Profitable Quotes

Quotes tagged as "profitable" Showing 1-28 of 28
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“In business, profitability is a non-negotiable.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Pooja Agnihotri
“A successful business is not built just on your expertise, it needs mastering of all the business pieces and maintaining the interconnection among them in a profitable and fruitful way.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“When we invest, It’s about the big picture, and having a holistic approach to investing”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Profit is good.

Profit motivates businesses to be:
(a) efficient - to do more with less, to consume fewer resources, to reduce and reuse waste.
(b) productive - to allow for bigger profit margins.
(c) Valuable - income, and therefore profit is only possible when we add value to our customers lives. When the value of our product or service is worth more to them than what it cost us to provide it, we profit.”
Hendrith Smith

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
“With these meager scraps of Latin and the like, you may perhaps be taken for a scholar, which is honorable and profitable these days.”
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

Israelmore Ayivor
“Some words are sweet but unprotifable! Some are bitter but important. First weigh your words on the counter of integrity and speak not only because your words are sweet, but because they contain the truth!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Nature is quite unwelcoming to unprofitable things. It seems to be a non-negotiable in nature that every thing in nature must produce more value than it consumes.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Companies should not gamble with leverage. Companies shouldn't gamble on borrowed money. If a company is going to borrow and leverage other peoples money, it should be going toward something profitable, stable and safe. Executives can't predict the future with any certainty, but they can do their research and due diligence. And they can be methodical and strategic as opposed to reckless.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Pliny the Younger
“Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - There is no book so bad that it is not profitable on some part.”
Pliny the Younger

“A lie is more profitable than the truth. That is why we have elections.”
Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Hopal Green
“Taking a shortcut isn't always profitable, doing the right thing may take longer but just trust the process, your reward is sure!”
Hopal Green

Silvia Hartmann
“There is nothing more profitable than the extreme avant garde.”
Silvia Hartmann

“It is equally important to know if we have a happy and engaged workforce as it is to have a profitable bottom line.”
Vern Dosch, Wired Differently

Israelmore Ayivor
“Teamwork is the best ever investment. If I make 3 and you make 5, together we will not make 8. We will make 15. Leaders build active teams!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Richie Norton
“The greatest innovations and creativity are quickly labeled “stupid” and rarely have the opportunity to come into conventional (and profit­able) fruition. Be creative anyway. Stupid is the New Smart.”
Richie Norton

“A person should neither serious nor curious, to the thing which will not profitable for him/her life.”
Rashid Jorvee

Steven Magee
“The medical profession is addicted to the over use of biologically harmful CT X-Ray scans because they are so profitable.”
Steven Magee

Germany Kent
“You can only profit off of your popularity if you have a product you are selling. A positive image is desirable but yields no financial gains. ”
Germany Kent

Coreen T. Sol
“Short-cuts are timesavers for a reason: they omit details that can differentiate a profitable decision from one that you regret.”
Coreen T. Sol, Unbiased Investor: Reduce Financial Stress and Keep More of Your Money

“Profit focus beats lead focus every time.”
Aaron Adamson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Create art for art's sake, not for profit’s sake.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“When we step into the leading role of our own
life, rather than continue to play supporting roles in others, we are energized and vitalized. Work is no longer drudgery. It becomes
fun, meaningful, productive, and often profitable.”
Kathy Sparrow, Ignite Your Leadership: Proven Tools for Leaders to Energize Teams, Fuel Momentum and Accelerate Results

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A bald head is better than a bald mind. It is profitable to grow in wisdom, rather than appealing only in appearance.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, These Words Pour Like Rain

Marion Bekoe
“Being busy is always good when it’s both productive and profitable.”
Marion Bekoe

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sleeping after doing little is profitable than sleeping after doing nothing.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, These Words Burn Like Fire