New Bolton Center Kennett Square, PA
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Here's a quick way for you to find a Penn Vet-trained veterinarian in your area. And, if you are a Penn Vet alum, you can re-connect with an old colleague. This list includes the names of alumni who have volunteered to be contacted or to have their information included.

Alumni: if you don't see your name and would like to be included, join the list below!

Penn Vet VMD Finder

How to use the VMD Finder

  • You will find that our records are organized alphabetically first by state, then city/town, and finally by last name.
  • Choose the state, then the city or town, and finally, discover the VMDs in that town who are sorted alphabetically by their last name.

VMD Finder

  • Arizona

    David Taetle, V'05

    Practice Name: Pima North Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 8864 E Pinnacle Peak Road, Bldg K1, Scottsdale, AZ 85255

    Practice Phone Number: 480-630-2459

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Bio statement: "I have practiced in Arizona since graduating from Penn in 2005 and at Pima North Animal Hospital since 2008. As a small animal practitioner, my interests include surgery, medicine, dentistry and dermatology. At PNAH, I practice progressive medicine employing leading edge techniques while concentrating on excellent patient care and compassionate client communication. I look forward to meeting fellow Quakers and caring for their pets in the Valley of the Sun!"

  • California

    Anson Tsugawa, V'98

    Practice Name: Dog and Cat Dentist, Inc.

    Practice Address: City of Angels Veterinary Specialty Center, 9599 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232

    Practice Phone Number: 310-558-6175

    Practice Type: Specialty Dentistry and Oral Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Anson J. Tsugawa graduated as a veterinarian from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine in 1998. Following graduation, he completed a one-year internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital (Akron, OH) and a three-year residency in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. During the final year of his residency, he was elected as Chief Resident of the Small Animal Clinic.

    Dr. Tsugawa became board certified in veterinary dentistry (Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College) in 2004, and was the 2005 recipient of the American Veterinary Dental College Outstanding Candidate Award, a national award presented to a highly qualified and productive veterinarian who has recently achieved board certification in veterinary dentistry.

    He is the previous Chairman of the American Veterinary Dental College Examination Committee (2007-2008), and served as President of the North Bay Westside Chapter of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association in 2007. Dr. Tsugawa is currently a member of American Veterinary Dental College Credentials Committee, the Veterinary Oral Health Council, and serves as a reviewer for several international veterinary journals, including the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association and Veterinary Surgery."

    Nahmi Jones, V'89

    Practice Name: Blue Cross Pet Hospital – North Hollywood, CA

    Practice Address: 5505 Tujunga Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601

    Practice Type: General Practice & Emergency

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Nahmi Jones attended the University of Pennsylvania for her Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris (VMD) degree and graduated in 1989. After graduation, Dr. Jones became part of our team at Blue Cross Pet Hospital. Professionally, she is interested in studying the human-animal bond.

    Adam Behrens, V'05

    Practice Name: Wandering Vet

    Practice Address: 2153 Beach Street, San Francisco, CA 94123

    Practice Phone Number: 415-376-9780

    Practice Type: Housecall

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Behrens has a small animal housecall practice serving San Francisco and Southern Marin. He has provided emergency, medical, and surgical care for dogs, cats, and small mammals. His interests include internal medicine, behavioral medicine, and the human-animal bond. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the California Veterinary Medical Association, the San Francisco Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Feline Practitioners, and the American Association of Housecall Veterinarians."

  • Colorado

    Douglas Thamm, V'95

    Practice Name: Colorado State University

    Practice Address: 300 West Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80523

    Practice Website:

    Kathryn Vickery, V'04

    Practice Name: Flint Animal Cancer Center

    Practice Address: 300 W. Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80523

    Practice Phone Number: 970- 297-5000

    Practice Type: Specialty

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    I love practicing medicine – it’s an art that combines the things I enjoy most: science, problem-solving, communication, and compassionate care. I have always wanted to be a clinician. In my undergraduate program at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, I majored in biology/pre-med with a focus on molecular genetics. My intention was to apply to medical school; however, in my senior year, I got cold feet and decided to postpone this training. Looking back, this was an excellent decision that granted freedom to explore other options.

