Jinn Quotes
Quotes tagged as "jinn"
Showing 1-30 of 46

“Be careful with this one" said Dina, bending down to greet the cat. "All cats are half jinn, but I think she's three quarters.”
― Alif the Unseen
― Alif the Unseen

“I think we’re always looking for new pieces,” Viola says quietly.
She continues, “I was looking for Lawrence, then for something to replace Lawrence, then for Aaron… maybe that’s the real truth about being broken. We’re always whole, we’re just looking to add on to ourselves, to be more whole. And then when a piece leaves, it’s broken away. But we aren’t left any less whole than we were to begin with…”
“But feeling broken—” I begin, the words tight in my throat. I’m grateful that Viola cuts me off.
“Is horrible. Painful,” she finishes. “But then, when you aren’t expecting it, new pieces appear and suddenly…they’re attached.” Her eyes rise to meet mine. “And you end up more whole than you were before.”
― As You Wish
She continues, “I was looking for Lawrence, then for something to replace Lawrence, then for Aaron… maybe that’s the real truth about being broken. We’re always whole, we’re just looking to add on to ourselves, to be more whole. And then when a piece leaves, it’s broken away. But we aren’t left any less whole than we were to begin with…”
“But feeling broken—” I begin, the words tight in my throat. I’m grateful that Viola cuts me off.
“Is horrible. Painful,” she finishes. “But then, when you aren’t expecting it, new pieces appear and suddenly…they’re attached.” Her eyes rise to meet mine. “And you end up more whole than you were before.”
― As You Wish

“She’s forgotten me. It’s over. I don’t want to see her again, and now I’ll have to. I won’t be able to help it. I’ll have to sit back and just watch her…live. Without me.”
The ifrit shrugs. “Then I overestimated your feelings for her.”
My jaw drops. “How dare you? Because I don’t want to see that she’s forgotten me?”
"No. Because nothing is really ever gone or forgotten. If she’s a piece of you, and you of her, then memory is merely an obstacle—our power covers the memory, it doesn’t erase it. And I should think, at least based on what I saw in your eyes last night, that it’s an obstacle worth going up against.”
― As You Wish
The ifrit shrugs. “Then I overestimated your feelings for her.”
My jaw drops. “How dare you? Because I don’t want to see that she’s forgotten me?”
"No. Because nothing is really ever gone or forgotten. If she’s a piece of you, and you of her, then memory is merely an obstacle—our power covers the memory, it doesn’t erase it. And I should think, at least based on what I saw in your eyes last night, that it’s an obstacle worth going up against.”
― As You Wish

“The universe sings a deep, eternal song, sound in waves, in deep sighs, in whispers, in swirling chords and rising, falling tones. The music of the worlds, weaving in a pattern that is both chaos and order, both beauty and terror, without beginning, without end.”
― The Forbidden Wish
― The Forbidden Wish

“I became an ifrit to save the lives of my fellow jinn. What kind of life saver would I be if I let you sit here and wither away in paradise?”
Just an obstacle. Just an obstacle.
I meet the ifrit’s eyes. “What happened to all your talk about birds and fish having nowhere to live?”
The ifrit shrugs. “I suggest you start holding your breath, my friend,” he says, then pushes through the hearing room doors.”
― As You Wish
Just an obstacle. Just an obstacle.
I meet the ifrit’s eyes. “What happened to all your talk about birds and fish having nowhere to live?”
The ifrit shrugs. “I suggest you start holding your breath, my friend,” he says, then pushes through the hearing room doors.”
― As You Wish

“It is time, therefore, that you should apply for aid to such helpful Spirits. But will you have the strength of mind, the courage to endure the approach of Beings so different from mankind? I know that their coming produces certain inevitable effects, as internal tremors, the revulsion of the blood from its ordinary course; but I also know that these terrors, these revulsions, painful as they undoubtedly are, must appear as nothing compared with the mortal pain of separation from an object loved greatly and exclusively.”
― The Episodes of Vathek
― The Episodes of Vathek

“I've been chased, shot, cut, beaten, and dragged a hundred leagues in the blink of an eye. I need a drink.”
― The Forbidden Wish
― The Forbidden Wish

