Made Up Quotes

Quotes tagged as "made-up" Showing 1-21 of 21
Francesca Zappia
“I am real. This”–he put his other hand over the first-“is real. You see me interacting with other people all day long, don’t you? I talk to people; I affect things in the world. I cause things to happen. I am real.”

“But-but what if this whole place”-I had to suck in air again-“what if everything is inside my head? East Shoal and Scarlet and this bridge and you-what if you’re not real because nothing is real?”

“If nothing’s real, then what does it matter?” he said. “You live here. Doesn’t that make it real enough?”
Francesca Zappia, Made You Up

Akshay Vasu
“Every time I hold your hand in the night and look at that star, I remember the fact that it is millions of light years away from us, we are looking at its past and it doesn't exist anymore and I always end up feeling, what if we both are made up of the dust of the same star we are staring at.”
Akshay Vasu

Jasper Fforde
“We're in a psuedoscientific technobabble.”
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Chameleonesque, hobbitish, unicorned, stompled, selfishism, and unwakeable may not be real words, but you do know what they mean.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, and Grumblings for Every Day of the Year

Margaret Peterson Haddix
“Why did everyone like that story so much when it wasn't true? Why was everyone so eager to believe it? Was it because, in real life, ever after's generally stink?”
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Just Ella

Olivia Sudjic
“My reflections amount to a love story that is mostly made up, from memories that are mostly false, between people who were mainly not there. The things for which she was not there have her in them now more deeply because of her absence, and her effect on my way of seeing them. Anytime I note her absence from a thing, she arrives at once, as if summoned, entrenching herself more deeply than she exists in my memories of times when she was there, so that time, the sequence of what really happened, seems to curve around her.”
Olivia Sudjic, Sympathy

Anthony Ryan
“Divinity retains the appearance of insight, when in reality it celebrates ignorance. Its tenets are so much clay, and when the clay sets, it becomes dogma.”
Anthony Ryan, Tower Lord

Helen Oyeyemi
“What do you want, Mary Foxe? My husband?" “I believe in him," she said slowly. I wondered if she’d ever told him that, and if so, what he had to say about it. Someone you made up turns around and tells you they believe in you— what response could you possibly make? The scenario is just plain weird. And really kind of impertinent on her part, too. If it happened to me I think I’d be speechless for the rest of my life.”
Helen Oyeyemi, Mr. Fox

Peter Ackroyd
“But didn't you know? Everything is made up.”
Peter Ackroyd, Chatterton

Albert Einstein
“It's not gay if you didn't know it was a boy.”
Albert Einstein, 100 Quotes by Albert Einstein

“If you know what's right, then you'll do the right thing. If you don't know what's right, then who's to say what you'll do!”
Emily Morris

Marlen Haushofer
“Since I’ve been living in the forest I don’t notice myself getting older. There’s nobody there to draw my attention to it, after all. Nobody tells me how I look, and I never give it a thought myself.”
Marlen Haushofer, The Wall

“I can't say I remember this bit in the book,' she commented when he was finished and she was sweeping an applicator along his collarbone and pressing it lightly into the hollow beneath.
'They call it “artistic licence”. '
'Not just the producers trying to shoe-horn in a scene involving you in a wet shirt?'
'Why would they want that?' There was a soft gleam of white teeth as his lips parted in a smile.”
Emma Jackson

Marlen Haushofer
“I barely gave my appearance a thought. My animals didn’t care about my outer shell, they certainly didn’t love me for my appearance. They probably had no sense of beauty whatsoever; I can’t imagine that a human being would have seemed beautiful to them.”
Marlen Haushofer, The Wall

“Someone tall and tanned was standing just inside the doorway: Owen Walker had arrived. Obviously, she had known this was going to happen – he was one of the people she was setting up for – but she hadn’t anticipated him getting there so soon, while she was on her own, cheeks bulging like a hamster, stuffed with food.”
Emma Jackson

“Sally: 'We’re in India: think spirituality, positive energy -’
Katia: ‘Peace?’
Sally: ‘And love.’
Katia: ‘Karma.’
Sally: ‘Tantra! Actually, maybe not that. Sounds a bit tiring and we do have work to do.”
Emma Jackson

“Oh, it’s you,' her head lolled back as she stared up at Owen. Blood was draining in the wrong direction again. He stooped down lower and lifted her right arm over his head.
'Wow. You're really hot.' He commented when her forearm rested against the back of his neck. You're one to talk; she thought and giggled to herself.”
Emma Jackson

“I think I was actually channelling my grandfather,’ she admitted. ‘He lived right out in the woods in this little cottage and he used to scare the life out of me and my older sister with stories about bears and wolves.’
‘I didn’t know you grew up in a Grimm fairy-tale.’
‘Ha, ha – Russia, actually.’
‘Ahh, I see: Katia Bialogawski,' he pronounced her name slowly, rolling it over his tongue like a boiled sweet, with all the right inflections. It made her spine tingle.”
Emma Jackson

“Elijah hiccupped and gave her a smile back. It was probably wind but that didn't matter. 'You are absolutely beautiful.' She kissed his head and breathed in the distinctive baby-scent. It was the smell of life and love and it made her ache.”
Emma Jackson

Laura Chouette
“Wishes are just made up words for the stars.”
Laura Chouette

Yukito Ayatsuji
“Yes. I sometimes feel like that when I read the stories you write for the club magazine. You're always so lively and bright in your own stories.'
'Because that's a made-up world.' Orczy turned away from Agatha's gaze and smiled awkwardly. 'I'm not so good with reality. I'm not really very keen on my real self.”
Yukito Ayatsuji, The Decagon House Murders