Ivy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ivy" Showing 1-30 of 111
Kim Harrison
“Plan B?' Ivy said. 'What is plan B?'
Jenks reddened. 'Grab the fish and run like hell,' he muttered, and I almost giggled.”
Kim Harrison, A Fistful of Charms

Kim Harrison
“Uh... ," Ivy stammered, and I glanced up to see her eyes wide in consideration.
"I'm kidding," I said. "It passed the lethal-amulet test, remember?"
"Not that. You keep it in your underwear drawer?"
I hesitated, wondering why I was embarrassed. "Well, where do you put your elven magic?" I asked.”
Kim Harrison, Black Magic Sanction

Elizabeth Chandler
“How would you feel about sharing your bed?" she asked.
Tristan blinked. "Excuse me?"
"He'd love to!" Gary said.
Tristan shot him a look,
"Good," said Ivy, failing to notice Gary's wink. "Ella can be a pillow hog, but all you have to do is roll over her.”
Elizabeth Chandler, Kissed by an Angel/The Power of Love/Soulmates

Kim Harrison
“You look like the vamp who bled the cat.”
Kim Harrison, Every Which Way But Dead

Amy Engel
“He knows me better than anyone ever has. Than anyone ever will again. I would have stopped it if I could have. But I've learned the hard way, we can't choose who we love. Love chooses us. Love doesn't care about what's convenient or easy or planned. Love has its own agenda and all we can do is get out of its way.”
Amy Engel, The Book of Ivy

Kim Harrison
“Okay, you drive," she said. "I'll sit with m head hanging out of the window like a golden retriever.”
Kim Harrison, Pale Demon

Kim Harrison
“Why aren't you afraid of me?
I've seen my death, and you're not it.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work

Gail Carriger
“I love him so very much. As Romeo did Jugurtha, as Pyramid did Thirsty, as-"
"Oh, please, no need to elaborate further," interjected Alexia, wincing.
"But what would my family SAY to such a union?"
"They would say that yours hats had leaked into your head," muttered Alexia, unheard under her breath.”
Gail Carriger, Changeless

Kim Harrison
“Keep your vampire mitts off me. I'm not your friggin' blood toy.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy, rachel

Kim Harrison
“She's not your type.
Since when do I have a type?”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy, kisten

Kim Harrison
“I'd say she's get us both fired, but the I.S. doesn't let anyone go. Alive.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy

Melina Marchetta
“God knows what possessed me, but having that science book in my hand propelled me to immediate action. So I hit her with it.”
Melina Marchetta, Looking for Alibrandi

“If you could see my thoughts, you could see our faces.”
Frank Ocean

Kim Harrison
“Ms. Vampire Lady, you're all wet.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy, sharps

Kim Harrison
“I‘m heir to madness. Vessel of perversion. Your nightmare should you cross me."
Daryl‘s chin lifted, trembling. "Indeed. We might be sisters then, for I‘m the same.”
Kim Harrison, Unbound
tags: ivy

Kim Harrison
“I can smell her all over you. You need some help taming her?
Let me break her in for you.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy, kisten

Kim Harrison
“You're good with people, and all I know how to do is give good neck.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy, kisten

Kim Harrison
“It smelled like sex and dog in here. But mostly it smelled like sex.”
Kim Harrison, Blood Work
tags: ivy

Steven Magee
“I remember how excited I was to work for the Ivy League. By the time I left, I would not advise anyone to work for them.”
Steven Magee

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“You're my kid. She repeated the words. "Mine, Tess."
I told myself that she meant that I was her responsibility now.
"I'm not your sister." Those words were harder to misunderstand. "I was never your sister."
I don't understand.
I don't want to.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Fixer

Kim Harrison
“-Tómate tu tiempo-dije con ligereza, cabreada y nerviosa a la vez.
-Jenks y yo vamos a recurrir al plan B.
-¿El plan B?-dijo Ivy-. ¿Cuál es el plan B?
Jenks se puso rojo.
-Coge el pez y sal pitando.”
Kim Harrison, A Fistful of Charms

