Influencers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "influencers" Showing 1-30 of 126
Erik Pevernagie
“If we uphold our journalistic integrity, we can navigate the challenging balance between being trusted informants and influencers with the power of the media. Is it not our first aim to avoid eroding public trust and violating ethical standards? ("News of the World")”
Erik Pevernagie

Merlin Franco
“Rule number one on a dance floor: if you see that girl who smiles for no reason, gives you boobs-pressing hugs, compliments you, and encourages you to keep on dancing, then she is an event promoter or a multilevel marketing agent”
Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

Germany Kent
“5 Ways To Build Your Brand on Social Media:

1 Post content that add value
2 Spread positivity
3 Create steady stream of info
4 Make an impact
5 Be yourself”
Germany Kent
tags: add-value, authors, be-social, bloggers, blogging, brand-image, building, change, change-agent, communication, content, content-curators, content-is-key, creative, digital, digital-age, digital-footprint, digital-marketing, digital-strategy, digital-transformation, digital-trends, dreams, focus, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, global-impact, higher-ed, higher-education, impact, increase-engagement, influencers, innovation, inspiration, internet, internet-marketing, lead-generation, logistics, marketing, marketing-strategy, marketing-tips, media, motivational-speakers, network-marketers, networking, online, online-branding, online-promotion, online-visibility, passion, personal-branding, positivity, power-of-twitter, progress, resource, resourceful, self-help-authors, seo, smart, social, social-behavior, social-change, social-content, social-correct, social-impact, social-media, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-experts, social-media-for-authors, social-media-influencers, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-networking, social-selling, storytellers, strategy, success, success-tips, successful, tech-for-good, think-before-you-post, thought-leaders, thought-provoking, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, twitter-tips, vision, what-you-tweet, will, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet

Peter Hitchens
“Those who write where many read, and speak where many listen, had best be careful what they say. Someone is bound to take them seriously, and it really is no good pretending that you didn’t know this.”
Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith

Jonathan Haidt
“We are physical, embodied creatures who evolved to use our hands, facial expressions, and head movements as communication channels, responding in real time to the similar movements of our partners. Gen Z is learning to pick emojis instead.”
Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness

Abhijit Naskar
“Take off your clothes and post a selfie,
A million animals will shower you attention.
But cover up all and open your heart,
Only precious few humans will care to listen.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

“Everyone roots for the underdog to win, but once you start winning, you’re no longer the underdog, and then everyone wants to see you lose.”
Monique Turner, Island of Influencers

“It’s like nothing they do or say can ever match up to the image I created of them inside my own head.
I wonder what image the audience has of me, and whether it matches up to who I really am.”
Monique Turner, Island of Influencers

“The mind is a powerful tool. Use it to your advantage, and you can achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.”
Dan Pena, 3 Day QLA Seminar 1995

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet 1106

When an expert doesn't know something,
They say, "I don't know", without tricks.
But an armchair intellectual knows it all,
Tiktok and Insta are their clinics.

An expert's worth remains the same,
with or without Tiktok and Insta.
Armchair intellectuals are here today gone tomorrow,
with the tiniest algorithm change of social media.

My work will continue,
with or without social media.
My work will continue,
with or without internet.
My work will continue,
with or without electricity even,
so will the work of every expert sapiens.

Instant popularity vanishes just as instantly,
Today you are relevant, tomorrow you are gone.
Make a real contribution that isn't overshadowed
by the next big tech revolution.”
Abhijit Naskar, Vande Vasudhaivam: 100 Sonnets for Our Planetary Pueblo

“Internet permette di avvicinarsi ai propri eroi, ma è anche un luogo dove guardare ossessivamente gente che nella vita reale si vorrebbe solo evitare, giusto per odiarla un po' di più.”
Bella Mackie, How to Kill Your Family

Susana Rubio
“Mientras Lucca se duchaba aproveché para interactuar en mis redes. Los comentarios desagradables sobre mi peso habían ido desapareciendo, aunque en TikTok siempre había algún descerebrado que criticaba mi contenido. Era algo que no se entendía: si no te gusta no mires, ¡es tan sencillo...! Pero
claro, esa gente no daba para más. Como dice Dani Rovira en su monólogo 'Odio', esa gente no tiene todos los patitos en fila en su cabeza.
A veces pienso que no sabemos la suerte que tenemos con toda esta tecnología a nuestro alcance. ¿Y para qué la usamos? Para poner verde a una serie de personas que no conocemos. Para escondernos tras un perfil falso y hacer daño. Para insultar gratuitamente sin saber las consecuencias de nuestras palabras. En TikTok e Instagram la gente crea contenido porque le gusta, porque entretiene o simplemente porque le apetece. ¿Qué razones tenemos para acribillar a alguien, a su trabajo, a su manera de ser o de bailar? Es increíble, pero la empatía brilla por su ausencia.”
Susana Rubio, Ciao, bonita

