Puppies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "puppies" Showing 1-30 of 35
Charles M. Schulz
“Happiness is a warm puppy.”
Charles M. Schulz

Margaret Wise Brown
“I like dogs
Big dogs
Little dogs
Fat dogs
Doggy dogs
Old dogs
Puppy dogs
I like dogs
A dog that is barking over the hill
A dog that is dreaming very still
A dog that is running wherever he will
I like dogs.”
Margaret Wise Brown, The Friendly Book

Emme Rollins
“Every bride is beautiful. It’s like newborn babies or puppies. They can’t help it.”
Emme Rollins, Dear Rockstar

Dorothy L. Sayers
“He had the appeal of a very young dog of a very large breed -- a kind of amiable absurdity.”
Dorothy L. Sayers, Gaudy Night

“Things Isabella Wouldn't Care About:
- Titanic sinking again.
- Metror striking Earth and landing directly on top of world's most innocent panda.
- Titanic sinking again and this time the entire crew is puppies.”
Jim Benton, Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers

Julie Klam
“Puppies are constantly inventing new ways to be bad. It's fascinating. You come into a room they've been in and see pieces of debris and try to figure out what you had that was made from wicker or what had been stuffed with fluff.”
Julie Klam, You Had Me at Woof: How Dogs Taught Me the Secrets of Happiness

Jean Donaldson
“So what is the fallout for dogs of the Lassie myth? As soon as you bestow intelligence and morality, you bestow the responsibility that goes along with them. In other words, if the dog knows it’s wrong to destroy furniture yet deliberately and maliciously does it, remembers the wrong he did and feels guilt, it feels like he merits a punishment2, doesn’t it? That’s just what dogs have been getting - a lot of punishment. We set them up for all kinds of punishment by overestimating their ability to think. Interestingly, it’s the “cold” behaviorist model that ends up giving dogs a much better crack at meeting the demands we make of them. The myth gives problems to dogs they cannot solve and then punishes them for failing. And the saddest thing is that the main association most dogs have with that punishment is the presence of their owner. This puts a pretty twisted spin on loooving dogs ‘cause they’re so smart, doesn’t it?”
Jean Donaldson, The Culture Clash: A Revolutionary New Way to Understanding the Relationship Between Humans and Domestic Dogs

Robin McKinley
“Stop it. This is me, remember? We've been thrown up by the same puppies.”
Robin McKinley, Deerskin

Tessa Adams
“And since Logan didn’t seem the least bit antisocial . . .
“You don’t have to look like that, you know. I haven’t kicked a puppy in at least a decade.”
Tessa Adams, Forbidden Embers

Charlotte Huang
“I wish I lived in your world, where it's sunshine and puppies all the time.”
Charlotte Huang, Going Geek

Julie Kenner
“No, I wanna go kick puppies," she retorted.”
Julie Kenner, Torn

Andrew       Peterson
“I'll put her in charge of the puppies. I've twelve this week that need tending. How does that suit you?"

Leeli's mouth hung open. She tried to say something but instead crumpled to the floor. She had fainted with joy.”
Andrew Peterson, The Monster in the Hollows

Stephen        King
“Puppies are God’s idea of a perfect workout program.”
Stephen King, Laurie

Kerry Greenwood
“This was cheering. The real world was still there, it still contained puppies being puppies and cats being cats.”
Kerry Greenwood, Raisins and Almonds

E.A. Bucchianeri
“Finally, Charlie gave up the hunt and placed (the puppy) back on the floor, dispatching fleas was not his idea of a romantic evening, unless you happened to be a twisted exterminator, he thought.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Thea Harrison
“If your life is a blank page, that only means you have room to write your story. You have the power to tell that story the way you want to.”
Thea Harrison, Liam Takes Manhattan

