UCLA Library Digital Collections comply with IIIF, the International Image Interoperability Framework, a standard for rapid delivery of high resolution digital content over the web. Every item page in the collections site displays a IIIF logo. Clicking on it will link you to a page of code called a JSON manifest. The manifest itself might not be useful to you, but the URL for the page serves as the key to open UCLA content in IIIF-compatible viewers and tools anywhere outside the collections site. IIIF content is interoperable between participating cultural heritage institutions, such as museums and academic libraries. Embedded below are some devices and platforms that support inquiry with IIIF-compliant digital collections content. Click and explore their functionality for yourself!
Mirador is a commonly-used scholarly viewer for IIIF content. Its distinctive feature is its ability to display multiple items side-by-side for comparative study. It is pre-loaded here with one content item. To try it with multiple resources, you can add another sample item by copying the URL below, clicking the + sign, clicking +ADD RESOURCE, pasting it into the blank, then selecting the item in the load bar. Mirador windows can be dragged into different order, and made flexible by changing settings. The best way to learn its functionality is to click and explore for yourself. UCLA Library hosts Mirador here, which you can use for free.
Exhibit. is a sequential story-telling viewer developed by Mnemoscene, that allows users to guide audiences through images and other media from multiple sources, using zoom to frame particular details for annotated commentary. It is compatible with 2D and 3D IIIF content. Click through title captions below to experience an Exhibit., and note that you can independently zoom into and view a resource in the display. To create your own Exhibit. at no cost, visit the Exhibit.so site.
Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Scalar enables users to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways, with minimal technical expertise required. It is IIIF-compatible, and allows users to import IIIF content either as standard linked media, or as complete IIIF items to be experienced interactively in an embedded viewer. Click and scroll through the sample Scalar project below to see how it displays content. Scalar was developed for scholarly and educational use with the support of the Mellon Foundation and other sources. Accounts are free and available from the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture website.
The IIIF Community and Consortium have many contributors who develop lightweight and handy online tools to make standardized IIIF functions easier. You can try out the cropping tool yourself to generate image details. Copy the manifest URL below and paste it into the blank ["Enter the URL of a IIIF manifest] and click Submit. The tool is hosted on Github and made available for use by Princeton University's McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning. It does not save content past immediate usage and is intended to facilitate workflows with other tools and platforms that make use of cropped content.