    After graduating from King’s, I joined Dr. Rich Spielman’s lab at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. Dr. Spielman was a leader and innovator in statistical genetics. I gained experience in benchtop research working on familial genetics studies of polycystic ovarian syndrome in women. During this time, I also volunteered at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital. These experiences solidified my interest in genetics and veterinary medicine.

    In my senior year of veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania, I met Dr. Craig Clifford, who, at the time, was a resident on the oncology service. During this rotation, I learned that genes play a large role in cancer development. I was hooked by the genetics but what inspired me, even more, was Dr. Clifford’s positive energy for his patients and clients. After this experience, I knew that I was meant to be an oncologist – it combined my love for genetics, patient care, and problem-solving.

    In 2005, I began residency training in medical oncology at the Flint Animal Cancer Center. I was impressed by the warm working environment – it was a big group that combined medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology – but despite the size, the culture was that of a family, all working together with the same goal. My experience at FACC as a resident provided a solid foundation to build upon and in 2008, I graduated from residency and began a career in private practice.

    My goal in private practice was to gain as much experience as possible diagnosing and treating patients with cancer. During this time, I gained real-world experience – what works, what does not work, and most importantly, how to provide the best care for the individual patient. As my clinical career developed, I became interested in novel ways to support the cancer patient’s quality of life. In researching this topic, I found that acupuncture is a tool that may help reduce treatment side effects in human-based oncology. This led to me completing course work and becoming certified in veterinary acupuncture.

    I was in private practice from 2008-2019. I loved my patients, clients, and colleagues in private practice, but ultimately, I missed teaching, so when the faculty position opened at the FACC, I jumped at the chance. My goals at the FACC are to provide the students and residents with practical knowledge, ‘from the field’ and to help them navigate the various demands of their new careers. I hope to teach by demonstration, how to provide the best personalized care to each patient and pet parent. I also intend to research how acupuncture may play a role in supporting the veterinary oncology patient.

    I enjoy my career, but I also love being a wife, daughter, and “cool aunt” to my nieces and nephews. In my free time, I enjoy hiking and exploring the National Parks, practicing yoga, running, weightlifting, and doing anything outside.

  • Connecticut

    James Geer, V'72

    Practice Name: Colchester Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 364 Old Hartford Road, Colchester, CT 06415

    Practice Phone Number: 860-537-3435

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Graduated Penn Vet in 1972. Established Colchester Veterinary Hospital in 1974. Still practicing veterinary medicine for 43 years.

    Donald Mullen, V'79

    Practice Name: Guilford Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 81 Saw Mill Road, Guilford, CT 06437

    Practice Phone Number: 203-453-2707

    Practice Type: Primary Care

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "We have an 8 doctor companion animal practice that focus' on the connection that owners have with their beloved family members. Primarily dogs and cats we do have veterinarians who treat exotics and birds. We have been part of our shoreline community since 1954, we are a full service AAHA hospital."

    Jeffrey Sachar, V'03

    Practice Name: Milford Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 256 Cherry Street, Milford, CT 06460

    Practice Phone Number: 203-878-7471

    Practice Type: General Small Animal Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Sachar returned to Connecticut in 2007 after practicing at a busy small animal practice in Mt. Laurel, NJ. He is now co-Owner of Milford Animal Hospital, a progressive, six-doctor practice in Milford, CT, just a town over from where he grew up.

    Christopher Brunner, V'05

    Practice Name: New Fairfield Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 28 State Route 39, Unit 26, New Fairfield, CT 06812

    Practice Phone Number: 203-312-9000

    Practice Type: General Medicine/Minimally Invasive Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Brunner opened New Fairfield Animal Hospital with a partner in 2008. The practice prides itself on offering the very best standards of care and technology while maintaining a personal, family environment. Dr. Brunner started performing laparoscopic surgery in 2010 and has since performed over 100 laparoscopic procedures on patients from CT, NY, PA, VT, and MA."

    Steven Wilson, V'88

    Practice Name: Yale University School of Medicine - Laboratory Animal Medicine

    Practice Address: 310 Cedar St., BML 330 , P.O. Box 208016, New Haven, CT 06520-8016

    Practice Phone Number: 203-785-6067

    Practice Type: Laboratory Animal Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: After 15 years as a companion animal practitioner I entered a residency program in Laboratory Animal Medicine at Yale University and became a faculty member one year later. In 2008 I was accepted as a diplomate in the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Medicine and assistant director of the residency program.

