Maga Quotes
Quotes tagged as "maga"
Showing 1-30 of 82

“Jarret insists on being a throwback to some earlier, “simpler” time. Now does not suit him. Religious tolerance does not suit him. The current state of the country does not suit him. He wants to take us all back to some magical time when everyone believed in the same God, worshipped him in the same way, and understood that their safety in the universe depended on completing the same religious rituals and stomping anyone who was different. There was never such a time in this country. But these days when more than half the people in the country can’t read at all, history is just one more vast unknown to them.”
― Parable of the Talents
― Parable of the Talents

“Jarret supporters have been known, now and then, to form mobs and burn people at the stake for being witches. Witches! In 2032! A witch, in their view, tends to be a Moslem, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or, in some parts of the country, a Mormon, a Jehovah’s Witness, or even a Catholic. A witch may also be an atheist, a “cultist,” or a well-to-do eccentric. Well-to-do eccentrics often have no protectors or much that’s worth stealing. And “cultist” is a great catchall term for anyone who fits into no other large category, and yet doesn’t quite match Jarret’s version of Christianity. Jarret’s people have been known to beat or drive out Unitarians, for goodness’ sake. Jarret condemns the burnings, but does so in such mild language that his people are free to hear what they want to hear. As for the beatings, the tarring and feathering, and the destruction of “heathen houses of devil-worship,” he has a simple answer: “Join us! Our doors are open to every nationality, every race! Leave your sinful past behind, and become one of us. Help us to make America great again.” He’s had notable success with this carrot-and-stick approach. Join us and thrive, or whatever happens to you as a result of your own sinful stubbornness is your problem.”
― Parable of the Talents
― Parable of the Talents

“In 2016, into this tangle of worry and anger, came a showman who made big promises. A man who swore he would drain the swamp, then surrounded himself with the lobbyists and billionaires who run the swamp and feed off government favors. A man who talked the talk of populism but offered the very worst of trickle-down economics. A man who said he knew how the corrupt system worked because he had worked it for himself many times. A man who vowed to make America great again and followed up with attacks on immigrants, minorities, and women. A man who was always on the hunt for his next big con.”
― This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class
― This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class

The United States
Has a specific and certain purpose
On Earth.
Each American
Has a specific and certain purpose
In America.
God favors our endeavors.
And we favor God.
my brother, George Washington
Referred to as providence.”
― The Pursuit of Happiness: A Book of Poems Honoring Our American Values
The United States
Has a specific and certain purpose
On Earth.
Each American
Has a specific and certain purpose
In America.
God favors our endeavors.
And we favor God.
my brother, George Washington
Referred to as providence.”
― The Pursuit of Happiness: A Book of Poems Honoring Our American Values

“While those who mouth high talk
may think themselves high-minded,
justice keeps the book
on hypocrites and liars.”
― Fragments
may think themselves high-minded,
justice keeps the book
on hypocrites and liars.”
― Fragments

“Suspicion, dislike, jealousy, scapegoating. None of those are the transcendent facet of the human personality; they’re diseases. They’re cancer to the soul. They are the infectious, contagious viruses that have been breeding humanity for years. And because they have been, and because they are, is it necessary that they shall be? I think not.”
“History tells us this kind of right-wing extremist "maga politics" is the type of right-wing fascist sickness that must be rooted out against noncompliant patients.”
“Trump's Project 2025 was written by the Heritage Foundation.
History tells us this kind of right-wing extremist "maga politics" is the type of right-wing fascist sickness that must be rooted out against noncompliant patients.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984
NeoConservative Republican calculated greed is only outmatched by #maga "republican" willful ignorance.”
History tells us this kind of right-wing extremist "maga politics" is the type of right-wing fascist sickness that must be rooted out against noncompliant patients.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984
NeoConservative Republican calculated greed is only outmatched by #maga "republican" willful ignorance.”
“Human beings can't be "illegal" There's no such thing as an illegal human being.
Human Beings can do illegal things but they can't be illegal themselves, that's a racist term that you're promoting.
So when you like to think that you're not a racist person this is why you are regardless of what you think.
We are not our perceptions of what we think we are, we are the realities of what we do and say, never forget that.”
Human Beings can do illegal things but they can't be illegal themselves, that's a racist term that you're promoting.
So when you like to think that you're not a racist person this is why you are regardless of what you think.
We are not our perceptions of what we think we are, we are the realities of what we do and say, never forget that.”

