Saturday Quotes

Quotes tagged as "saturday" Showing 1-30 of 39
Israelmore Ayivor
“Compassion is a lifetime business. You can't say something like, "I will have compassion on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays only. But for the rest, I will be cruel". That is hypocrisy.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Nora Roberts
“There was nothing like a Saturday - unless it was the Saturday leading up to the last week of school and into summer vacation. That of course was all the Saturdays of your life rolled into one big shiny ball.”
Nora Roberts, Rising Tides

C.J. Carlyon
“Love me like Saturday night, like three glasses of champagne, like the room is spinning, like you're drunk on my love.”
C.J. Carlyon

James A. Murphy
“It's not that we spend five days looking forward to just two. It's that most people do what they enjoy most on those two days. Imagine living a life where everyday are your Saturdays and Sundays. Make everyday your weekend. Make everyday a play-day…”
James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations

Chip Gaines
“I told myself that I was going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday.”
Chip Gaines, The Magnolia Story

“I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.”
Charmaine J. Forde

“Saturday night is perfect for writers because other people have "plans.”
Mike Birbiglia

Annie Proulx
“A kind of joyous hysteria moved into the room, everything flying before the wind, vehicles outside getting dented to hell, the crowd sweaty and the smells of aftershave, manure, clothes dried on the line, your money’s worth of perfume, smoke, booze; the music subdued by the shout and babble through the bass hammer could be felt through the soles of the feet, shooting up the channels of legs to the body fork, center of everything. It is the kind of Saturday night that torches your life for a few hours, makes it seem like something is happening.”
Annie Proulx, Close Range: Wyoming Stories

“Different cocktails for different Saturday nights.”
Drew Barrymore

Catherynne M. Valente
“Why should I care about you first kiss,' he said. 'You can kiss anyone you like. But sometimes if you wanted to kiss me, that would be all right, too.”
Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There

Dan Pearce
“Saturday mornings, I’ve learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the face.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

“Oh my sweet Saturday,
I have been waiting for you for six long days”
Charmaine J Forde

Wataru Watari
“Saturday is the mightiest day of the week. It's unshakably, overwhelmingly superior. Not only is it a day off of school, the following day is also a day off, like some kind of Super Saiyan bargain sale.”
Wataru Watari, やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている 3

Ian McEwan
“It took a day to dismantle Lily's existence . . .striking the set of a play, humble, one-handed domestic drama, without permission from the cast. . . But her life, all lives, seemed tenuous when he saw how quickly, with what ease, all the trappings, all the fine details of a lifetime could be packed and scattered, or junked. . . Objects became junk as soon as they were separated from their owner and their pasts . . . As the shelves and drawers emptied, and the boxes and bags filled, he saw that no one owned anything really. It's all rented, or borrowed. Our possessions will outlast us, we'll desert them in the end.”
Ian McEwen

Joey Goebel
“It shouldn't make any difference, but Friday and Saturday nights are the worst. They're the worst because the loneliness is magnified. The best you can do is hope that there is someone else like you out there, but if there is, you will never meet this person because she doesn't get out either.
So, you're left with your thoughts, and your thoughts are living people in your brain who call and hang up and lounge around like armed security guards who happen to be beautiful. In between these thoughts, you think about what's going on out there. The girl of your dreams is being ravaged by a man who doesn't have a care in the world. Just to hear her voice would make you happy for a week, but he gets to spend the day and night with her and thinks nothing of it. (…), there are boyfriends and girlfriends, people in love, wide awake. They hang out. They hang out. They hang out. They do nothing worthwhile except each other. Friends, friends, friends. Fiends. Inside jokes. There are so many stupid conversations going on right now. You could be having a meaningful conversation with a taxi driver. You could talk to him about how Travis Bickle's taxi was a metaphor for loneliness. (…) You have a gray tint on your contact lenses. But you have your work. They don't have that. They are cowards. Everyone seems so afraid to be alone. It takes strength to lie there alone and take it. They just want to copulate, and that's their biggest concern of the night. You want a tragedy. An assassination. A massacre. An earthquake. A city falling to the ground. Something to get the people on TV to be on the same page as you.”
Joey Goebel, Torture the Artist

Margaret Widdemer
“It was four o'clock of a stickily wet Saturday. As long as it is anything from Monday to Friday the average library attendant goes around thanking her stars she isn't a school-teacher; but the last day of the week, when the rest of the world is having its relaxing Saturday off and coming to gloat over you as it acquires its Sunday-reading best seller, if you work in a library you begin just at noon to wish devoutly that you'd taken up scrubbing-by-the-day, or hack-driving, or porch-climbing or- anything on earth that gave you a weekly half-holiday!”
Margaret Widdemer, The Rose-Garden Husband

Raphaël Jerusalmy
“אבל יום ראשון הוא יום קסום. אפילו לנו. רק מפני שזה יום ראשון.

