it a heartbeat... a pulse... opens its eyes to the world.”
“No matter the adversity, you can choose and take actions to determine how your story will be written, told, and end. You are the author, actor, and director no matter who else believes they are.”

“Cat Ellington is the Bo Jackson of the creative arts. Everything she does, she does extremely well. And I'm proud of her. I'm proud to say that a woman as beautiful and gifted as she is has a solid place in both my personal and professional lives. ("The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style," 2018)”
― The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style
― The Making of Dual Mania: Filmmaking Chicago Style
“I cobbled together that film-school experience for myself. I didn't ever sit in a classroom: I would watch DVD commentaries of directors. I was like, "...So, this person is just going to walk me through every single thing they did to make this movie? And it's on every movie ever made?!"
All that's to say: There are different ways to learn.”
All that's to say: There are different ways to learn.”
“In view of the fact that the manager is primarily in most cases the point of reference for the company in the business streets, he is generally authorized by a power of attorney provided by the shareholders of the company or via the MOA of the company. In certain cases exceeding the powers given to the manager may make the manager, or the LLC itself, liable, depending on the nature of the manager’s actions.”

“It takes a special combination of selfishness and selflessness to be a director, and I’ve found I have just enough of both.”
“Thane Stenner is currently the Director & Senior VP of Stenner Wealth Partners+ at Canaccord Wealth Management.”

“The Director’s primary focus is outward. The Director’s job is to figure out how the company fits into and interacts with the rest of the world. Yes, the Director is often the face of the company, but, more important, they are the interface between the company and the world. They are the curator of the vision, because they understand the game board is really just one game board sitting in a world of infinite game boards. Ideally, they are purely strategic. It’s likely they are strong tactically, but they lead with compelling strategy, not efficient tactics. In my experience, Directors tend to be viewed as being a little nuts, and explaining why is one of the reasons I wanted to write this piece. See, pure strategy doesn’t look or feel anything like raw tactics.”
― Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager
― Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

“The slightly obscured secret that you may not know is that the Leads of Leads are running the company. That’s right—all those fancy Directors running around looking important and emitting those pithy one-liners on productivity—they are dependent on the Leads of Leads to make sure the work actually gets done. This is not to suggest that the Director role isn’t essential, as we’ll see it is in a moment, but these Leads of Leads, these folks who are ridiculed for being “middle management,” they are the people and process machinery that keeps the machine running efficiently.”
― Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager
― Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

