Fatness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fatness" Showing 1-21 of 21
David Levithan
“If I were in a different body, this would be the time I would lean down and kiss her. If I were in a different body, that kiss could transform the night from off to on. If I were in a different body, she would see me inside. She would see what she wanted to see.

But now it's awkward.”
David Levithan, Every Day

Lindy West
“If you really want change to happen, if you really want to "help" fat people, you need to understand that shaming an already-shamed population is, well, shameful.”
Lindy West, Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman

David Levithan
“Because of the size of this body, I must concentrate much harder than I usually do. Even the small things -- my foot on the gas pedal, the amount of space I have to leave around me in the halls -- require major adjustment.

And there are the looks I get -- such undisguised disgust. Not just from other students. From teachers. From strangers. The judgment flows freely. It's possible that they're reacting to the thing that Finn has allowed himself to become. But there's also something more primal, something more defensive in their disgust. I am what they fear becoming.

I've worn black today, because I've heard so often that it's supposed to be slimming. But instead I am this sphere of darkness submarining through the halls.”
David Levithan, Every Day

Dan Pearce
“Because I hated myself so much for my fatness, I always looked for other fat people, and especially for fatter people, to judge as harshly as the world seemed to be judging me. And you know what? There was always someone fatter who was more disgusting than I was, more not with it, and more lazy. It helped me validate myself as mis-seen, misunderstood, and misevaluated. It also helped me find some sort of weird self-esteem that I never could find when looking at myself in the mirror.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Julie   Murphy
“The word fat makes people uncomfortable. But when you see me, the first thing you notice is my body. And my body is fat. It’s like how I notice some girls have big boobs or shiny hair or knobby knees. Those things are okay to say. But the word fat, the one that best describes me, makes lips frown and cheeks lose their color. But that’s me. I’m fat. It’s not a cuss word. It’s not an insult. At least it’s not when I say it. So I always figure why not get it out of the way?”
Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

Julie   Murphy
“No matter how much I tell myself that the fat and the stretch marks don’t matter, they do.”
Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

Julie   Murphy
“I don't exactly get to be moody or snappy when I don't feel like putting on a happy face, because when most people meet me, I'm already starting out with a deficit. Fat girls don't get that luxury.”
Julie Murphy, Puddin'

Gretchen Felker-Martin
“It was funny, she thought, that people treated her flesh like a public resource, a reservoir for all their insecurities and emotional dysfunction, when it was she who had their insides at her fingertips.”
Gretchen Felker-Martin, Manhunt

Dan Pearce
“People usually live up to their expectations. The kid picked first for dodgeball feels a duty to be the best, and to perform the best, and to be better than anyone else. They feel a need to execute. And, the only way they are going to achieve that is to make their body run faster, jump higher, and move quicker.

If more fat kids were chosen first for activities and sports and group/team dynamics, they would automatically start to change their lives to fit into the expectations that surround those moments. Any time a child is picked last, they know it’s because people expect the least of them, and so they never actually have a need to rise above that.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Penelope Lively
“He is not exactly fat, but he has the tight, glossy look of a man whose skin fits a little too well.”
Penelope Lively, Moon Tiger

Renée  Watson
“I wonder why girls with bodies like mine can't even model the clothes that are made for us.”
Renée Watson, Watch Us Rise

Sol Luckman
“In my experience women can balloon for no reason at all.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Daniel E. Lieberman
“...the nearly universal tendency to crave rich food like cake and cheeseburgers and store the excess calories as fat is maladaptive under today's conditions of relentless abundance, but it must have been highly advantageous in the past when food was scarcer and less calorific.”
Daniel E. Lieberman, The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease

Daniel E. Lieberman
“...humans are unusually fat compared to most mammals, and there is good reason to believe that ever since brains expanded and development slowed down in archaic Homo, we also became relatively fat.”
Daniel E. Lieberman, The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease

Daniel E. Lieberman
“Prevention really is the most powerful medicine, but we as a species consistenly lack the political or psychological will to act preventively in our own best interests.”
Daniel E. Lieberman, The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease

Daniel E. Lieberman
“We enjoy rest and relaxation, but our bodies are still those of endurance athletes evolved to walk many miles a day and often run, as well as dig, climb and carry. We love many comforts, but we are not well adapted to spend our days indoors in chairs, wearing supportive shoes, staring at books or screens for hours on end.”
Daniel E. Lieberman, The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease

“The evolved preference for sugary and fatty foods (a functional mechanism) may lead to obesity because of a mismatch with modern nutrition (a maladaptive outcome), which in turn increases the risk of heart failure (a harmful dysfunction).”
Marco del Giudice, Evolutionary Psychopathology: A Unified Approach

“Increasing technologies, globalisation, and wealth, along with sedentary jobs, have led to a much less active lifestyle for many humans, with consequences for general health and increasing rates of overweight and obesity. This lack of exercise coupled with malnutrition, specifically referring here to poor-quality, obesogenic diets, are thought to be responsible for epidemics of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).”
Kimberly A. Plomp, Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach

Randolph M. Nesse
“Except for professional athletes, dancers, cowboys, and a few other groups, most people in modern industrial societies have abnormally low energy expenditures. Workers sitting in swivel chairs or in driver's seats of cars or even pushing vacuum cleaners or electrically powered lawn mowers are being sedentary, and their leisure hours may be even more so.”
Randolph M. Nesse, Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine

Will Advise
“If it’s not immortal,
it cannot be love,
said the poet,
but the people,
each know better,
how exactly they should swim,
in each sea, yet they are fatter,
none they hear,
advice with full.

The way up is easy –
you love till the end,
and you sing your song,
till you can be there,
in Heaven, alone.”
Will Advise, На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...