Jill Lepore Quotes

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Archibald MacLeish
“It is the strategy which is appropriate to our cause and to our purpose--the strategy of truth--the strategy which opposes to the frauds and the deceits by which our enemies have confused and conquered other peoples, the simple and clarifying truths by which a nation such as our must guide itself.”
Archibald MacLeish

Jill Lepore
“It is the strategy of truth, the simple and clarifying truths by which a nation such as ours must guide itself. The strategy of truth is not because it deals in truth devoid of strategy, it is not enough in this war of hoaxes and delusions and perpetuated lies to be merely honest. It is necessary also, to be wise. - A quote by Archibald MacLeish included in Chapter 6: Berlin Calling”
Jill Lepore, Who Killed Truth?: A History of Evidence