    Janette Alvarez, V'94

    Practice Address: 570 Main Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851

    Practice Phone Number: 203-295-8080

    Practice Type: General

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Full service, small animal hospital with holistic bend. Special interests in internal medicine, skin allergies, behavior, and geriatric medicine.

    Oliver Morgan, V'04

    Practice Name: Cornell University Veterinary Specialists

    Practice Address: 880 Canal Street, Stamford, CT 06902

    Practice Phone Number: 203-595-2777

    Practice Type: Specialty

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Oli grew up in Connecticut and graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004, finishing a rotating internship at UPenn in 2005, and completing a surgery residency from 2005-2008 also at the University of Pennsylvania. After spending four years in Manhattan Beach, CA, Oli and his wife, Megan, a veterinary internist and fellow Penn graduate, moved back to Connecticut to join Cornell University Veterinary Specialists.

    Adrianna Arcuri, V'94

    Practice Name: New England Cat Care, LLC

    Practice Address: 186 Amity Road, Suite 3, Woodbridge, CT 06525

    Practice Phone Number: 203-387-6369

    Practice Type: Cat Only

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    "Dr. Arcuri studied medicine from the very start of her college years. She pursued a Masters in Psychology from Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, but soon after discovered her calling was to help animals. Dr. Arcuri always had a love for cats so it wasn't hard for her to decide to focus on feline medicine after meeting her husband, Dr. Richter, at the University of Pennsylvania.

    Dr. Arcuri especially loves the challenge of surgery and her patience and diligence always yields the best recovery for our patients. She keeps up-to-date with the most current surgical care so her patients heal and recover from surgery quickly. Her specific protocols also enable her to make sure her patients are good surgical candidates. She also has strong interests in feline dental medicine and feline behavioral issues."

    John G. Richter, V'94

    Practice Name: New England Cat Care, LLC

    Practice Address: 186 Amity Road, Suite 3, Woodbridge, CT 06525

    Practice Phone Number: 203-387-6369

    Practice Type: Cat Only

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    "Dr. Richter always had a calling to provide help to people and started out as a pharmacist after graduating the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. He then chose to apply to veterinary school and met his wife, Dr. Arcuri, after being accepted to the veterinary program at the University of Pennsylvania. He began his studies focusing on becoming an equine doctor but then discovered he had a love for cats and was very adept at understanding the complicated world of feline medicine. He opened New England Cat Care with Dr. Arcuri in January 1998. Besides being friendly doctors and successful business owners, they also have two wonderful daughters, Sarah and Lucy.

    Dr. Richter loves the challenge of internal medicine and spends a lot of time with our clients helping them understand disease and treatment. He always explains things in relevant terms and never wants our clients to feel overwhelmed. Dr. Richter is very gentle with his patients as he understands cats need to feel relaxed in order to allow us to treat them."

  • Delaware

    Kirsten Kruer, 1997

    Practice Name: Summit Bridge Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 3930 Red Lion Rd., Bear, DE 19701

    Practice Type: General Small Animal with Boarding and Daycare

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Kruer hails from the West Coast.  From about the age of 5, she knew she wanted to become a veterinarian, and has always shared her home with large fur families.  She attended Veterinary School at the University of Pennsylvania, and has since made her home on the East Coast. She has enjoyed practicing in both ER as well as General Practice. When not at work, Dr. Kruer can be found at home with her teenaged children and large menagerie of 4 legged (as well as winged) family members.

    Shannon Omlor, V'07

    Practice Name: Banfield - Brandywine

    Practice Address: 3010 Brandywine Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19803

    Practice Phone Number: 302-478-3910

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Banfield-Brandywine is a corporate small animal veterinary practice located in the Brandywine Town Center."

  • Florida

    Kimberly Enderle, V'02

    Practice Name: Fetch Specialty & Emergency Veterinary Centers

    Practice Address: 717 W Robertson St, Brandon, FL 33511

    Practice Phone Number: (813) 603-8000

    Practice Type: Specialty & Emergency

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Kimberly Goodrich-Enderle graduated from veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. She then went on to complete an internship at a private practice in Virginia, followed by a three-year residency in small animal surgery at UC-Davis. Her areas of interest include surgical oncology and wound management.

