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fiction (1170)
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australia-new-zealand (544)
autobiography-memoir (522)
sf-fantasy (498)
z-1990-s (467)
non-fiction (439)
z-1970-s (401)
historical-fiction (327)
society-culture (319)
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war (312)
australian-nz-women (285)
the-arts-painting-etc (272)
psychology (222)
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z-1970-s (401)
historical-fiction (327)
society-culture (319)
women-s-studies (318)
war (312)
australian-nz-women (285)
the-arts-painting-etc (272)
psychology (222)
horror-etc (220)
medical (207)
film (204)

Mother Earth
Mother Earth was the name of an anarchist magazine of the early 20th cent ...more "

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
― The Four Loves
― The Four Loves

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
― Eleonora
― Eleonora

“People disappear when they die. Their voice, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living memory of them ceases. This is both dreadful and natural. Yet for some there is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continue to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humor, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like flies in amber, like corpses frozen in the ice, that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.”
― The Thirteenth Tale
― The Thirteenth Tale

A group for all Australian Goodreads members (and those interested in Australia), no matter what they read!

"Interested in history - then you have found the right group". The History Book Club is the largest history and nonfiction group on Goodread ...more

*Note: This group, although it lives on in a sense, like a photograph, capturing a moment so people can look back later and go, "Oh, wow, you looked s ...more

life's too short to read crappy books. this is why readers' advisory exists. feel free to join if you are looking for "a book like____" or "a book tha ...more
Velvetink’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Velvetink’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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Adult Fiction, African American, Art, Biography, Book Club, Classics, Comics, Contemporary, Crime, Ebooks, Fantasy, Fiction, Graphic novels, Historical fiction, History, Horror, Literary Fiction, Memoir, Music, Mystery, Non-fiction, Paranormal, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Science, Science fiction, Suspense, Thriller, Travel, and natural-history
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