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist Stalinist but people for whom the distinction between
fact and fiction, and the distinction between true and false, no longer exists.”
― The Origins of Totalitarianism
fact and fiction, and the distinction between true and false, no longer exists.”
― The Origins of Totalitarianism

“For more than a century America has occupied a position of scientific leadership and has gradually come to take it for granted. Although neither war nor economic depression nor political conflict has been able to threaten it, I now fear that that is about to change, for something has arisen that may indeed signal a change in our national character. That something is most visible in the debate over evolution, but it extends far beyond the teaching of a single subject in the curriculum of a single scientific discipline. It reveals a deep and profound split in the American psyche, an unease that threatens the way we think of ourselves as a people, the place we hold for science in our lives, and the way in which we will move into the twenty-first century.
What is at stake, I am convinced, is nothing less than America’s scientific soul.”
― Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul
What is at stake, I am convinced, is nothing less than America’s scientific soul.”
― Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul

“People dull their wits with gibberish,
and cannot use their ears and eyes.
Many fail to grasp what they have seen,
and cannot judge what they have learned,
although they tell themselves they know.”
― Fragments
and cannot use their ears and eyes.
Many fail to grasp what they have seen,
and cannot judge what they have learned,
although they tell themselves they know.”
― Fragments

“Height of Human (The Sonnet)
Enter a hall with high
ceiling, and you feel small,
in a room with low ceiling
you feel like a giant.
The height of human
doesn't depend on numbers,
we judge our height
relative to the world around.
Bigots hate an inclusive world
not because it is unorthodox,
but because it reminds them,
how puny they are - how small.
Hence they lash out at an island
of people, as an island of garbage.
Only garbage are those calling others
as such - time 'tis to hand them sentence.”
― The Humanitarian Dictator
Enter a hall with high
ceiling, and you feel small,
in a room with low ceiling
you feel like a giant.
The height of human
doesn't depend on numbers,
we judge our height
relative to the world around.
Bigots hate an inclusive world
not because it is unorthodox,
but because it reminds them,
how puny they are - how small.
Hence they lash out at an island
of people, as an island of garbage.
Only garbage are those calling others
as such - time 'tis to hand them sentence.”
― The Humanitarian Dictator
“Faith in miracles took the place of science, just as faith in social transformations moved the leaders of the new society. That is why those leaders eagerly welcomed every prophecy of Lysenko's. Like addicts who realize the harm of their addiction yet still pursue the narcotic, these leaders recognized the deception yet wanted to be deceived. When the promised miracles failed, the Lysenkoists did not turn back to science; instead, they drew up even more unreal plans, issued even more glowing reports, and so it went in a dizzying spiral.”
― Lysenko and the Tragedy of Soviet Science
― Lysenko and the Tragedy of Soviet Science

“Beyond fright there is flight,
Beyond blight there is light.
Beyond hate there is height,
Beyond MAGAts there is mind.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim
Beyond blight there is light.
Beyond hate there is height,
Beyond MAGAts there is mind.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim

“Creating distrust, division, confusion, and chaos, leading to massive societal dysfunction and collapse, is not a bug in the MAGA plan due to incompetence in personnel picks and policy: it’s a very deliberate design feature, and it will have dire global consequences.
And for accelerationists, evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Christian nationalists, it’s all a part of the big plan for the End Times.”
And for accelerationists, evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Christian nationalists, it’s all a part of the big plan for the End Times.”