Steven Magee
“As a manager in the Ivy League, I discovered that the upper management team were seriously undermining my ability to manage my own staff. It was so bad that I eventually left. I now advise people not to work for the Ivy League.”
Steven Magee

Nalini Singh
“Will you wear my ring, Ivy?" Will you permit me to wear yours?”
Nalini Singh, Shield of Winter

Uri Gatt Gutman
“She is less than human, Blackrook. But she has the potential to become so much more… a gamble this world is unprepared to take.”
Uri Gatt Gutman, Winds of Strife

Uri Gatt Gutman
“I cannot have an heir who thinks he is stronger than I am,” Alliddar leaned in closer to stare into Nye’s eyes. “It might have an adverse influence on my life expectancy, I hear. Which is why I asked Kerak to find me a flawed, ruthless Harbinger, someone with the will to annihilate Ivy if she becomes a witch, but not nearly strong enough to make me feel threatened in my position.”
Uri Gatt Gutman, Winds of Strife

Steven Magee
“Working for the Ivy League was a bad career choice.”
Steven Magee

S.M. Sage
“So, take that insufferable ego and shove it somewhere, anywhere, I don’t care! Now let me fix this!' -Ivy”
S.M. Sage, The Letters of Lily and Moons

Ritu Negi
“A crack grew in my heart like ivy's vine,
So when it broke, it shattered in silence.”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

Chelsea Iversen
“Below her, bluebells swayed back and forth in the cool autumn breeze. They would last only another week or so, she knew. And then, the garden would change. The hawthorn would flaunt more red berries while the roses would crinkle and wither, allowing the sour orange hips to bloom freely in their place. Beneath her bedroom window, she would begin to smell the sweet aroma of winter honeysuckle, and at the front of the house, delicate white snowdrops and Christmas roses would soon bloom. The plum tree would lose its fruit, and its leaves would turn and drop, and its branches would extend in all directions like gnarled limbs.
And, of course, there would be thorns. So many thorns.
The ivy, on the other hand, would not change one bit. It would not stop growing. It would not cease moving about as it pleased. It would glow that earthly green all year long. The ivy held everything together--- the house, the garden, even Harriet at times--- no matter what the season.”
Chelsea Iversen, The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt

Chelsea Iversen
“She took another step into the wood, and then another, and as she moved in deeper, she was overwhelmed by the way the forest was attuned to her. Branches lowered themselves down, low enough for her to reach a hand up and stroke the bare bark, low enough for them to tickle the skin of her arms. Soon, her surprise turned into understanding. She knew what this feeling was now. She knew what was happening. It was the same elation she experienced when her garden's roses craned their necks out of concern for her. It was the same tingle that consumed her when the plum tree bent its branches to shade her on sunny days. Only now, in these dense woods, as far from her garden as she'd ever been, it was stronger than ever before. She became part of this forest as soon as she entered it, and it was a part of her. They could communicate. They could be as one, without a single word spoken.
Filled with wonder, Harriet sat beneath the biggest tree in the wood. As she did, she heard a familiar rustling noise. Within seconds, curious tendrils of ivy appeared at her side, wrapped eagerly around her legs, and climbed over her hands. Harriet stayed very still. This ivy was different from the ivy in her garden--- it was more childlike in its embrace, more impatient. There was a kind of discovery in the way the tendrils wrapped around and beneath her that was new to them both. But soon, all foreignness was gone, for Harriet was lifted off the ground to lie on a silken pillow of ivy created just for her. Harriet let herself relax into it. We move because of you, the ivy whispered to her, and the trees hummed in agreement. You are exceptional, the wood told her. The words did not come as a person's voice. They came as the warm, whistling breeze, the rustle of branches, the titters of a bird. A sylvan lullaby.”
Chelsea Iversen, The Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt

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