Snobbish Quotes

Quotes tagged as "snobbish" Showing 1-13 of 13
John Fowles
“You despise the real bourgeois classes for all their snobbishness and their snobbish voices and ways. You do, don't you? Yet all you put in their place is a horrid little refusal to have nasty thoughts or do nasty things or be nasty in any way. Do you know that every great thing in the story of art and every beautiful thing in life is actually what you call nasty or has been caused by feelings that you would call nasty? By passion, by love, by hatred, by truth. Do you know that?”
John Fowles, The Collector

Abhijit Naskar
“Enough with this condescending outlook of life from a high and mighty, intellectual pedestal! Come down, come down to earth, come down to the street, come down to the soil, for that's where life is.”
Abhijit Naskar, Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to The Human Race

Sinclair Lewis
“These folks from New York are all so high and mighty, with their skyscrapers and banquets and everything that t if we don't guess they come from there when we first lay an eye on 'em, we just show ourselves as awful rubes. Oh, yes! Yes. You can always tell 'em by their touch-me-not ways.”
Sinclair Lewis, Mantrap

Abhijit Naskar
“Until the billionaire and the janitor become equal in your eyes, you are yet to be a civilized human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

Abhijit Naskar
“Those who are arrogant about their pedigree, about their culture, about their intellect, I have no business with them, give me the humble janitor, give me the illiterate construction worker, give me the dropout waitress - the humble soul will find me in their own heart, but the arrogant will argue their whole life and never understand what I am all about, what humanity is all about - it's about community, it's about listening, it's about letting go of one's self-obsessed identity to become one with humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Shape of A Human: Our America Their America

Abhijit Naskar
“Purpose of progress is to lift all humanity, not to pamper the elites' moronity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Philip Hensher
“The thing I truly object to,” Kitty said, “and I know this sounds trivial and I don’t care if it sounds a bit snobbish, but I don’t care about these awful people and I do care about this. It’s that the whole world now thinks about Hanmouth as being this sort of awful council estate and nothing else, and Hanmouth people like this awful Heidi and Micky people. Absolutely everything you read in the papers is about how they live in Hanmouth and, frankly, they don’t. They live on the Ruskin estate where I’ve never been and I hope never to go anywhere near.”
Philip Hensher, King of the Badgers

Abhijit Naskar
“Wanna know about people's character? Walk around in shabby clothes.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Posh Yet Potty (The Sonnet)

One can be posh on the outside yet potty on the inside.
More often than less both of these go hand in hand.
Pedigree, personality, position, all are deemed important.
Amidst this royal mess of things we forget to be human.
We look at partisan loyalty, we look at intellectual fluency,
And in the process of analysis we end up a freudian chasm.
In order to find whether someone belongs in our camp,
We act less of a human and more of a lifeless algorithm.
It's okay if you don't know how to use spoon and fork.
What matters is, to reach out and feed an empty stomach.
It's okay if you don't know much fancy words and facts.
What matters is, your heart beats beyond the factual muck.
So, shitty or not we look on the outside, let's pay no attention,
Instead let us muster all spirit towards internal ascension.”
Abhijit Naskar, Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to The Human Race

Kellyn Roth
“I don’t want you to be the reason why he thinks the British are snobbish.”
Kellyn Roth, At Her Fingertips

Abhijit Naskar
“Till we stop being a bunch of poncy, pretentious pillock, each obnoxious advancement will cause nothing but havoc.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Sophie Kinsella
“As I follow her gaze, I stiffen in horror. Coming down the stairs into the lobby is the guy who punches vending machines and wants to chainsaw ficus plants and reduces toddlers to tears. Here, in the same hotel. He looks as super-relaxed and approachable as he did before—i.e., not at all.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Burnout