Grounded Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grounded" Showing 1-30 of 73
Rupi Kaur
“it was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole.”
Rupi Kaur

Michael G. Kramer
“McGregor went on to say, “Hamish, take word of this situation directly to Robert de Bruce, who is currently in the Glasgow area. Let him know that the Sassenach queen is at Tynemouth Priory and that we are going to capture her! She will fetch us a high ransom price from the Sassenach king!”
Michael G. Kramer, Isabella Warrior Queen

Erik Pevernagie
“If the glare of the public eye has become unbearable, our inner child may claim its rights and our bodily shadow might turn into our mental second self, become our anchor, make us stay grounded and grant us deepness and intensity. By retreating from the blaze of display into our substantial self, we gain rootedness, insight and new worldly wisdom. ("Not without my shadow")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“When the whole world is entrenched in the bunker of physical and often emotional isolation, only flexibility and ingenuity can revive us to remain grounded and imbibe the bolstering sunlight piercing through the canvas of chaos. (Because the world has corona)”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“If we remain humble and grounded in nature's wisdom, our mind will guide us safely through the confines of unawareness and the blindness of ignorance. ("Why step out of nature ?")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“We need not be afraid of learning to know ourselves, fearing it would come down to disappointment. Remaining humble allows us to have compassion for ourselves for not being perfect. If we stay lucid and grounded, we steer clear of the steep cliffs of delusional self-importance or arrogance.( "I am on my own side, but I can listen" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“By mistaking alluring shadows for reality and mixing up appearances that project idealized versions of ourselves or misleading images of others, we may be deceived by willful illusions instead of remaining grounded. ("Blind date")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“During energy deflation, we must first re-evaluate our values, motivations, and capacities because this helps us adopt a more grounded, realistic approach to life. By cultivating a creative, transformative power that shapes our destiny, we enforce our own in-depth agenda and avoid falling short and becoming "fallen stars."
("Feeling like a fallen star")”
Erik Pevernagie

J.R. Rim
“Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.”
J.R. Rim

Steve Goodier
“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.”
Steve Goodier

Lisi Harrison
“sodoyouthinkyoucouldtrustmetogotothedancetonight?" she blurted before losing her nerve.
Viktor and Viveka exchanged a quick glance.
Are they considering it? They are! They trust -
"No," they said together.
Frankie resisted the urge to spark. Or scream. Or threaten to go on a charging strike. She had prepared herself for this. It had always been a possibility. That's why she'd read 'Acting For Young Actors: The Ultimate Teenage Guide' by Mary Lou Belli and Dihah Lenney. So she could act like she understood their rejection. Act like she accepted it. And act like she would return to her room with grace. "Well, thanks for hearing me out," she said, kissing them on the cheeks and skipping off to bed. "Good night."
"Good night?" Viktor responded. "That's it? No argument?"
"No argument," Frankie said with a sweet smile. "You have to see this punishment through or you're not teaching me anything. I get it."
"O-kay." Viktor returned to his medical journal, shaking his head as if he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing.
"We love you." Viveka blew another kiss.
"I love you, too." Frankie blew two back.
Time for Plan B.”
Lisi Harrison, Monster High

Ann Brashares
“In a flash of wonderment she saw firm, continuous ground under her feet, stretching from back then to right now and on and on as far as her eyes could take her.”
Ann Brashares, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood

Neal Shusterman
“Centering, however, is easier said than done. This I learned from a ceramics class I once took. The teacher made throwing a pot look easy, but the thing is, it takes lots of precision and skill. You slam the ball of clay down in the absolute center of the pottery wheel, and with steady hands you push your thumb into the middle of it, spreading it wider a fraction of an inch at a time. But every single time I tried to do it, I only got so far before my pot warped out of balance, and every attempt to fix it just made it worse, until the lip shredded, the sides collapsed, and I was left with what the teacher called “a mystery ashtray,” which got hurled back into the clay bucket.

