Effy Sayre Quotes

Quotes tagged as "effy-sayre" Showing 1-25 of 25
Ava Reid
“I wanted you, too. For so long. It was terrible. Sometimes I could barely eat- sorry, I know that sounds like the strangest thing. But for days I didn't feel hungry at all. I was... occupied. You took away all the other wanting from me.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Be safe. Be smart. Be sweet.'

'All three? That's a lot to ask.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Some things are constant,' Effy said. 'They must be. I think that's why so many poets write about the sea.'

'Maybe the idea of constancy is what's actually terrifying. Fear of the sea is fear of the eternal- because how can you win against something so enduring. So vast and so deep.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I just wanted to tell you,' he said, 'when this is over, I'll take care of you, too. If you want me to.'

Effy closed her eyes, and even the blackness there behind them was bright with false stars. 'I do.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“-the ephemerality of things is what gives them meaning. That things are only beautiful because they don't last. Full moons, flowers in bloom, you. But if any of that is evidence, I think it must be true.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“It's terrifying,' Effy confessed.

'Most beautiful things are,' Ianto said.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Fear and pain could be endured if you knew that eventually, they would end.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“The truth was very costly at times. How terrible, to navigate the world without a story to comfort you.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I'm not happy to be the most interesting thing in Saltney, but regrettably, I can assure you that that is the case.'

'I don't know about that.' Effy thought of the shepherd, the stones in her pocket. She decided not to mention any of that. Instead she said. 'Not to wound your ego, but I saw some very interesting sheep dung on my way over here.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“That was why something might become a ghost- its life had meant so little, no one had even mourned it.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I find you very charming underneath all the smugness.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I meant what I told you before,' he said softly. 'I want to take care of you. When we get back to Caer-Isel, the horrible professors and the horrible students... I never want you to have to weather it all alone again.'

Effy's throat tightened. 'They're cruel. They'll be cruel to you, too.'

'It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid to care about you, Effy.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Sew me a shirt with no seam or needle-work. Plant an acre of land with one ear of corn. Build a house on a sinking cliff and win your freedom.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I'll fight for you, Effy. I promise.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Preston?' she said. Her voice sounded strange: small, wondering. Almost hopeful.

He glanced up. 'Yes?'

'Thank you.'

'For what?'

'For caring whether or not I die of sepsis,' she said.

'Oh,' he said. 'Well, you can never be too cautious. People have died in much more banal ways.'

'Thank you for giving me the chance to die of something interesting, then.'

'As long as you don't throw yourself out of any more moving cars.' There was a slight quiver on the left side of his mouth, as if he were trying not to smile. Behind his glasses, his eyes were solemn. 'There are far more interesting deaths out there.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Just because it's an archaic belief doesn't mean it's not true.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“The truth was an ugly, dangerous thing.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I know you well enough. You aren't terrible. You're nothing close.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“The small things were never what ruined you. If she were kneeling and examining the shells on the beach, she wouldn't see the titanic wave raising over her head.

What sort of things would she wonder about, if she weren't always waiting for the next wave to come?”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“You don't see yourself very clearly, Effy.' Preston shifted in his seat so that they were facing one another. 'Challenging me isn't pestering. I'm not always right. Sometimes I deserve to be challenged. And changing your mind isn't foolish. It just means you've learned something new. Everyone changes their mind sometimes, as they should, or else they're just, I don't know, stubborn and ignorant. Moving water is healthy; stagnant water is sickly. Tainted.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I wish I could see you more clearly right now. But even blurry you're so beautiful.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“She had fashioned herself into an escape artist, a magician whose only trick was vanishing. Permanence was dangerous. It had always felt like a trap.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I wish we could have stayed there,' Preston whispered into her hair. 'Forever- impossibly. I'm sorry for saying all that inane nonsense about things only mattering because they don't last. That was hubris, I think. I don't want to die here.' I want-”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“I love you.' Effy pressed her forehead against his.

'I love you,' Preston said, voice wavering. 'I'm so sorry it's ruined us both.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Ava Reid
“Believing Myrddin’s stories had become an escape act too, her greatest and most enduring one. But it had made her unstable, untrustworthy, a fragile, flighty thing. That was the cruelest irony: the more you did to save yourself, the less you became a person worth saving.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning