Aircraft Campaign: Climate Change in the Arctic

11 March 2025

Jülich researchers are participating in a measurement campaign to investigate the influence of ozone and water vapour in the troposphere and stratosphere.

The Arctic is one of the regions most affected by climate change. Temperature in the region has risen around four times as much as the global average in recent decades. The ASCCI measurement campaign coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Goethe University Frankfurt is investigating why the Arctic is warming so much faster than the rest of the Earth’s surface and what kind of an impact this has. Jülich researchers make a significant contribution to the scientific planning of the measurement flights and the instrumentation of the research aircraft. Through the measurement flights in the region, which are currently taking place until the beginning of April, the researchers want to better understand the causes and effects of climate change in the Arctic.

Forschungszentrum Jülich / Martin Riese

Read more in German


  • Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
  • Stratosphere (ICE-4)
Building 05.2 /
Room 3037
+49 2461/61-96602

Dr. Regine Panknin


    Building 15.3 /
    Room R 3028
    +49 2461/61-9054

    Last Modified: 12.03.2025