So what happens when your universe begins to get off balance, and you don’t have any experience with bringing it back to center? All you can do is fight a losing battle, waiting for those walls to collapse, and your life to become one huge mystery ashtray.”
Neal Shusterman, Challenger Deep

Abhijit Naskar
“I prefer the ground over the pedestal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sleepless for Society

Cole Arthur Riley
“Did you know that birds do not land because they're tired? It is a rememberance. They know and have always known that their liberation depends on their ability to recall the ground.”
Cole Arthur Riley, This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories That Make Us

Glennon Doyle Melton
“To be humble is to be grounded in knowing who you are. It implies the responsibility to become what you were meant to become—to grow, to reach, to fully bloom as high and strong and grand as you were created to. It is not honorable for a tree to wilt and shrink and disappear. It’s not honorable for a woman to, either.”
Glennon Doyle Melton, Untamed

Donna Goddard
“We mustn’t withdraw from human interaction because it can be difficult. It keeps us grounded and helps us to grow through real and challenging situations. We do not need to decide which community to belong to. We just live life to the best of our ability and follow our interests and we will find ourselves within a community of people perfect for our growth.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing

Donna Goddard
“People often have a romantic ideal of the forest, but if you sit under a tree, every insect within a ten-metre radius will make a beeline for you. It’s not romantic. It is, however, transformative. To feel its pulse, its rhythm, its life. To learn its ways, its regenerative power, its creative prowess.”
Donna Goddard, Prana

Robin S. Baker
“Reading a physical book grounds me. Sitting still and taking in all of its words comfortably plants me into the present moment.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“When you start feeling an overwhelming amount of energy pile up on you, that is indicating that you need to put your devices down, relax, and detox. Take a step back for a second and get back to a grounded space.”
Robin S. Baker

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Just because life is unstable doesn’t mean you have to be.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Donna Goddard
“If you listen to someone talking to themselves, what they are saying is basically the same as what people are always saying to themselves in their own minds. The difference is generally not in the content, but that they are saying it aloud. The line between talking silently to oneself and talking those same thoughts out loud, unchecked and unawares, is the demarcation of sanity. If one wants to venture into extra-sensory experiences of life then one should have a very firm grip of that line. Otherwise, the fine line of sanity will be transgressed and the person may have a hard time retrieving it which explains why many spiritual groups are full of loonies.”
Donna Goddard, Purnima

Megan Morrison
“Why," Rapunzel asked, "did the Black want to become mortality? Why make humans who can die if you can make fairies? What's the point?"
Glyph smiled a little. "You have joined the great search," she said.
"For what?"
"The answer.”
Megan Morrison

“When rooted and grounded in The Divine, you can rise above every misery." Tirzah Libert”
Tirzah Libert

“When we are grounded in our awareness, we can be more present with what we are experiencing in our bodies — in all the spaces that live between our head and our feet.”
Raegan Robinson

“If there is a moral in this book, it is not my fault. If there is social relevance, it crept in without alerting me, in which case I would have hit it with a stick." (from preface to a later edition of the novel)”
Paul St. Pierre, Breaking Smith's Quarter Horse

Robin S. Baker
“No matter how crazy it may feel, I found that following my intuitive hunch is always my best bet. When we are grounded, it will never steer us in the wrong direction. Acting as our guiding light and divine compass. So do not question it. Instead, place your full trust in this.”
Robin S. Baker

“Whenever they grounded me, I would sneak out the windows. Whenever they took my keys, I would arrange a ride with friends. Whenever they took my phone, I would use the house phone. Whenever they restricted me, I would leave and not come home for days at a time. Whenever they tightened their grip, I would get a job and go to wrestling tournaments, finding every legitimate excuse to get out of the house, evade responsibility, and keep partying. I was completely uncooperative and manipulated everything in my favor.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“The advice from friends, family, and acquaintances is excellent, but having the discernment to go directly to God will elevate tons of heartache.”
Sandra E. Jackson, Daily Sprinkles of Wisdom : Biblically Based Devotions

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