Forschungszentrum Jülich is aware of its responsibility for its employees and society. We see honest and collegial interaction as the prerequisite for successful and fruitful cooperation. That is why we are committed to compliance, which pays attention to the observance of legal provisions, internal regulations and basic ethical principles.
As part of this self-image, we therefore offer all employees of the research center and external persons the possibility to report compliance violations via a whistleblower system.
Any reports of criminal offences, regulatory offences, or serious non-compliance with internal regulations incriminating Forschungszentrum Jülich (breaches of compliance) are therefore taken seriously and pursued.
The digital whistleblowing system facilitates the anonymous reporting of compliance breaches. The system is monitored by the compliance officer. It supplements the established contact points and provides an additional option for reporting misconduct.
The whistleblowing system is operated by German company LegalTegrity GmbH. The system is available around the clock in German and English. It can be accessed using any Internet-capable device. It is also possible to report information using a telephone hotline (see below). The whistleblowing system can also be used by external persons who are in contact with Forschungszentrum Jülich in the course of their professional activities or who wish to report rule violations that affect the FZJ.
This system can also be used for complaints regarding violations of human rights or environmental obligations under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). The Complaints Procedure in Accordance with the LkSG can be found here.
Digital complaints
If you would like to report a breach, please click on the following link
It will take you directly to the homepage of the whistleblowing system, where a questionnaire will lead you through the process of reporting a breach.
The system is available around the clock in German and English. It can be accessed using any Internet-capable device. The system is fully encrypted, ensuring secure communication between the whistleblower and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Every report received is carefully assessed and any violations are thoroughly investigated. All reports are treated confidentially and processed in accordance with applicable legal regulations. Data protection and anonymity are guaranteed at all times.
Telephone complaints
The hotline is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 (+49 800 3800 999).
The hotline is free of charge when you call from a German landline or German mobile phone number. Phone calls are answered by employees of LegalTegrity GmbH. These employees have been specially trained for this task and are bound by an obligation of confidentiality. The anonymity of the caller is therefore guaranteed. To protect their anonymity, the caller should also withhold their number.
questions and answers
How does it work?
The whistleblowing system is fully encrypted, ensuring secure communication between the whistleblower and the compliance officer. It is impossible to trace a report back to the person who originally submitted it. Every report received is carefully assessed and any breaches are thoroughly investigated. All reports are treated confidentially and processed in accordance with applicable legal regulations. The solution that has been implemented ensures that data protection and anonymity are guaranteed at all times.
Who can report?
All employees of the research center, external persons as well as business or cooperation partners can use the system.
When should I use the whistleblower system?
The whistleblowing system should only be used if reporting an incident to one of Jülich's established contact points is out of the question for the person concerned. It should be borne in mind that a report can have consequences for third parties, and, in some cases, for the whistleblower too. The whistleblowing system should only be used if the reporting person had reasonable grounds to believe that the information reported on breaches of applicable regulations in the professional context was true at the time of reporting. It is also important that the situation be described in as much detail as possible and that the allegation of misconduct is based on substantiated and well-founded facts and evidence.
Furthermore in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) the complaints procedure enables persons to report risks to human rights or environment-related risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environment-related obligations that have arisen as a result of the economic actions of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) in its own business area or of a direct or indirect supplier of FZJ.
Who handles the complaints?
Complaints are handled by selected employees of the complaints office at FZJ who have been specially trained for this task. These employees are:
not bound by any instructions
bound to secrecy
What happens after a complaint has been submitted?
After information has been reported, the whistleblower will receive confirmation of receipt immediately and no later than seven days after submitting the report.
Information that has been reported is initially checked for plausibility by the complaints office. The complaints office reviews whether the incident reported involves any risks to human rights or environment-related risks or any violations of human rights-related or environment-related obligations.
Throughout the procedure, the complaints office remains in contact with the whistleblower if this was requested.
The whistleblower can request information on the progress of the complaints procedure from the complaints office at any time. They will receive feedback on the status of the procedure and any follow-up measures related to the incident reported no later than three months after the report has been submitted.
How are whistleblowers protected against disadvantage or punishment as a result of a complaint?
Whistleblowers must be protected from retaliation and from any disadvantages as a result of reporting the breach.
However, any person who maliciously reports false information is not protected. Such individuals are obliged to provide compensation for damages and must face consequences in the form of criminal and disciplinary action. Please also read the information for whistleblowers (in German) published by Transparency International Deutschland e. V.
Any questions regarding the whistleblowing system should be addressed to the compliance officer of Forschungszentrum Jülich at: 02461 61 2999 or [email protected].