    Sandra Truli Springer, V'99

    Practice Name: Truli Holistic Veterinary Services

    Practice Address: 334 East Lake Road, Suite 194, Palm Harbor, FL 34685

    Practice Phone Number: 877-378-7854

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Dr. Theodore J. Leif, V'71

    Practice Name: Acacia Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 4771 North Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, FL 33064

    Practice Phone Number: 954-942-5955

    Practice Type: General Medicine - Small Animal

    Practice Website:

  • Georgia

    Benjamin Brainard, V'00

    Practice Name: College of Veterinary Medicine-University of Georgia

    Practice Address: 501 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Dr. Brainard received his VMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2000, followed by a 1-year internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the University of Georgia. Following his internship, Dr. Brainard completed dual residencies in Veterinary Anesthesiology and Emergency and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania.

    Dr. Brainard is board certified in both veterinary anesthesiology and emergency/critical care. He serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care.

    Dr. Brainard was named the Director of Clinical Research of the College of Veterinary Medicine in June 2017.

    Duncan Ferguson, V'79

    Practice Name:

    Practice Address: 382 Chesterfield Road, Bogart, GA 30622

    Practice Phone Number: 706-714-3743

    Practice Type: Small Animal Internal Medicine, Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Following VMD, completed PhD in pharmacology at Penn and then a small animal residency there. Served on faculty at Cornell, University of Georgia and University of Illinois Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, retiring from Illinois in 2016 as Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacology. Now serve as V.P. and Chief Medical Officer of, a veterinary educational non-profit serving veterinary students, faculty and others in the profession worldwide.

    Carol Falck, V'97

    Practice Name: Petwise Vet Care Mobile Veterinary Service

    Practice Address: 250 East Jarrard Street, Suite C, Box#116, Cleveland, GA 30528

    Practice Phone Number: 706-969-0933

    Practice Website:

  • Maine

    Carolyn Radding, V'89

    Practice Name: Freeport Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 4 Post Road, Freeport, ME 04032

    Practice Phone Number: 207-865-3673

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I'm a 1989 Penn Vet grad living and working in the beautiful state of Maine. I've owned a practice in Freeport, Maine, for the last 10 years and really enjoy it. We do exclusively small animal and have special interests in pain management, preventive care and dentistry. We also offer some Integrative services such as acupuncture and herbal remedies. Our practice is certified "Feline Friendly" by the AAFP and practices Fear Free techniques to decrease the stress of all pets that visit our practice."

    Linda Mulski, V'89

    Practice Name: Animal Hospital of South Gorham

    Practice Address: 47 County Rd, Gorham, ME 04038

    Practice Phone Number: 207-839-8158

    Practice Type: Small animals and exotics

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Mulski moved to Maine following graduation from the University of  Pennsylvania in 1989.  After several years with a local practice, she opened The Animal Hospital of South Gorham in 1996, located in a renovated 1880s farm house about 15 minutes from Portland.  Since 2003, her husband, Dr. Thomas Niedermeyer, a classmate from the University of Pennsylvania, also joined the clinic.  We are a small practice that provides quality veterinary care to a wide variety of species.  We see dogs, cats, poultry, pet birds, reptiles, rabbits, rodents, fish, and small ruminants.  We are able to offer house calls, especially in end of life situations.  Particular interests include exotic pet species, behavior consultations, dentistry services and soft tissue surgery.  We have had several litters of Chinook puppies in conjunction with Great Mountain kennels, and enjoyed raising them in our home with our six daughters.  Her hobbies include reading, cookery, making goat cheese from milk provided by her husbands prize winning Oberhasli dairy goats, and competing in low level dressage on her ex racing Thoroughbred horse. We treat all of our patients as if six children are awaiting their safe return.  We strive to treat all owners and pets with the respect they deserve.

  • Maryland

    Christine Leigh, V'98

    Practice Name: Arnold Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 1414 Ritchie Hwy, Arnold, MD 21012

    Practice Phone Number: 410-757-7645

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Enjoying caring for patients and families who reside in my same community for over 19 years.