לערבים יש יום שישי, וליהודים שבת. שלושתם יחד יוצרים מה שקוראים האמריקאים סוף שבוע ארוך.”
Raphaël Jerusalmy, Saving Mozart

Christina Engela
“The last week hadn’t been any better, come to think of it. On Monday they arrived at Gorda, just to find that the cargo of electronics he was to ship to Beowulf had been taken by another freighter for a lower fee. It took him until Wednesday before he found another cargo – which had to reach Earth by Saturday. The last straw was when his crew mutinied a day out of the Hermes system and demanded a pay increase. The union tended to call that sort of thing “collective bargaining”, not actually mutiny, but hey – the results are the same. He tended to favor the term “piracy”, but this wasn’t the high seas and out here, there were real pirates to worry about. His former crew had also wanted more time off and a better cook – at least one who knew how which end of a frying pan to hold. He was unable to comply, and so was forced to stop at Beowulf anyway. That was the last time he saw them. Fortunately for him, Weaver, Fuller and Jang opted to stay with him. Whether it was out of loyalty, or perhaps just convenience, he never knew.”
Christina Engela, Blachart

John King
“The rush is there and my body tingles. Sounds funny but it's true. It's better than shafting a bird. Better than speeding. Mark's head is a mess but the bleeding has stopped. My knuckles are bruised and Rod's eyes have gone a bit mental looking. We join the crush trying to get into the ground and we can hear the constant chant of CHELSEA. This is what life's all about. Tottenham away. Love it.”
John King, The Football Factory

Anna-Marie McLemore
“Saturday is birthday cake day.
During the week, the panadería is all strong coffee and pan dulce. But on weekends, it's sprinkle cookies and pink cake. By ten or eleven this morning, we'll get the first rush of mothers picking up yellow boxes in between buying balloons and paper streamers.
In the back kitchen, my father hums along with the radio as he shapes the pastry rounds of ojos de buey, the centers giving off the smell of orange and coconut. It may be so early the birds haven't even started up yet, but with enough of my mother's coffee and Mariachi Los Camperos, my father is as awake as if it were afternoon.
While he fills the bakery cases, my mother does the delicate work of hollowing out the piñata cakes, and when her back is turned, I rake my fingers through the sprinkle canisters. During open hours, most of my work is filling bakery boxes and ringing up customers (when it's busy) or washing dishes and windexing the glass cases (when it's not). But on birthday cake days, we're busy enough that I get to slide sheet cakes from the oven and cover them in pink frosting and tiny round nonpareils, like they're giant circus-animal cookies. I get to press hundreds-and-thousands into the galletas de grajea, the round, rainbow-sprinkle-covered cookies that were my favorite when I was five.
My mother finishes hollowing two cake halves, fills them with candy- green, yellow, and pink this time- and puts them back together. Her piñatas are half our Saturday cake orders, both birthday girls and grandfathers delighting at the moment of seeing M&M's or gummy worms spill out. She covers them with sugar-paste ruffles or coconut to look like the tiny paper flags on a piñata, or frosting and a million rainbow sprinkles.”
Anna-Marie McLemore, Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Food & Love

Anthony T. Hincks
“Saturday's dreams are only Sunday's memories.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“Everything you desire unfolds in the present moment. The past is gone, the future unwritten. The Magic is in Now!

Be present, Daydreamers! Immerse yourself in the beauty of your current reality. This is where magic happens, where desires transform into magnificent experiences.

Darling listen – stop waiting for some future version of yourself to be something that you are not now. Instead, be so present that you forget about what hasn’t manifested yet (what hasn’t come to life yet). This is the real Manifestation technique…. This is when the big leaps happen. This is when your desires manifest.

Sweetheart, the present moment is like fertile ground. It’s where our dreams take root, where our actions have the most impact. Don't miss the power of “Right Now.”

May today be filled with unexpected miracles, blissful moments & perhaps, the fulfillment of a long-held wish. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Saturday CHORES in Barbados way back when:

1. Clean the house
2. Wash school uniforms by hand with Breeze powder detergent
3. Complete Voice of Prophecy lessons...

I really miss those childhood days in "My Sweet Barbados”
Charmaine J. Forde

Avijeet Das
“As the love symphony
of Beethoven wafted
in the air, you and I
made love last
Saturday afternoon.
And the neighbor's dog
barked madly, every time
our bed creaked
from all the gyrations
that you and I
could outmaneuver
in our frenzy of wanting
each other's body and soul!”
Avijeet Das

“Darling listen – today, I want you to step out into the world with the intention to form a heartfelt connection & do something self satisfying.

Remember – every stranger is one conversation away from an acquaintance & one coffee or drink away from your friendship. Try it!

I want you to use your smile, sense of humour, witty & chirpy nature to be the centre of attraction today (in fact everyday). Let your good deeds, good thoughts, happy heart & the smile on your face bring good cheers & joy in your world.

Stay amazingly blessed!”
Rajesh Goyal

Anthony T. Hincks
“Saturday your day away today!”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Friday's dreams are only Saturday's memories.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“While yesterday is surely out of reach for everyone, today & tomorrow hold a promise for you. Make it count, if you really wish to reconnect (with someone) or if you’re determined to catch up (on work, hobbies etc.).

So, Get Up & Go Get It – whether it’s nourishing your body, finding moments of peace, igniting joy in your heart or increasing your abundance & influence, make today count.

Sweetheart, make up for lost time & start living your best life today!

Darling listen – the key to best life lies in keeping your word, staying positive, making no assumptions & always giving your best effort. Always remember that!

May you soon find yourself saying, “Wow, this is even better than I hoped!”

Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

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