Ny Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ny" Showing 1-19 of 19
Alan    Bradley
“When you’re in The System, like after being arrested, you’re no longer a participant. You’re being processed. Instead of an easy to ignore, well-greased cog, you become a sharp edge that needs to be ground down.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

R.M. Engelhardt
“Be Visionary ...”
R.M. Engelhardt

Colum McCann
“It (NY) was like the city that Lot left behind and it would dissolve if it ever began looking backward over its own shoulder. Two pillars of salt. Long Island and New Jersey.”
Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin
tags: ny

“You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
Justin Herfel

Jack Kerouac
“„w Kalifornii nie trzeba mieć domu, bo nigdy nie jest zimno” mówi Slim i śmieje się radośnie. „Rany w życiu nie widziałaś takich ślicznych słonecznych dni, że przez większość roku nawet nie potrzeba płaszcza ani węgla do ogrzewania domu ani zimowych butów ani nic. I nigdy nie umiera się z gorąca w lecie tam na północy we frisco i Oakland i okolicach. Mówię ci, to jest miejsce do życia. I nie da się już pojechać dalej w Ameryce, zostaje tylko woda i Rosja”.
„A co jest złego w Nowym Jorku?” warczy matka Sheili.
„Och, nic!” Slim pokazuje na okno, „Ocean Atlantycki przynosi diabelne wiatry w zimie i jakiś szatański syn przenosi te wiatry na ulice, tak że człowiek może zamarznąć na progu. Bóg zawiesił słonce nad wyspą Manhattan, ale diabeł nie wpuści go w twoje okno, chyba że kupisz sobie mieszkanie w domu wysokim na mile, ale wtedy nawet nie można wyjść odetchnąć powietrzem, bo można spaść tę milę na dół, o ile w ogóle cię stać na takie mieszkanie. Można pracować, ale wtedy w ogóle nie ma się czasu, bo osiem godzin pracy to dwanaście bo trzeba doliczyć te wszystkie metra, autobusy, windy, tunele, promy, schody i znowu windy i jeszcze czekanie, bo to wielkie i beznadziejne miasto. Ale nie, w Nowym Jorku nie ma nic złego.”
Jack Kerouac, Pic

Steven Magee
“In the Awakenings movie I found it very interesting that the most profound awakenings in the catatonic patients occurred in 1969, the year that the Aurora Borealis was seen from N.Y. to Louisiana. It seems the patients were getting environmental radiation stimulation in addition to their L-Dopa drug that year. L-Dopa plus radiation therapy may eventually be proven to be a very potent brain stimulant.”
Steven Magee

Annette Rivers
“You possess the power to access or eliminate every doorway in your life. Choose wisely!”
Annette Rivers

Annette Rivers
“Don't expect others to put forth more effort toward your dream than you're willing to put. The door to success requires dedication. Unlock the door.”
Annette Rivers

Annette Rivers
“When you release the garbage of negativity, you can digest positivity for your destiny.”
Annette Rivers

Steven Magee
“When I look at President Trump, I see what happens to someone that lives in a dense city environment with expansive views of the toxic urban infrastructure.”
Steven Magee

Hank Bracker
“President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was born in 1882, was considered a hero in Jersey City, although I don’t think that my parents saw him that way. He was born in Dutchess County, NY to a prominent Dutch family and, much later, when I lived in Pawling, New York, I got to know his son, Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. What I remember most vividly, was walking up and down Nelson Avenue on April 12, 1945, announcing that the President had died in Warm Springs, Georgia. I was not yet eleven years old when I followed the details of the transfer of power to Harry S. Truman, who succeeded him to the presidency. Over a year had passed since American troops had landed in Italy and started reclaiming Europe. Hitler committed suicide and Germany surrendered to the Allies a few days later on May 7, 1945, freeing me from the unfounded suspicion of being a Nazi and part of the evil empire in the eyes of my schoolmates.”
Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater One"

“Peri Peri Guys is a fast-food restaurant chain that offers a unique twist on traditional fast-food dishes with its flavorful peri peri sauce and variety of options for different dietary preferences. periperiguys.com”

“Keith Klouda embodies versatility and mastery in both law enforcement and construction. His retired status as an NYPD Police Officer evolved into owning Pristine Construction & Contracting Inc., where his 32-year journey enriches every project. A certified lead paint remover and skilled framer, Keith's expertise stems from a vocational carpentry education.”
Keith Klouda

Winter Renshaw
“...Maybe the ones who married for the wrong reasons are the ones who don't make it. And the ones who married out of pure love are the ones who stand the test of time."

"People get married because they're in love with the fantasy of marriage. The illusion of the happily-ever-after fairy tale we've all been sold since the beginning of time." I dust some sand of my pants, "Why does anyone do anything? Because they want the fantasy of what that thing represents. Why did you move from Nebraska to New York? Was it the fantasy of a glamorous life in one of the most famous cities in the world? The promise of success? The excitement of a fast-paced life? Somewhere along the line, someone sold you on the fantasy of life in the Big Apple, and you bought it. It's not that much different than marriage, in a way. You just committed to a city instead of a person.”
Winter Renshaw, Fake-ish

John F. Lorne
“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light." - George Washington”
John F. Lorne, Morris Park Crew: The Official History

“Dr. Jack Mbabuike, MD, is a highly regarded specialist in orthopedic pain management, dedicated to serving the diverse population of New York City with compassion and skill.”
Jack Mbabuike MD

“Mary Brainard Geneva, NY, a resident of Geneva, NY, brings years of kitchen design experience to the table, focusing on aesthetic and functional excellence.”
Mary Brainard Geneva, NY

“Meet Mary Brainard, a dynamic professional based in Geneva, NY, renowned for her prowess in mortgage lending and kitchen design.”
Mary Brainard Geneva, NY