Yohai Reuben
“And so I learned by observation, interaction, and experience - as well as active study and research - growing up and throughout my life how to understand dog-psychology, how to behave around dogs, and how to physically handle them (without fear or worry of being bitten) if/when necessary. I've had both good and bad experiences with countless dogs thus yielding many lessons learned as well as useful insights which will be shared with you throughout the course of this book.”
Yohai Reuben, Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

Yohai Reuben
“I am going to share with you the very essential (yet very simple) philosophies, strategies, tactics, techniques, tips, and tricks that you need to know to successfully and quickly house-train as well as instill obedience in your GSD puppy – even if you receive your puppy earlier than the recommended 8-week earliest recommended safe age (as I did) for separation of a puppy from his/her mother and siblings. Understanding dog-psychology is simple and there are only a few essential (yet very simple) things that you need to understand – but you need to understand them well! The photojournal format makes it conducive to offer helpful tactics, techniques, tips, and tricks that can be accompanied by illustrative photos (when necessary) that are spread throughout the book.”
Yohai Reuben, Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“Puppies are born with the genes for love, but it still takes a village to raise a loving dog.”
Clive D.L. Wynne, Dog Is Love: Why and How Your Dog Loves You

Jazz Feylynn
“Snot puppies.”
Jazz Feylynn

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“I just need a dozen puppy kisses.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Johnny Firic
“He would pat the ugliest puppies.”
Johnny Firic, The Oldest Word

Thea Harrison
“Kids these days," Dragos said quietly. "They grow up so fast."
"Supersonic fast," Pia said just as quietly.”
Thea Harrison, Liam Takes Manhattan

Yohai Reuben
“This book is divided into chapters, though not in the traditional chapter division of subject matters. This is because this book also serves as a photojournal of moments from Sadie's first few months of life documented here in dated photos. Thus subsequent chapters after the first are divided into chapters by the date of the photos taken - mostly weekly every seven days on the weekly anniversary (Tuesday) of her birth. Another reason that I have done this is because training a GSD puppy from the age of 4 weeks 5 days entirely on my own has been a “sink or swim” type of learning experience for me, and I would like you to experience with me the raising of Sadie (and the learning/realization of things as I learned/realized them) here in this photojournal if at all possible.”
Yohai Reuben, Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If a politician and a puppy participate the same election, you can be sure that the puppy will win the election because people will find it much more sincere!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Sometimes, looking into the distance, one may fail to notice things under one's feet and stumble.”
Marie D., A Dog Called Buddy: The World through the Eyes of Buddy

Victoria Schade
“She felt her whole body relax when the puppy turned crescent-shaped with glee and wiggled into her palm. She wished she could inject the furry oxytocin hit into her veins like a junkie.
Thank God for puppies.”
Victoria Schade, Dog Friendly

“Trying to sell the idea of a new pup to the children, on the other hand, was about as difficult as trying to convince them to eat chocolate.”
David Kennard, The Dogs of Windcutter Down: One Shepherd's Struggle for Survival

“Mischief in a puppy is a promising sign.”
Clare Bice, A Dog for Davie's Hill

Jessica Pierce
“If you balk at the idea that dogs could be bred like pigs, I’m sorry to disabuse you. Dogs and pigs alike are treated as breeding livestock. The animals are made to have as many young as possible. The babies are taken away at a young age so that they can be sold and a new breeding cycle can begin. The animals never have real sex—that is, sex when and with whom they choose; rather, females are tied up so they can be mounted or, more often, they are artificially inseminated. In commercial breeding operations, and also in many small-scale or backyard breeding outfits, dogs are treated, like the sows and their piglets, as units of production and their sole function is to bear young for profit. All they do is bear one litter after another, until (usually at the age of four or five) they are spent. At which point they are no longer of value and are killed. Taken together with the spay/neuter picture, what we have is rather bizarre: an enormous population of eunuchs and virgins, and a small population of dogs who live their entire meagre existence as breeders, as part of a puppy production line.”
Jessica Pierce, Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets

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