    Ira Silver, V'70

    Practice Name: Chevy Chase Vet Clinic

    Practice Address: 8815 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

    Practice Phone Number: 301-656-6655

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Raised and educated in Chevy Chase school system (i.e. North Chevy Chase Elementary, Kensington Jr. HS, Bethesday Chevy Chase HS). Both undergraduate and veterinary degrees from University of Pennsylvania. Continuing Education chairman for Maryland Veterinary Medical Assoc. for over 10 years. Married with 3 children and multiple pets. Wife, Amy, is an essential member of veterinary medical staff."

    Brad Pondish, V'96

    Practice Name: Hunt Valley Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 11206 York Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030

    Practice Phone Number: 410-527-0800

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Pondish graduated from Cornell University in 1992, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a specialization in Animal Physiology and Anatomy. He then attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, graduating with a VMD in 1996. Since graduating from veterinary school, Dr. Pondish has practiced small animal medicine and surgery in NJ, PA, and NC, most recently serving as the Medical Director in a hospital in NC prior to moving to Maryland in 2012. Dr. Pondish has completed a course in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery at the University of Georgia and is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Pondish most passionate about nutrition—it’s been known for decades that nutrition can help treat and control diseases when they occur, but it is also important to remember that a good diet can also help prevent many diseases. Dr. Pondish is the diet guru; he is well versed in pairing the patient to the proper diet to meet their medical and physiological needs. Another item that continues to fuel his love for this field is how intense the bond can be between people and their pets and how that bond can improve the quality of our lives and those of our pet friends. He gives his all to preserve that bond and ensure it’s around for as long as possible. Dr. Pondish has 2 beautiful daughters and currently shares his home with 3 Border Collies and 2 cats as well as the 2 sheep, 2 sheep and many chickens that live outside! In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music, playing guitar, gardening, and making hot sauce.

    Charles Arensberg, V'03

    Practice Name: Equine Veterinary Care

    Practice Address: 288 Training Center Drive, Elkton, MD 21921

    Practice Phone Number: 410-392-6646

    Practice Type: Equine Sports Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Chuck joined EVC in 2005 after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania’s veterinary school in 2003. Before moving to EVC, he had previously completed a hospital internship program at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, KY while focusing on diagnostic imaging, lameness and surgery before moving to Florida as an ambulatory clinician at Ocala Equine Hospital. Here at EVC, Chuck works primarily with lameness and diagnostic imaging cases in race and sport horses while also providing minor outpatient surgical services at our hospital and specializing in sport horse pre-purchase examinations and thoroughbred auction sales work. Originally from Louisville, KY, Chuck is an owner in a thoroughbred racing syndicate and often works on the weekends as a veterinary official at various Three-Day Events and steeplechase races. A member of the AAEP, he is also an ISELP member and a licensed FEI veterinarian. Outside of work, Chuck is an avid competitive Cyclocross, MTB and Road cyclist and home renovator.

    Robert Brenner, V'63

    Practice Name: Brenner Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 10100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, MD 20723

    Practice Phone Number: 301-725-5400

    Practice Type: General Medicine, Dentistry and Surgery

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Brenner has been in active practice for 50 years. He is the founder of the Brenner Animal Hospital in Laurel, MD, the Columbia Animal Hospital in Columbia, MD, and the Beltway Emergency Animal Hospital in Prince George's County MD. He served as a volunteer vet at the National Aquarium from 1993-1994. He served on the board of directors of the Essex College for Veterinary Technicians. From 1984-1988 he appeared on over 300 TV talk shows around the country as Dr. Bob the TV vet. One of these interviews was by Oprah. He is still very active in veterinary medicine with a strong interest in Internal medicine including oncology, and all types of surgery."

    Benjamin Donati, V'17

    Practice Name: Apex Vets

    Practice Address: 11060 Veirs Mill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20902

    Practice Type: Emergency & Specialty

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Ben Donati, VMD, is a co-founder and the Managing Partner at Apex Vets, a specialty and emergency veterinary hospital which opened in Silver Spring, MD in November 2023. Dr. Donati completed a rotating internship at Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group (VERG) in Brooklyn, and practiced as an emergency doctor prior to starting Apex Vets. He lives with his wife and mismatched dogs, a Newfoundland and a French Bulldog.

