Nuit Quotes
Quotes tagged as "nuit"
Showing 1-27 of 27

“64. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.”
― The Book of the Law
― The Book of the Law

“Transforming the visible into words, and words into images, we stumbled upon the four elements, and upon each others’ expression of Love, Joy, Suffering, Compassion, Curiosity, and most of all, Wonder towards the Forces of Nature. The poetry, photography, drawings, all, attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life… We invite you to do the same - dive into your Being and grow with us Inspired…”
― Art of 4 Elements
― Art of 4 Elements

Breaks into our code
Per-mutating atoms
Of our evolutionary Self-s
Our sensory navigating device
Accepts or rejects the impulse
Creating realities of our choice
A natural drift takes us from an amoeba to a human
A very determined choice takes us further
Allowing us
To squeeze our way through
To awake-n
To God and his gift of
― Art of 4 Elements
Breaks into our code
Per-mutating atoms
Of our evolutionary Self-s
Our sensory navigating device
Accepts or rejects the impulse
Creating realities of our choice
A natural drift takes us from an amoeba to a human
A very determined choice takes us further
Allowing us
To squeeze our way through
To awake-n
To God and his gift of
― Art of 4 Elements

“La plupart des gens ne meurent qu'au dernier moment ; d'autres commencent et s'y prennent vingt ans d'avance et parfois davantage.”
― Journey to the End of the Night
― Journey to the End of the Night

“Self-development is a way of Life. Our Self-Development never ends. We are never too young or too old for personal growth.
We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.
Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs. Recognizing the power of our Mind and the power of our Soul, learning the art of Concentration and Love, we are learning to Live with the Flow, not against it.
It is in our nature to learn and grow. For happiness we need to learn to Love, we need to learn to Concentrate and we should keep the flow and energy of inspiration within our lives.”
― Mindful Being
We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.
Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs. Recognizing the power of our Mind and the power of our Soul, learning the art of Concentration and Love, we are learning to Live with the Flow, not against it.
It is in our nature to learn and grow. For happiness we need to learn to Love, we need to learn to Concentrate and we should keep the flow and energy of inspiration within our lives.”
― Mindful Being

“In an attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life, we explore:
• Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses;
• Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively.
• Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions, and
• Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things.
All elements are bound by:
• Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.”
― Mindful Being
• Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses;
• Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively.
• Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions, and
• Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things.
All elements are bound by:
• Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.”
― Mindful Being

“Mindfulness works with continuous awareness of body, breath; feelings, thoughts, intentions. Our state of mind, our positive or negative attitude towards the world, is closely related to our experiences of happiness or suffering. Mindfulness is awareness of everything that is happening in the moment of 'Now'. Mindfulness is a self development technique that will change the focus of our mind towards happiness.
Mindfulness is continuous undisturbed awareness of the present moment. Fully aware of here, and now, we pay attention to what is happening right in front of us, we set aside our mental and emotional baggage. To be mindful we have to re-train our mind.”
― Mindful Being
Mindfulness is continuous undisturbed awareness of the present moment. Fully aware of here, and now, we pay attention to what is happening right in front of us, we set aside our mental and emotional baggage. To be mindful we have to re-train our mind.”
― Mindful Being

“I see You, Every time I look into Buddha’s eyes. I give myself to You. Every time I alter one of Your 1,000s names. Honestly & fully I love You. Through Christ and Maria, Shiva and Shakti, Krishna and Radha, With every day that passes and every breath I take. I enter gratitude for receiving Your Love. Obeying Your Laws of Truthfulness and Ahimsa, Weaving Prana With hearts and souls of Gaia. Through mysticism, shamanism, sufism, and ecstatic meditations. I yearn to touch You, to feel You, to be You. Within this amazing Journey of Awareness of Your Consciousness.”
― Tree of Life with Spiritual Poetry
― Tree of Life with Spiritual Poetry

“Force of Life
Defining the intention
of our heart's desire
we discover
the Force of Life”
― Art of 4 Elements
Defining the intention
of our heart's desire
we discover
the Force of Life”
― Art of 4 Elements