Akan Etefia
“Unlocking Success: Join me as I turn words into worlds on the Pages of My Books.”
Akan Etefia, Facebook Cash Cow: How to Milk the World's Largest Social Network for Profit

“Choose to use Social Media or a Cellphone with caution. Anything you send, say or post can be used against you. Nowadays people are recording videos , conversations and screen grabbing messages that you send to them. People are getting paid to be vile or mean. People are paid to say things they don’t believe in. People want to trend so badly. They will say anything to provoke you or to get engagement. Not everything is true. Even the news media are behind paywall or journalist are paid to be influencers.
Don’t be too quickly to believe or to jump into conclusion.
Don’t be too quickly to takes sides. Question everything that is suspicious.
Think for a second. Sometimes they tell you things because they know you are so gullible you will believe them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Sometimes you think you are paid for a promo. Only to find out you are paid for your stupidity, because you can be fooled and used by anyone.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Abhijit Naskar
“Take off your clothes and post a selfie,
A million animals will shower you attention.
But cover up all and open your heart,
Only precious few humans will care to listen.

Don't confuse attention with care,
Those who care might not follow you.
But you can be sure of one little thing,
99% of your followers don't care about you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Abhijit Naskar
“Don't confuse attention with care,
Those who care might not follow you.
But you can be sure of one little thing,
99% of your followers don't care about you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Crestless Wave
“Food bloggers, Travel Influencers, Fashion Bloggers, And similar are nothing but glorified freeloaders.”
Crestless Wave

Nancy Fraser
“Its love affair with individual advancement equally permeates the world of social-media celebrity, which also confuses feminism with the ascent of individual women. In that world, “feminism” risks becoming a trending hashtag and a vehicle of self-promotion, deployed less to liberate the many than to elevate the few.”
Nancy Fraser, Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto

Mitta Xinindlu
“Even those who were born in the same skin shade as Sarah Baartman find their backpacks not big enough until and unless it resembles that of the Original Queen of BBL, Ms. Sarah Baartman.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Insecurity is the shadow cast by our hopes and dreams. It reveals the things
we value most, the aspects of ourselves
we yearn to nurture and protect.
While it can be a source of anxiety,
it can also be a potent influencer,
pushing us to strive.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Jonathan Haidt
“Prestige-based social media platforms have hacked one of the most important learning mechanisms for adolescents, diverting their time, attention, and copying behavior away from a variety of role models with whom they could develop a mentoring relationship that would help them succeed in their real-world communities. Instead, beginning in the early 2010s, millions of Gen Z girls collectively aimed their most powerful learning systems at a small number of young women whose main excellence seems to be amassing followers to influence. At the same time, many Gen Z boys aimed their social learning systems at popular male influencers who offered them visions of masculinity that were also quite extreme and potentially inapplicable to their daily lives.”
Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness

Jonathan Haidt
“Of course, a smartphone opens up worlds of new possible experiences, including video games (which are forms of play) and virtual long-distance friendships. But this happens at the cost of reducing the kinds of experiences humans evolved for and that they must have in abundance to become socially functional adults. It's as if we gave our infants iPads loaded with movies about walking, but the movies were so engrossing that kids never put in the time or effort to practice walking.”
Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness

Jonathan Haidt
“Gen Z is the first generation to have gone through puberty hunched over smartphones and tablets, having fewer face-to-face conversations and shoulder-to-shoulder adventures with their friends.”
Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness

Aldous Huxley
“Cuando digo que hay demasiados libros, quiero decir que ay demasiados para cada individuo. Con el fin de alcanzar la categoría de ciudadano del mundo contemporáneo bien informado y actualizado, un hombre debe leer tantos libros que es casi imposible que pueda haber leído alguno de ellos apropiadamente.”
Aldous Huxley, Si mi biblioteca ardiera esta noche

Aldous Huxley
“Estamos en peligro de sacrificar la calidad de la lectura a la cantidad, en peligro de leer demasiado y demasiado rápido como para estar en posición de juzgar lo que leemos.”
Aldous Huxley, Si mi biblioteca ardiera esta noche

Aldous Huxley
“La cultura no deriva de la lectura de libros, sino de la lectura exhaustiva e intensa de buenos libros.”
Aldous Huxley, Si mi biblioteca ardiera esta noche

Abhysheq Shukla
“In the age of social media, the line between authenticity and illusion is blurred—what influencers sell is often more fantasy than fact.”
Abhysheq Shukla

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