    Neal Neuman, V'73

    Practice Name: St. Charles Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 11685 Doolittle Drive, Waldorf, MD 20602

    Practice Phone Number: 301-645-2550

    Practice Type: Small Animal

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Neuman is the Owner and Medical Director of St. Charles Animal Hospital in Waldorf, MD. Founded in 1978 Board Certified by ABVP in Canine and Feline Practice Areas of special interest - Orthopedics, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy

  • Massachusetts

    Pamela Bendock, V'92

    Practice Name: Back Bay Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 288 Newbury St., Boston, MA 02115

    Practice Type: General Practice and Exotics Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Pamela Bendock graduated from veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. Pam's desire to bring high-quality veterinary care to one of Boston's favorite neighborhoods led to the founding of Back Bay Veterinary Clinic in 2000. Pam continues to lead the team and strives to bring the most exceptional care to the practice.

    Michele Belisle, V'77

    Practice Name: Canton Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 120 Tolman Street, Canton, MA 02021

    Practice Phone Number: 781-821-0794

    Practice Type: Small Animal

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "My staff and I look upon our pets as members of our family. That is why we understand that your trust in us adds up to a special responsibility."

    Adam Arzt, V'89

    Practice Name: Metrowest Veterinary Associates

    Practice Address: 207 E. Main Street, Milford, MA 01757

    Practice Phone Number: 508-478-7300

    Practice Type: General Practice - Small Animal

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Arzt has been practicing veterinary medicine in Massachusetts since moving here in 1989 after graduation from the Veterinary School of the University of Pennsylvania.  He also received his undergraduate degree from Penn and earned a Master’s degree in Physiology at Hahnemann University prior to attending veterinary school.  Dr. Arzt established Metrowest Veterinary Associates in Milford, MA in 1992.  He is an active member of the Massachusetts veterinary Medical Association, for which he received the Distinguished Services Award in 2013."

    Kathryn Sneider, V'95

    Practice Name: Blue Ribbon Veterinary Services

    Practice Address: 345 Washington St, Pembroke, MA 02359

    Practice Phone Number: 508-830-9943

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Canine Reproduction

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: "I began my own small animal practice. The practice strives to provide the best medical treatment and advice for each individual pet owner. I also provide canine reproductive services for those breeders who want to assure themselves of the healthiest litters and puppies possible."

    James Lunig, V'84

    Practice Name: Spinnaker Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 167 Country Street, Somerset, MA 02726

    Practice Phone Number: 508-673-3690

    Practice Type: General Practice - Small Animal

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Owner of the Spinnaker Veterinary Clinic since 1990.

  • Michigan

    Heather Jones, V'02

    Practice Name: Animal Friends Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 45271 Cherry Hill Road, Canton, MI 48188

    Practice Phone Number: 734-844-2088

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "After working as a zoo veterinarian, clinical instructor at a veterinary technology program, and relief veterinarian, Dr. Jones opened her own practice in Canton, MI. At Animal Friends Veterinary Hospital, we provide compassionate care to dogs, cats, and exotic animals. We offer soft tissue surgery, dentistry, and preventative care services."

    Jane Alexander, V'82

    Practice Name: Grand Traverse Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 3805 Veterans Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684

    Practice Phone Number: (231) 946-3770

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

  • Minnesota

    Erin D. Vicari, V'97

    Practice Name: Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Minnesota

    Practice Address: 1542 West 7th Street, St. Paul, MN 55102

    Practice Phone Number: 651-293-1800

    Practice Type: Specialty - Dentistry and Oral Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Erin D. Vicari, VMD, DAVDC graduated from the University of Pennsylvania College of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. She completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at a private practice in Delaware. After 15 years in general and emergency practice, she entered a residency in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at the University of Minnesota. She became board-certified through the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) in 2015. Currently, Dr. Vicari lives just outside the Twin Cities with her family, and practices at the Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Minnesota."

  • New Hampshire

    Nate Harvey, V'03

    Practice Name: NH Department of Agriculture

    Practice Address: 25 Capitol St., State House Annex Bldg., Concord, NH 03301

    Practice Phone Number: 215-287-0944

    Practice Type: State Government

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: After working in academia and large animal practice in Pennsylvania from 2003-2017, I recently moved "back home" to New Hampshire where I currently work at the NH Department of Agriculture as the Assistant State Veterinarian. It has been a cool experience transitioning from academia at Penn Vet, to private practice in PA, to regulatory medicine in the state of NH. In addition to my role working for the state, I also still do some private practice work for farms in NH.

