Uncle Quotes

Quotes tagged as "uncle" Showing 1-30 of 33
William Shakespeare
“I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy
eyes—and moreover, I will go with thee to thy uncle’s.”
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Of course, in a novel, people’s hearts break, and they die, and that is the end of it; and in a story this is very convenient. But in real life we do not die when all that makes life bright dies to us. There is a most busy and important round of eating, drinking, dressing, walking, visiting, buying, selling, talking, reading, and all that makes up what is commonly called living, yet to be gone through…”
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin

“Spelling bees? Spelling bees do not scare me. I competed in the National Spelling Bee twice, thank you very much. My dad competed in the National Spelling Bee. My aunt competed in the National Spelling Bee. My uncle WON the National Spelling Bee. If I can't spell it, I know someone who can. SO JUST BRING IT ON, YOU BASTARDS!!
Kristin Cashore

Criss Jami
“To the loyal and to the blood-lovers, in the good families and in the fiery dynasties, life is family and family is life. It is the same people who give advice and their vices to live well who turn out to be the ones who give resource and reason to live long.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The only reason that some people aren’t ashamed of their parents and/or siblings is because they know that we know that they did not choose them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Harriet Beecher Stowe
“O, because I have had only that kind of benevolence which consists in lying on a sofa, and cursing the church and clergy for not being martyrs and confessors. One can see, you know, very easily, how others ought to be martyrs.
-Augustine St. Clare”
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin

T.A. Miles
“His father was an ass and he is an ass. I imagine sooner than I should like I shall be playing uncle to a litter of asses.”
T. A. Miles, Raventide

“From that point on, I would refer to him as "your uncle" and he would mostly refer to me as "your aunt" and it would take a longtime for our children to even understand that we were siblings first.”
Jenny Zhang, Sour Heart

Franz Kafka
   As you will already have realized during our much too brief companionship, I am essentially a man of principle. That is unpleasant and depressing not only to those who come in contact with me, but also to myself as well. Yet it is my principles that have made me what I am, and no one can ask me to deny my fundamental self. Not even you, my dear nephew.”
Franz Kafka, Amerika

Eileen Granfors
“Sleep, ladies. I will be your St. Florian." Tomaso”
Eileen Granfors, Some Rivers End on the Day of the Dead

Lindsey Renee Backen
“Trust me, dear, with the amount that you read, I guarantee that your eyes will never go bad.”
Lindsey Renee Backen, The Secret of Sentarra

Anurag Shourie
“Enough of medical ethics. Let Uncle
Hippocrates rest in peace. It’s time to send an S.O.S to Uncle Omar Khayyam instead.”
Anurag Shourie, Half A Shadow

Jessica Khoury
“Remember, Pia," he whispers. "Perfect is as perfect does.”
Jessica Khoury, Origin

Nitya Prakash
“If you are 18+ you need to call people Sir, not Uncle, you moron!”
Nitya Prakash

Thomm Quackenbush
“My main nurturing instinct toward children is mild sadism--picking them up and threatening to drop them--which is why I am a good uncle but would make a poor father.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Pagan Standard Times: Essays on the Craft

Carlos Wallace
“As a writer I have a responsibility. As a father, a union organizer, a leader, a son, brother, uncle, friend…as a man… I have a responsibility to be honest, to be trustworthy and to be mindful that people rely on the things I say and do in so many ways.”
Carlos Wallace