“The Great Beyond (Sonnet)
Beyond fright there is flight,
Beyond blight there is light.
Beyond hate there is height,
Beyond MAGAts there is mind.
Beyond rigidity there is growth,
Beyond bigotry there is illumination.
Beyond stereotypes there is society,
Beyond segregation there is civilization.
Beyond fundamentalism there is faith,
Beyond division there is divinity.
Beyond prejudice there is piety,
Beyond scripture there is sanctity.
Beyond the church there is Christ,
Beyond koran there is kainat (cosmos).
Beyond tradition there is transcendence,
Beyond conditioning there is concord.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim
Beyond fright there is flight,
Beyond blight there is light.
Beyond hate there is height,
Beyond MAGAts there is mind.
Beyond rigidity there is growth,
Beyond bigotry there is illumination.
Beyond stereotypes there is society,
Beyond segregation there is civilization.
Beyond fundamentalism there is faith,
Beyond division there is divinity.
Beyond prejudice there is piety,
Beyond scripture there is sanctity.
Beyond the church there is Christ,
Beyond koran there is kainat (cosmos).
Beyond tradition there is transcendence,
Beyond conditioning there is concord.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim

“Palestine to Kashmir, North Korea to North America, persecution anywhere is persecution of humanity.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim

“Terrorists who manifested their destiny on stolen land, are banning immigrants!”
― Azad Earth Army: When The World Cries Blood
― Azad Earth Army: When The World Cries Blood

“White supremacy is not a human right, it's a human rights violation.”
― Hometown Human: To Live for Soil and Society
― Hometown Human: To Live for Soil and Society

“Hope Gone Sour (American Sonnet)
America is not a country,
America is an abomination.
America is a scourge on
the fabric of time, the
ideal tale of precaution.
America is a living record
of humans regressing to animal.
America is a perfect specimen
of democracy cleverly dismantled.
America is a nation built by
terrorists for the terrorists.
America holds world record for
humanity's worst of atrocities.
America is a promise of hope gone sour.
America is plague amongst fellowship of powers.”
― Azad Earth Army: When The World Cries Blood
America is not a country,
America is an abomination.
America is a scourge on
the fabric of time, the
ideal tale of precaution.
America is a living record
of humans regressing to animal.
America is a perfect specimen
of democracy cleverly dismantled.
America is a nation built by
terrorists for the terrorists.
America holds world record for
humanity's worst of atrocities.
America is a promise of hope gone sour.
America is plague amongst fellowship of powers.”
― Azad Earth Army: When The World Cries Blood

“What frightens me is that when a country begins to extend its influence by strong arm methods beyond its borders under the guise of security it is difficult to see how a line can be drawn.
If the policy is accepted that [Russia] has a right to penetrate her immediate neighbors . . . penetration of the next immediate neighbors becomes at a certain time equally logical.
[W. Averell Harriman, US Ambassador to USSR, Sept 20, 1944]”
― Aid to Russia, 1941-1946;: Strategy, diplomacy, the origins of the cold war
If the policy is accepted that [Russia] has a right to penetrate her immediate neighbors . . . penetration of the next immediate neighbors becomes at a certain time equally logical.
[W. Averell Harriman, US Ambassador to USSR, Sept 20, 1944]”
― Aid to Russia, 1941-1946;: Strategy, diplomacy, the origins of the cold war
“The situation of the country is most critical. W have had no period resembling this at all. I could not depict the actual amount of suffering here, the extreme destitution of our laboring classes. Business of no kind is healthy or prosperous.”
“The situation of the country is most critical," wrote Nickolas Carroll, a New Youk businessman. "We have had no period resembling this at all. I could not depict the actual amount of suffering here, the extreme destitution of our laboring classes. Business of no kind is healthy or prosperous.”
― The Creole Rebellion: The Most Successful Slave Revolt in American History
― The Creole Rebellion: The Most Successful Slave Revolt in American History
“The situation of the country is most critical," wrote Nickolas Carroll, a New York businessman. "We have had no period resembling this at all. I could not depict the actual amount of suffering here, the extreme destitution of our laboring classes. Business of no kind is healthy or prosperous.”
“Lord Aberdeen...quoted the Declaration of Independence, saying that all Americans were entitled to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and then said that the declaration apparently had been discarded so that each individual state, and not the nation, could decide who had liberty and could pursue happiness and who could not.”
― The Creole Rebellion: The Most Successful Slave Revolt in American History
― The Creole Rebellion: The Most Successful Slave Revolt in American History

“Secretary of State Upshur lobbied a number of senators and party officials but not the key men....By doing this, he spread a wide net of support but did not risk interference by powerful men who might be opposed to the idea. He did it slowly, too, day by day, state by state. He met senators in hallways, in restaurants, and under trees.”
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