“My father,' I replied, 'I am fond of action. I like to succour the afflicted, and make people happy. Command that there be built for me a tower, from whose top I can see the whole earth, and thus discover the places where my help would be of most avai1.'
'To do good, without ceasing, to mankind, a race at once flighty and ungrateful, is a more painful task than you imagine,' said Asfendarmod.
After saying these words, my father motioned to us to retire; and immediately I found myself in a tower, built on the summit of Mount Caf - a tower whose outer walls were lined with numberless mirrors that reflected, though hazily and as in a kind of dream, a thousand varied scenes then being enacted on the earth. Asfendarmod's power had indeed annihilated space, and brought me not only within sight of all the beings thus reflected in the mirrors, but also within sound of their voices and of the very words they uttered. (“The Story of The Peri Homaiouna”)”
― The Episodes of Vathek
'To do good, without ceasing, to mankind, a race at once flighty and ungrateful, is a more painful task than you imagine,' said Asfendarmod.
After saying these words, my father motioned to us to retire; and immediately I found myself in a tower, built on the summit of Mount Caf - a tower whose outer walls were lined with numberless mirrors that reflected, though hazily and as in a kind of dream, a thousand varied scenes then being enacted on the earth. Asfendarmod's power had indeed annihilated space, and brought me not only within sight of all the beings thus reflected in the mirrors, but also within sound of their voices and of the very words they uttered. (“The Story of The Peri Homaiouna”)”
― The Episodes of Vathek
“He is a scrawny broomstick of a boy in dusky shalwar kameez with holes - filthy wild hair, bruised lips, skulking face.”
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories
“And now because you are converged, you rise. Through the eye of the narrowest tangle of root, shoot, and branch, past the tallest emerald treetops, up and up, gathering strength. A curlicue of mystery, a calligram of power, you wrap yourself around yourself and tornado to the Saigol mansion, quaking that mausoleum of a hatchery in your wake.”
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories

“You treat that Mama Abassi like your second mother," it had said. "But you don't ever wonder if she's just keeping you under control? Or even making use of your talents?”
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories
― The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories

“The Christos (from the Greek, meaning 'anointed') spent a lot of His time, while on Earth, healing people. I refer specifically to the fact that He spent a lot of time casting out what the Bible calls unclean spirits. These unclean spirits were Alien Parasites. Mark's Gospel is replete with examples of this aspect of the Christos' healing ministry. In Christianity, there is talk about good angels and evil angels; in Islam, the pious and evil jinn, in Buddhism and other religions, beneficent spirits and malevolent spirits. Alien Parasites have been attacking humanity since humans first walked on this Planet.”
― Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!
― Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!
“I have come to think of the UFO problem in terms of three distinct levels.
The first level is physical. We now know that the UFO behaves like a region of space, of small dimensions (about ten meters), within which a very large amount of energy is stored. This energy is manifested by pulsed light phenomena of intense colors and by other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
The second level is biological. Reports of UFOs show all kinds of psychophysiological effects on the witnesses. Exposure to the phenomenon causes visions, hallucinations, space and time disorientation, physiological reactions (including temporary blindness, paralysis, sleep cycle changes), and long-term personality changes.
The third level is social. Belief in the reality of UFOs is spreading rapidly at all levels of society throughout the world. Books on the subject continue to accumulate. Documentaries and major films are being made by men and women who grew up with flying-saucer stories. Expectations about life in the universe have been revolutionized. Many modern themes in our culture can be traced back to the "messages from space" coming from UFO contactees of the forties and fifties.
The experience of a close encounter with a UFO is a shattering physical and mental ordeal. The trauma has effects that go far beyond what the witnesses recall consciously. New types of behavior are conditioned, and new types of beliefs are promoted. Aside from any scientific consideration, the social, political, and religious consequences of the experience are enormous if they are considered over the timespan of a generation.
Faced with the new wave of experiences of UFO contact that are described in books like Communion and Intruders and in movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, our religions seem obsolete. Our idea of the church as a social entity working within rational structures is obviously challenged by the claim of a direct communication in modern times with visible beings who seem endowed with supernatural powers.
This idea can shake our society to the very roots of its culture. Witnesses are no longer afraid to come forward with personal stories of abductions, of spiritual exchanges with aliens, even of sexual interaction with them. Such reports are folklore in the making. I have discovered that they form a striking parallel to the tales of meetings with elves and jinn of medieval times, with the denizens of "Magonia," the land beyond the clouds of ancient chronicles. But they are something else, too: a portent of important things to come.”
― Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact
The first level is physical. We now know that the UFO behaves like a region of space, of small dimensions (about ten meters), within which a very large amount of energy is stored. This energy is manifested by pulsed light phenomena of intense colors and by other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
The second level is biological. Reports of UFOs show all kinds of psychophysiological effects on the witnesses. Exposure to the phenomenon causes visions, hallucinations, space and time disorientation, physiological reactions (including temporary blindness, paralysis, sleep cycle changes), and long-term personality changes.
The third level is social. Belief in the reality of UFOs is spreading rapidly at all levels of society throughout the world. Books on the subject continue to accumulate. Documentaries and major films are being made by men and women who grew up with flying-saucer stories. Expectations about life in the universe have been revolutionized. Many modern themes in our culture can be traced back to the "messages from space" coming from UFO contactees of the forties and fifties.
The experience of a close encounter with a UFO is a shattering physical and mental ordeal. The trauma has effects that go far beyond what the witnesses recall consciously. New types of behavior are conditioned, and new types of beliefs are promoted. Aside from any scientific consideration, the social, political, and religious consequences of the experience are enormous if they are considered over the timespan of a generation.
Faced with the new wave of experiences of UFO contact that are described in books like Communion and Intruders and in movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, our religions seem obsolete. Our idea of the church as a social entity working within rational structures is obviously challenged by the claim of a direct communication in modern times with visible beings who seem endowed with supernatural powers.
This idea can shake our society to the very roots of its culture. Witnesses are no longer afraid to come forward with personal stories of abductions, of spiritual exchanges with aliens, even of sexual interaction with them. Such reports are folklore in the making. I have discovered that they form a striking parallel to the tales of meetings with elves and jinn of medieval times, with the denizens of "Magonia," the land beyond the clouds of ancient chronicles. But they are something else, too: a portent of important things to come.”
― Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact

“As many stars as there are in the sky, that is how many breaths I will love you for.”
― The Jinn Daughter
― The Jinn Daughter
“জ্বীনদের অস্তিত্ব অবশ্যই আছে। যদি তারা না থাকতো, পবিত্র কোরআনে তাদের প্রসঙ্গ থাকতো না। যুক্তি হচ্ছে- এমন নয় যে জ্বীনদের অস্তিত্ব স্রষ্টা বা পবিত্র কোরআনকে অধিক গৌরবান্বিত করবে। জ্বীনদেরকে সৃষ্টি করলে বা না করলেও স্রষ্টা সদা গৌরবান্বিত। জ্বীন আছে!”
“There must be the existence of the Jinns. If they did not exist, their references would not be in the Quran. The logic is- it is not that the existence of the Jinns will make God or the Quran more Glorified. He is ever Glorified with or without creating them. The Jinns exist!”

“She followed my every move with her eyes, but never spoke. I'll never forget them.
They were icy blue, but black
in the middle and ringed in red,
like you'd expect the devil's to be.”
― Inamorata: A Rosewood Hollow Novel
They were icy blue, but black
in the middle and ringed in red,
like you'd expect the devil's to be.”
― Inamorata: A Rosewood Hollow Novel

“Red smoke came rising out of the bottle, and Jasmine scrambled backward, crying out in panic. Something fiery within was pulling itself free, and though she tried to slam the lid back on, she was too late. The fire had escaped. It was growing larger and larger before her eyes, but the opposite of the Genie's comforting blue appearance. This creature had spotted red skin and flaming yellow eyes; it had claws longer than Jasmine's arms and dark hooves for feet.
Jasmine had never seen anything so terrifying in her life.
She trembled, staring up at the demon, which looked like it had crawled off the pages of one of Taminah's books. "The Story of Dahish the Ifrit." She could almost hear her tutor's voice again now. "A tale of a jinn who chose darkness."
It was real... all of it.
There was only one thing this demonic creature looming above her could be: an ifrit, evil jinn of the underworld. Just like the creature Jafar had turned into when he made his fateful final wish on the lamp--- the Genie's malevolent opposite.”
― Realm of Wonders
Jasmine had never seen anything so terrifying in her life.
She trembled, staring up at the demon, which looked like it had crawled off the pages of one of Taminah's books. "The Story of Dahish the Ifrit." She could almost hear her tutor's voice again now. "A tale of a jinn who chose darkness."
It was real... all of it.
There was only one thing this demonic creature looming above her could be: an ifrit, evil jinn of the underworld. Just like the creature Jafar had turned into when he made his fateful final wish on the lamp--- the Genie's malevolent opposite.”
― Realm of Wonders