Michael  Grant
“It’s time,” Jack said.
“Breeze? Count the kids,” Sam said.
Brianna was back in twenty seconds. “Eighty-two, boss.”
“About a third,” Jack observed. “A third of what’s left.”
“Wait. Make that eighty-eight,” Brianna said. “And a dog.”
Lana, looking deeply irritated—a fairly usual expression for her—and Sanjit, looking happy—a fairly usual expression for him—and Sanjit’s siblings were trotting along to catch up.
“I don’t know if we’re staying up there or not,” Lana said without preamble. “I want to check it out. And my room smells like crap.”
Just before the time was up, Sam heard a stir. Kids were making a lane for someone, murmuring. His heart leaped.
“Hey, Sam.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Diana?”
“Not expecting me, huh?” She made a wry face. “Where’s blondie? I didn’t see her at the big pep rally.”
“Are you coming with us?” Brianna demanded, obviously not happy about it.
“Is Caine okay with this?” Sam asked Diana. “It’s your choice, but I need to know if he’s going to come after us to take you back.”
“Caine has what he wants,” Diana said.
“Maybe I should call Toto over,” Sam said. The truth teller was having a conversation with Spidey. “I could ask you whether you’re coming along to spy for Caine, and see what Toto has to say.”
Diana sighed. “Sam, I have bigger problems than Caine. And so do you, I guess. Because the FAYZ is going to do something it’s never done before: grow by one.”
“What’s that mean?”
“You are going to be an uncle.”
Sam stared blankly. Brianna said a very rude word. And even Dekka looked up.
“You’re having a baby?” Dekka asked.
“Let’s hope so,” Diana said bleakly. “Let’s hope that’s all it is.”
Michael Grant, Plague

Christina Engela
“Captain Harald Biscay rubbed his graying temples, staring deep in thought at the vast star field showing on the large navigation display on the bridge. It had been a pretty rough few days for him. Of all the things he’d seen in his travels through the universe, not many rated worthy of being remembered. Of the few examples of items Captain Biscay rated that highly, when he was a young man, his uncle would often play the bagpipes at strange hours of the night – shortly before being put in a ‘home’. That rated a mention.”
Christina Engela, Dead Man's Hammer

Fahad Basheer
“Who is more worst than a man who daydream to see the destruction of his sisters son!”
Fahad Basheer

Lisa Kleypas
“As soon as he was inside, Merritt went to Phoebe's father, and his arms closed around her in a brief, comforting embrace. She and her siblings had always known Kingston as the kind, handsome man with an abundant supply of funny stories and always made time to play jackstraws or checkers with bored children. As Merritt had grown older, however, it had been impossible to avoid the gossip about his notorious past. She found it difficult to reconcile that version of him- the skirt-chasing scoundrel- with the devoted family man whose entire world centered around his wife. Whatever Kingston's past, he was like a second father, and she would have trusted him with her life.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

Adalyn  Grace
“Signa was sent to live with her mother’s brother—a young and healthy banker with a fine estate and fruitful love life.

Her uncle’s love life proved to be too fruitful in the end, however—at the age of thirty, he died from a disease he’d contracted from one of his many partners.”
Adalyn Grace, Belladonna

Aesop Rock
“My uncle used to take me and my brothers fishing in northeastern Pennsylvania, and when it started getting dark, small bats would dart around, occasionally colliding with our fishing lines sitting out in the water. I loved it.”
Aesop Rock

“Before the ubiquity of the traditional schooling system, it was the families that fulfilled this role. The nuclear family and single parents that stay in smaller households was the exception rather than the norm. Family members tended to stay together in one area. This meant in one homestead there were grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts and so on. This in turn created a strong supportive environment”
Salatiso Mdeni, The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling

Edwidge Danticat
“His entire life was now reduced to an odd curiosity, a looting opportunity.”
Edwidge Danticat, Brother, I'm Dying

Ardin Patterson
“A smile parted between her lips, peering at Julius flopping about in his uncle’s arms. Dianna couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle. One of the little boy’s mittens dangled by a thread from the sleeve of his jacket while Roland danced about, trying to remove his boots without waking Julius up.”
Ardin Patterson, Feral

Rita Williams-Garcia
“Got what?' he asked. If ever I missed my uncle’s dimples, it was now that he didn’t smile at this perfect opportunity to tease his favorite niece and let his dimples show.”
Rita Williams-Garcia, Gone Crazy in Alabama

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