  • New Jersey

    Stephen Euler, V'94

    Practice Name: Blackwood Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 612 N Black Horse Pike, Blackwood , NJ 08012

    Practice Phone Number: 856-227-8503

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Euler graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1994. He is currently a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the NJ Veterinary Medical Association (NJVMA). In 1999, he was elected by his peers as the president of a local veterinary association (SNJVMA). He was voted SNJVMA Veterinarian of the Year in 2001. His dedication in keeping abreast of new treatments is illustrated by his 13 NJVMA gold awards for participation in 75 hours of continuing education. His area of practice includes small animal, rodent, reptile, and exotic animal medicine and surgery."

    Malathy Rao, V'97

    Practice Name: Park View Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 1145 Main Street, Bontoon, NJ 07005

    Practice Phone Number: 973-263-5600

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Attended Penn Vet '93-'97. Graduated summa cum laude. Awarded the Leonard Pearson prize on graduation. Worked for other practices before establishing her own practice in 2001."

    Stacey Romano, V'90

    Practice Name: Furry Friends Mobile Vet

    Practice Address: 508 Brick Boulevard, Brick, NJ 08723

    Practice Phone Number: 732-440-9311

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:  Biographical statement coming soon.

    Robert Panaccio, V'97

    Practice Name: Cape May Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 694 Petticoat Creek Lane, Cape May, NJ 08204

    Practice Phone Number: 609-884-1729

    Practice Type: General Small Animal

    Practice Website:

    Barbara Jean McNeill, V'75

    Practice Name: Dickinson-McNeill Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 99 Bordentown-Chesterfield Rd, Chesterfield, NJ 08515

    Practice Phone Number: (609) 298-0900

    Practice Type: Small Animal Companion

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. McNeill was born in Salem, Mass. and raised in Saugus, Mass. She attended Wheaton College in Norton, Mass. where she double-majored in biology and psychology. After college, she attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and completed a residency in small animal soft tissue surgery. She is the owner of a black Labrador Retriever, Sophie, as well as two cats, Murphy and Grace.

    Jennifer Platt, V'91

    Practice Name: Mobile Equine Veterinarian

    Practice Address: 20 Columbine Place, Delran, NJ 08075

    Practice Phone Number: 856-461-4461

    Practice Type: Equine Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: "Dr. Platt services all types of horses, with emphasis on sports/performance medicine. She also treats alpacas. Dr. Platt graduated from University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1991, specializing in equine medicine and lameness. She completed externships at Cornell University Veterinary School and University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. After graduating, she worked in a busy racehorse veterinary practice."

    Mark Newkirk, V'81

    Practice Name: Newkirk Family Veterinarians

    Practice Address: 3085 English Creek Avenue, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

    Practice Phone Number: 609-645-2120

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Surgery for Companion Animals/Exotics

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Owner of Newkirk Family Veterinarians located near Atlantic City NJ. Winner for the 3rd time, of the Best of the Press vote for Best Veterinary Hospital, we incorporate both traditional medicine and surgery, with alternative therapy options. Chiropracitc, herbal medicine, as well as ozone and Stem Cell Therapy. We are also the area's only Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Center. Also taking care of exotic pets, birds and reptiles, Newkirk has been a trusted name for over 3 decades. Two locations to serve you, one on the island and one on the mainland. We blend the best of modern medicine with the best of alternative methodology to give your pet the best health possible."

    Chris Hallihan, V'95

    Practice Name: Animal Care Centers

    Practice Address: 96 Bartley-Flanders Rd, Flanders, NJ 07836

    Practice Phone Number: (973) 584-4455

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Raised in Hackensack, NJ, Dr. Hallihan graduated from Hackensack High School and went on to receive his undergraduate degree from Princeton University with a major in Biology. With veterinary medicine his field of choice, Dr. Hallihan received his veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hallihan’s professional interests include Surgery, Oncology and Avian/Exotic Medicine.

    Dr. Hallihan also enjoys a very active lifestyle outside of the office with wife Kristen (Dr. Casulli), their three children and their beloved pets Porter, Coco, Bob, Luna and their many chickens! With a love for the outdoors, Dr. Hallihan and his family enjoy skiing, fishing, boating and many other outdoor/sporting activities.