“Jasmine turned to see Fatimah, who was chanting something in an unfamiliar language, her eyes locked on Dahish's. Jasmine's mouth fell open as Fatimah's body jerked forward and began to spin, shedding her mortal skin... and revealing herself to be a magnificent blue genie.
Dahish roared in fury, focused solely on the genie now. Fatimah extended her arm, sparks flowing from her fingertips as she fought Dahish's breaths of fire with flashes of lightning. While the genie and the ifrit battled on the landing above, and Aladdin and the street fighters defended the palace from the ghūls and monsters, Scheherazade's words echoed in Jasmine's ears.
Create the ending of your story that you choose. Forget what is possible...
And with the power of her conviction, Jasmine raced up the staircase two at a time to where the ifrit and the genie battled. Taking a steely breath, she leaped up onto the ifrit's fiery back, catching it by surprise--- and with Scheherazade's knife, Jasmine stabbed Dahish in the eye.
Dahish flailed blindly, tumbling to the floor. Fatimah swooped down next to him and something materialized in her palm. The brass bottle.
The atrium echoed with the sound of his defeated screams as Fatimah captured Dahish and forced him back into his brass bottle, throwing it into the last flames of the fire with Payam's bloodied body. As they burned, the remaining ghūls and snakes disintegrated before Jasmine's eyes, turning to ash now that the ifrit who controlled them was gone.
Jasmine and Aladdin ran into each other's arms, exhausted and elated. The battle was won. Fatimah floated toward them, bowing gracefully, as if they hadn't all just been through a war.
"Well done, Sultana.”
― Realm of Wonders
Dahish roared in fury, focused solely on the genie now. Fatimah extended her arm, sparks flowing from her fingertips as she fought Dahish's breaths of fire with flashes of lightning. While the genie and the ifrit battled on the landing above, and Aladdin and the street fighters defended the palace from the ghūls and monsters, Scheherazade's words echoed in Jasmine's ears.
Create the ending of your story that you choose. Forget what is possible...
And with the power of her conviction, Jasmine raced up the staircase two at a time to where the ifrit and the genie battled. Taking a steely breath, she leaped up onto the ifrit's fiery back, catching it by surprise--- and with Scheherazade's knife, Jasmine stabbed Dahish in the eye.
Dahish flailed blindly, tumbling to the floor. Fatimah swooped down next to him and something materialized in her palm. The brass bottle.
The atrium echoed with the sound of his defeated screams as Fatimah captured Dahish and forced him back into his brass bottle, throwing it into the last flames of the fire with Payam's bloodied body. As they burned, the remaining ghūls and snakes disintegrated before Jasmine's eyes, turning to ash now that the ifrit who controlled them was gone.
Jasmine and Aladdin ran into each other's arms, exhausted and elated. The battle was won. Fatimah floated toward them, bowing gracefully, as if they hadn't all just been through a war.
"Well done, Sultana.”
― Realm of Wonders
“Unless the LORD builds the house,
The builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over city,
The guards stand watch in vain.
Jinn had his back turned. Crouching, he was drawing something on the ground of rock? I was almost certain that the sign of the cross, once, the second time, the twentieth time - the infinitude.
- What do you think about my art of the crosses?
- Bona fide, the art of murdering. - I wasn't entirely sure, there was something I missed in this riddle.
- Think, if I will have thousands of faces and didn't want to show you the real one...?
- And??? Go on.... - Still vagueness or .... Well, I will never believe it!
Jinn turned suddenly, throwing sand in my eyes. Then he roared like a lion.”
― The Jinn Within: Solomon my King
The builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over city,
The guards stand watch in vain.
Jinn had his back turned. Crouching, he was drawing something on the ground of rock? I was almost certain that the sign of the cross, once, the second time, the twentieth time - the infinitude.
- What do you think about my art of the crosses?
- Bona fide, the art of murdering. - I wasn't entirely sure, there was something I missed in this riddle.
- Think, if I will have thousands of faces and didn't want to show you the real one...?
- And??? Go on.... - Still vagueness or .... Well, I will never believe it!
Jinn turned suddenly, throwing sand in my eyes. Then he roared like a lion.”
― The Jinn Within: Solomon my King

“I hate lying to my daughter’s face, but her questions have plagued me for years.”
― The Jinn Daughter
― The Jinn Daughter

“He laughs, the sound gravelly but warm, like honey mixed with sand. I want to hold him like he used to hold me, when he was alive. But bodies move and fit differently in death, less flesh and more ash”
― The Jinn Daughter
― The Jinn Daughter

“A woman stands with scissors in her hands, clipping at plants and branches. I notice pockmarked areas of her skin, as if small fruit, like berries, were plucked right from her flesh.”
― The Jinn Daughter
― The Jinn Daughter
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