Resultados posibles:
Tú no entenderías lo que esta guerra realmente significa para mí. | You wouldn't understand... what this war really means to me. |
Bueno, quizás hay cosas que no entenderías de mí tampoco. | Well, maybe there are things you wouldn't understand about me, either. |
Si pasaras más tiempo con ella, entenderías eso. | If you spent more time with her, you'd understand that. |
Lo que Cyrus y yo tenemos... bueno, no lo entenderías. | What Cyrus and I have... well, you wouldn't understand. |
No entenderías a aquellos que no viven para ganar dinero. | You couldn't understand those who don't live to earn money. |
Si tuvieras una esposa, entenderías por qué es importante. | If you had a wife, you'd know why it matters. |
Tal vez si lo hizo, que lo entenderías donde venimos. | Maybe if you did, you'd understand where we're coming from. |
A lo más entenderías el concepto contenido de sus pensamientos. | At most, you would understand the conceptual content of their thoughts. |
Hay mucho sobre mi mundo que no entenderías. | There's so much about my world you don't understand. |
Si hubieras visto a Paige con ella, lo entenderías. | If you could've seen Paige with her, you'd understand. |
Tú no entenderías que tipo de persona es ella. | You wouldn't understand what type of person she is. |
Pero eso no es algo que entenderías, ¿verdad? | But that's not something you would understand, is it? |
Pero tú no lo entenderías, porque eres un robot. | But you wouldn't understand that because you're a robot. |
Si vieras Ias cosas desde mi punto de vista, entenderías. | If you could see things from my perspective, you'd understand. |
Ya sé que no, pero hace 5 años, lo entenderías. | I know you don't, but five years ago, you would've. |
Creo que si conocieras a Mandela, lo entenderías mejor. | I think if you met Mandela, you'd understand better. |
Lo entenderías si te hubieras quedado y cumplido tu deber. | You would understand that if you had stayed and done your duty. |
Si intentaras escuchar a los niños lo entenderías. | If you tried to listen to the boys you'd understand. |
Creo que entenderías por qué mi abuela era tan importante para mí. | I think you'd understand why my grandmother was so important to me. |
Tu eres joven, no entenderías lo que se siente estar muriendo. | You're young, you don't understand what dying feels like. |
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