Proteins Quotes

Quotes tagged as "proteins" Showing 1-7 of 7
Frederick Sanger
“A DNA sequence for the genome of bacteriophage ΦX174 of approximately 5,375 nucleotides has been determined using the rapid and simple 'plus and minus' method. The sequence identifies many of the features responsible for the production of the proteins of the nine known genes of the organism, including initiation and termination sites for the proteins and RNAs. Two pairs of genes are coded by the same region of DNA using different reading frames.”
Frederick Sanger

Anthony T. Hincks
“Not all proteins have your best interests at heart.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“Those who have been forced to study 'dialectical materialism', the strange concoction that was supposed to form the philosophical foundation of Marxism in the Soviet Union and other countries of socialist camp, will never forget the definition Friedrich Engels gave : Life is the mode of existence of protein bodies. If one sets aside the disgust form the relentless drilling of this formula into our poor brains, along with other jewels of Marxist wisdom, it does not sound so bad now, even if trivial and largely beside the point.”
Eugene V. Koonin, The Logic of Chance: The Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution

Stacey Ballis
“I can't tell you how many times over the years people tried to give me soy cheese and tempeh fake-meat, and other ickiness and pass it off as yummy. I'm sorry but no, you cannot make vegetable protein taste like bacon, no matter how much salt and liquid smoke you put in it! I wanted to celebrate good food, prepared in ways that make it good for you, which is surprisingly easy to do if you know the basics. If you use exceptional products that have inherent natural goodness, you don't need to swamp them in butter or cream to make them taste good." For dinner we'd had grilled skirt steaks, spicy Thai sesame noodles from my friend Doug's recipe, braised cauliflower, and for dessert, poached pears and Greek yogurt with lavender flowers and black sage honey. Filling, balanced, nutritionally sound.”
Stacey Ballis, Good Enough to Eat

Anthony T. Hincks
“To me there seems to be a direct correlation between the original coronavirus and the Omicron that is sweeping the world.
The original virus seemed to have a penchant for certain countries which I believe has to do with the protein source that it desired. (People's food)
Delta didn't really have the same liking for the same proteins, but it was more transmissible and far more deadly.
Now along comes Omicron. It is far more transmissible than delta and less deadly or so we thought, but it seems to have the same liking for the countries as what the Wuhan virus did which means that it is similar in the sources of proteins that it wants.
It may be just me, but to me...there is something all too familiar.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Jacques Monod
“L'ultime ratio de toutes les structures et performances téléonomiques des êtres vivants est donc enfermée dans les séquences de radicaux des fibres polypeptidiques, 'embryons' de ces démons de Maxwell biologiques que sont les protéines globulaires. En un sens, très réel, c'est à ce niveau d'organisation chimique que gît, s'il y a un, le secret de la vie.Et saurait-on non seulement décrire ces séquences, mais énoncer la loi d'assemblage à laquelle elles obéissent, on pourrait dire que le secret est percé, l'ultima ratio découverte.”
Jacques Monod, Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology

Steven Magee
“The regular consumption of amino acids improved my health.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements