Expeditions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "expeditions" Showing 1-9 of 9
Tove Jansson
“Moominmamma had got up very early to pack their rucksacks, and was bustling to and fro with wooly stockings and packets of sandwiches, while down by the bridge Moominpappa was getting their raft in order.
"Mamma, dar," said Moomintroll, "we can't possibly take all that with us. Everyone will laugh."
"It's cold in the Lonely Mountains," said Moominmamma, stuffing in an umbrella and a frying pan. "Have you got a compass?"
"Yes," answered Moomintroll, "but couldn't you at least leave out the plates -- we can easily eat off rhubarb leaves.”
Tove Jansson, Comet in Moominland

Tove Jansson
“The star we're looking for isn't so very friendly," said Moomintroll. "Quite the contrary, in fact."
"What did you say?" said Sniff.
Moomintroll went a bit red. "I mean -- stars in general," he said, "big and small, friendly and unfriendly, and so on."
"Can they be unfriendly?" asked Snufkin.
"Yes -- ones with tails," answered Moomintroll. "Comets."
At last it dawned on Sniff. "You're hiding something from me!" he said accusingly. "That pattern we saw everywhere, and you said it didn't mean anything!"
"You're too small to be told everything," answered Moomintroll.
"Too small!" screamed Sniff. "I must say it's a fine thing to take me on an expedition of discovery and not tell me what I'm supposed to be discovering!”
Tove Jansson, Comet in Moominland

“I will not live my whole life for a few moments of bliss, but I am happy to risk it for them”
Hendri Coetzee, Living the Best Day Ever

“I want to be a true explorer, a really hard cut. I wanted to be tested, to live without the safety net and find out what I am made of. I want the freedom of the unknown.”
Hendri Coetzee, Living the Best Day Ever

“The thing about life is we already know the ending is death. Personally I have tried to at least give the bits in the middle every chance of surprising me. We all start and end the same , but what happens in between might be up to us”
Hendri Coetzee, Living the Best Day Ever

Jeff VanderMeer
“The time for expeditions was over.”
Jeff VanderMeer, Acceptance

Stephen Trafton
“If you're not moving, you're standing still.”
Stephen Trafton, At The Edge: A life in search of challenge

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“I would climb the mountains frequently to tune in my nature with theirs.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya