Friends Quotes

Quotes tagged as "friends" Showing 1-30 of 3,891
Albert Camus
“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend”
Albert Camus

Mark Twain
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

Groucho Marx
“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx

Marilyn Monroe
“This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soulmate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”
Marilyn Monroe

J.K. Rowling
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Ernest Hemingway
“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
Ernest Hemingway

Henri J.M. Nouwen
“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.”
Henri Nouwen, Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson in His Journals

Charles William Eliot
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
Charles W. Eliot

J.R.R. Tolkien
“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Nicholas Sparks
“You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue

Groucho Marx
“When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.”
Groucho Marx

Jane Austen
“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.”
Jane Austen, Jane Austen's Letters

“A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever”
Dave Matthews Band

“I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don't walk away, don't be distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.”
Jon Katz

Haruki Murakami
“Nobody likes being alone that much. I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all. It just leads to disappointment. ”
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Friedrich Nietzsche
“The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Abraham Lincoln
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
Abraham Lincoln

Stephen        King
“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.”
Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

S.E. Hinton
“If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky.”
S.E. Hinton

Joshua Slocum
“I had already found that it was not good to be alone, and so made companionship with what there was around me, sometimes with the universe and sometimes with my own insignificant self; but my books were always my friends, let fail all else.”
Joshua Slocum, Sailing Alone around the World

Cassandra Clare
“Must you go? I was rather hoping you'd stay and be a ministering angel, but if you must go, you must."

"I'll stay," Will said a bit crossly, and threw himself down in the armchair Tessa had just vacated. "I can minister angelically."

"None too convincingly. And you're not as pretty to look at as Tessa is," Jem said, closing his eyes as he leaned back against the pillow.

"How rude. Many who have gazed upon me have compared the experience to gazing at the radiance of the sun."

Jem still had his eyes closed. "If they mean it gives you a headache, they aren't wrong.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

George Bernard Shaw
“Animals are my friends...and I don't eat my friends.”
George Bernard Shaw

Nicholas Sparks
“People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue

Emilie Autumn
“It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.”
Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

Simone de Beauvoir
“I am awfully greedy; I want everything from life. I want to be a woman and to be a man, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to travel and enjoy myself, to be selfish and to be unselfish… You see, it is difficult to get all which I want. And then when I do not succeed I get mad with anger.”
Simone de Beauvoir

Fred Rogers
“When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.”
Fred Rogers

Eleanor Roosevelt
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart”
Eleanor Roosevelt

L.M. Montgomery
“True friends are always together in spirit.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

John Steinbeck
“I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's
John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

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