“You are like a stage set director through which you arrange then play out life's scenes.”
― Life Is A Circus
― Life Is A Circus
“Of course, Adam was still counting days the old way, as Sunday was the first day of the week, so he was misinforming me as to which day his father actually arrived in Spain, seemingly by accident, by mistake. Perhaps it was a mistake that Adam had confused the European calendar with the Israeli calendar from time to time; perhaps it was not a mistake.
Ferran actually arrived the following day, Tuesday, according to the Gregorian calendar and not Monday, when we had all been preparing for his arrival with Martina in vain. I had wanted to introduce her to the old man nicely. However, Tuesday, when he was scheduled to arrive, Mario Larese - Mister Twister - showed up, banging the glass of the store-front door, echoing throughout the entire store and upstairs apartment, as if he was about to break the glass if I did not go down to open it. He was knocking on the plain, large glass of the door with either a lighter or with his metal ring; I don't know which, but it was terrible. I knew Ferran could arrive at any moment, so I told Martina it might be best if she went home to Paola and let me take care of the business. I couldn't ignore Mario, who was almost breaking the glass, seemingly because he had seen my scooter parked in front of the store. I opened the door and he started pushing his way inside, saying, “Let's smoke a joint and drink a coffee.” I replied, “Slow down, cowboy. I've got company, I'm expecting more company, and I just woke up. I have no time now; sorry, Mario.” He kept banging the door because he wanted to smoke somewhere early in the morning, and Canale Vuo was still closed. I was so tempted to slap him. Unintentionally, I let slip that I was expecting Ferran, which only increased his refusal to leave. Theatrical. Dramatic. He wasn't going to get out of my store, my way, my day, my life, my struggle, or my schedule.
Meanwhile, the same time, Nico was bugging me on the phone to make sure I delivered a box of 1,000 cones for La Silla because they needed it to make pre-rolled joints for their smokers. They sold 2-3,000 pre-rolled joints a week, ordering two boxes weekly, thus making me waste my time for free. I started to think it had all been planned just to make me lose time every week. They sold 3,000 joints a week and yet couldn't afford more than two boxes of cones to purchase to keep up. Tuesday morning was so urgent for La Silla to get those 1,000 brown cones right then. Just for Nico's 5-euro commission and so he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of his friends at La Silla with his sales performance - no problem. I couldn't kick out Mario, and I didn't want to kick out Martina, who apparently didn't want to leave. I asked them to leave, but Mario was leaning on the kitchen table and unable to look up or turn toward me to meet my gaze. Martina was looking at me angrily. So, I told them both, “OK then, stay here; let the old man inside once he arrives. I have to deliver this box of cones to La Silla right away, but I will be right back. 20 minutes tops.”
Adam had also failed to inform me that he had copied a set of keys for his dad at one point, and he had somehow sent them to Israel by mail, I guess. Martina did not need to stay in the store to let Ferran in, but I did not know that. Adam was always secretive and brief with his words, as if it cost him money to say words out of his mouth or dictate to Rachel what to write in an email or what he was supposed to tell me on the phone. I thought that Martina had to stay to let Ferran into the store in case he arrived just when I went to La Mesa to do a favor for Nico. I was on my way back to Urgell from La Silla, when Adam suddenly called me from Amsterdam, screaming on the phone.”
Ferran actually arrived the following day, Tuesday, according to the Gregorian calendar and not Monday, when we had all been preparing for his arrival with Martina in vain. I had wanted to introduce her to the old man nicely. However, Tuesday, when he was scheduled to arrive, Mario Larese - Mister Twister - showed up, banging the glass of the store-front door, echoing throughout the entire store and upstairs apartment, as if he was about to break the glass if I did not go down to open it. He was knocking on the plain, large glass of the door with either a lighter or with his metal ring; I don't know which, but it was terrible. I knew Ferran could arrive at any moment, so I told Martina it might be best if she went home to Paola and let me take care of the business. I couldn't ignore Mario, who was almost breaking the glass, seemingly because he had seen my scooter parked in front of the store. I opened the door and he started pushing his way inside, saying, “Let's smoke a joint and drink a coffee.” I replied, “Slow down, cowboy. I've got company, I'm expecting more company, and I just woke up. I have no time now; sorry, Mario.” He kept banging the door because he wanted to smoke somewhere early in the morning, and Canale Vuo was still closed. I was so tempted to slap him. Unintentionally, I let slip that I was expecting Ferran, which only increased his refusal to leave. Theatrical. Dramatic. He wasn't going to get out of my store, my way, my day, my life, my struggle, or my schedule.
Meanwhile, the same time, Nico was bugging me on the phone to make sure I delivered a box of 1,000 cones for La Silla because they needed it to make pre-rolled joints for their smokers. They sold 2-3,000 pre-rolled joints a week, ordering two boxes weekly, thus making me waste my time for free. I started to think it had all been planned just to make me lose time every week. They sold 3,000 joints a week and yet couldn't afford more than two boxes of cones to purchase to keep up. Tuesday morning was so urgent for La Silla to get those 1,000 brown cones right then. Just for Nico's 5-euro commission and so he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of his friends at La Silla with his sales performance - no problem. I couldn't kick out Mario, and I didn't want to kick out Martina, who apparently didn't want to leave. I asked them to leave, but Mario was leaning on the kitchen table and unable to look up or turn toward me to meet my gaze. Martina was looking at me angrily. So, I told them both, “OK then, stay here; let the old man inside once he arrives. I have to deliver this box of cones to La Silla right away, but I will be right back. 20 minutes tops.”
Adam had also failed to inform me that he had copied a set of keys for his dad at one point, and he had somehow sent them to Israel by mail, I guess. Martina did not need to stay in the store to let Ferran in, but I did not know that. Adam was always secretive and brief with his words, as if it cost him money to say words out of his mouth or dictate to Rachel what to write in an email or what he was supposed to tell me on the phone. I thought that Martina had to stay to let Ferran into the store in case he arrived just when I went to La Mesa to do a favor for Nico. I was on my way back to Urgell from La Silla, when Adam suddenly called me from Amsterdam, screaming on the phone.”
“Scott Byer's journey is one of continuous self-improvement and growth. He's an avid reader of self-improvement books and financial literature, always seeking to expand his knowledge and skills.”

“I saw it as a movie about this uncontrolled, individualistic, do-it-your-way form of life—our way of life—which defeated those dictatorial sons-a-bitches.” -- director John Sturges”
― Escape Artist: The Life and Films of John Sturges
― Escape Artist: The Life and Films of John Sturges
“Your Life is your personal Movie: you're the Director, Producer, Promoter and Spectator. Action!”
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