
Written by Neal Purvis & Robert Wade and John Logan.
Escrito por Neal Purvis & Robert Wade y John Logan.
Produced by Stanley Scott Bullock, Brandon Esten and Steven Meyers.
Producida por Stanley Scott Bullock, Brandon Esten y Steven Meyers.
Produced by Michael R. Joyce, Dan Wigutow and Todd Sharp.
Producida por Michael R. Joyce, Dan Wigutow y Todd Sharp.
Produced by Joseph E. Levine, Arthur Cohn and Carlo Ponti.
Producida por Joseph E. Levine, Arthur Cohn y Carlo Ponti.
Produced by José Miguel Juárez, Antonio Oliver and Jaime Borrell.
Producida por José Miguel Juárez, Antonio Oliver y Jaime Borrell.
Produced by Tobias F. Dahl, Mikael Olsen and Charlotte Vinther.
Producida por Tobias F. Dahl, Mikael Olsen y Charlotte Vinther.
Guangzhou Opera House, designed by Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher.
Guangzhou Opera House, diseñado por Zaha Hadid y Patrik Schumacher.
Produced by Allan Carr, Robert Stigwood and Neil A. Machlis.
Producida por Allan Carr, Robert Stigwood y Neil A. Machlis.
Produced by Pamela B. Green, Robert Redford and Gala Minasova.
Producida por Pamela B. Green, Robert Redford y Gala Minasova.
Produced by Hanan Kattan, Kevan Van Thompson and Lisa Tchenguiz.
Producida por Hanan Kattan, Kevan Van Thompson y Lisa Tchenguiz.
Produced by Jordan Daniel Brackett, Tophy Cho and John Andrucci.
Producida por Jordan Daniel Brackett, Tophy Cho y John Andrucci.
Film directed by Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner and Simon Wells.
Película dirigida por Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner y Simon Wells.
Produced by Faras Rabadi, Alan Noel Vega and Cindy Gustafson.
Producida por Faras Rabadi, Alan Noel Vega y Cindy Gustafson.
Produced by Marina Rice Bader, J.D. Disalvatore and Jane Clark.
Producida por Marina Rice Bader, J.D. Disalvatore y Jane Clark.
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Produced by Catalin Jugravu, Fernando Klabin and Andrea Christina Furrer.
Producida por Catalin Jugravu, Fernando Klabin y Andrea Christina Furrer.
Produced by John C. Donkin, Bruce Anderson and Chris Wedge.
Producida por John C. Donkin, Bruce Anderson y Chris Wedge.
Film directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson and Hamilton Luske.
Película dirigida por Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson y Hamilton Luske.
Film directed by Anthony Daniel, Adam Huffman and Dave Pelosi.
Película dirigida por Anthony Daniel, Adam Huffman y Dave Pelosi.
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