“We do food every single day! Conscious Eating is a big step toward Conscious Living. Quality and Quantity of Food is directly related to our Health and state of mind. We can use food to help us recover from Stress and Disease. Not taking food seriously will eventually lead to Stress or/and Disease.”
― Mindful Eating with delicious raw vegan recipes
― Mindful Eating with delicious raw vegan recipes

“Her name, said the Oracle, will this time be Ama, a female that sleeps in every one of us, Yin of Creation, a wisdom guide that with her purity extinguishes thirst for spiritual longings. She is the one that stands on a crescent moon with stars in her hair, pouring water from jars of her soul into lakes of emotions, awakening compassion for humankind and its Chaos, nourishing Earth and Her constant renewal.”
― A-Ma Alchemy of Love
― A-Ma Alchemy of Love

“La nuit tombait, le jardin n'était plus qu'un grand cercueil d'ombre.”
― La Faute de l'abbé Mouret
― La Faute de l'abbé Mouret

“Et maintenant, au coeur de la nuit comme un veilleur, il découvre que la nuit montre l'homme: ces appels, ces lumières, cette inquiétude. Cette simple étoile dans l'ombre: l'isolement d'une maison. L'une s'éteint: c'est une maison qui se ferme sur son amour.”

“« — Tu as entendu parler de Marcion, Martin ? Marcion était un chrétien qui vivait il y a mille huit cents ans à Rome. En regardant autour de lui, en regardant cet univers traversé de souffrances, de massacres, de maladies, de guerres et de violence, Marcion l’hérétique en conclut que le Dieu qui avait créé tout ça ne pouvait pas être bon, que le mal était une composante de sa création. Les scénaristes de la chrétienté trouvèrent un rebondissement assez vaseux pour répondre à la question du mal : ils inventèrent Lucifer. Mais la version de Marcion était bien meilleure : Dieu est responsable du mal comme de tout le reste, il est responsable de la maladie de Gustav aussi. Non seulement le mal fait partie de sa création, mais il en est un des leviers. C’est grâce à la violence et au conflit que la création évolue vers des formes toujours supérieures. Regarde Rome. Selon Plutarque, Jules César a pris plus de huit cents villes, soumis trois cents nations, fait un million de prisonniers et tué un autre million de ses ennemis. Rome était une société vicieuse, avec un goût certain pour la cruauté. Pourtant, son ascension a permis au monde d’évoluer[…] »”

“Dans les époques de stérilité, on devrait hiberner, dormir jour et nuit pour conserver ses forces, au lieu de les dépenser en mortifications et en rages.”
― Del inconveniente de haber nacido
― Del inconveniente de haber nacido
“Stars are cracks of light for night than pierces the heart. (Étoiles sont fissures de lumière - De la nuit que transperce le cœur.)”

“Cette nuit-là, il est seul sans l’être vraiment, car les fantômes de son passé font sentir leur présence. Et le temps passe, comme il sait si bien le faire. Louis a perdu toute notion des heures. La nuit distend et tord le réel. Quand les premières lueurs de l’aube apparaissent, il est épuisé.”
― Les Marches
― Les Marches

“La nuit était si sombre que l'eau des rivières se cognait aux pierres des montagnes et, au-delà des montagnes, Dieu, qui est parfois come un dentiste fou, avec la main du vent, arrachait les arbres avec leur racines.”
― Leyendas de Guatemala
― Leyendas de Guatemala

“L’émerveillement ne connaît pas de limite,
Dans ce paysage où les pas
Dirigent toujours vers la beauté
Du jour et des nuits.”
― Poésie de la nature
Dans ce paysage où les pas
Dirigent toujours vers la beauté
Du jour et des nuits.”
― Poésie de la nature
“Dis qu'on n'apporte pas la chandelle à cette réunion, car ce soir en notre assemblée, pleine est la lune du visage de l'Ami !”
― Le divan
― Le divan

“Lorsque au lever de l'aurore le zéphyr vivifiant comme le souffle de l'amour commença à frémir dans le feuillage, chargé du parfum le plus pur des fleurs, et que de la conque azurée du firmament une pluie de perles descendit sur la terre rafraîchie, Keïs, délivré du monstre hideux de la nuit, renferma dans son sein ses plaintes et ses soupirs.”
― Medjnoûn et Leïla
― Medjnoûn et Leïla
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