    Meredith Weltner-Sharin, V'97

    Practice Name: Barnside Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 1236 Route 33, Howell, NJ 07727

    Practice Phone Number: 732-919-7373

    Practice Type: General practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Veterinary excellence through education, knowledge and compassion" is the mission statement of Barnside Veterinary Hospital. After working as an associate vet in LBI for nearly a decade, I opened Barnside in 2008. Although we're mostly dogs & cats, whatever you can fit through the door (pocket pets, sheep, goats, pot-belly pigs and chickens) we'll see!

    Nina Beyer, V'87

    Practice Name: Greenfields Veterinary Associates

    Practice Address: 111 Parkville Road, P.O. Box 189, Mantua , NJ 08051

    Practice Phone Number: 856-464-0500

    Practice Type: Small Animal General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I've been at the same location in Southern NJ for 26 years, first as a junior associate, then as a junior partner, and now as the practice owner. I have a special interest in rescue greyhounds."

    Allison Milne, V'79

    Practice Name: Mendham Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 571 Route 24, Mendham, NJ 07945

    Practice Phone Number: 908-879-5800

    Practice Type: General

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Owner of the Mendham Animal Hospital in Morris County NJ since 1996

    Ian Driben, V'05

    Practice Name: Burl-Moor-Driben Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 104 Kings Highway, Moorestown, NJ 08057

    Practice Phone Number: (856)235-2524

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Ian J Driben, VMD is the owner of Burl-Moor-Driben Animal Hospital a 6-doctor AAHA accredited practice in Moorestown, NJ which has received the Courier-Post’s Best of South Jersey Reader’s Choice Award for the past 7 years. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical School and of Rutgers University School of Business. He is currently serving as the Recent Past President of the New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association, is a member of the University of Pennsylvania's Dean's Alumni Council, and participates on Veterinary Recommended Solutions Advisory Board; but what he really enjoys is educating his clients about various health and behavior issues affecting pets, including oral care and nutrition.

    Jeffery Haymaker, V'14

    Practice Name: Mount Laurel Animal Hospital and Emergency Service

    Practice Address: 220 Mount Laurel Road, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

    Practice Phone Number: 856-234-7626

    Practice Type: General Practice and 24/7 ER

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Grew up in North Jersey in Berkeley Heights, now working and living in South Jersey in the Mount Laurel area."

    Joseph Bloom, V'05

    Practice Name: Harding Veterinary Services

    Practice Address: P.O. Box 263, Village Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976

    Practice Phone Number: 973-270-1606

    Practice Type: Companion Animal Medicine, Dentistry and Surgery

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Companion animal and mixed mobile practice in semi-rural Northern New Jersey."

    Dara Zerrenner, V'99

    Practice Name: Oradell Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 580 Winters Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652

    Practice Phone Number: 201-262-0010

    Practice Type: General Medicine, Specialty and Emergency

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Penn Vet graduate 1999. Internship 1999-2000 at the Oradell Animal Hospital. Residency in Internal Medicine at the Animal Medical Center 2002-2004. Internal Medicine Specialist at Oradell 2004-present"

    Christopher Garruba, V'87

    Practice Name: Nassau Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 3440 US Highway 1, First Floor, Princeton, NJ 08540

    Practice Phone Number: 609-720-0100

    Practice Type: General Medicine / Surgery / Dentistry

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Graduated for University of Delaware with a major in Animal Science. Received V.M.D. degree in 1987. Live in Lawrenceville, NJ. Founded Nassau Animal Hospital in 2001

    Doris Cappiello, V'86

    Practice Name: Prospect Ridge Veterinary Hospital, PC

    Practice Address: 612 Mount Pleasant Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052

    Practice Phone Number: 973-736-7810

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Penn HIP certified practitioner companion class IV laser therapist. Complete medical, dental, and surgical care with boarding available. Accredited veterinarian-- can write international health certificates."

    Kerry Danielsen, V'90

    Practice Name: Edinburg Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 1676 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550

    Practice Phone Number: 609-443-1212

    Practice Type: General Practitioner

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I have been practicing at Edinburg Animal Hospital since 1999, first as an associate, then as a partner, and now as owner. Dr. Fanders joined us in June of 2015. We strive to provide the highest quality veterinary services in a warm and compassionate, family care setting. We provide thorough exams for all pets, juvenile through geriatric, including most exotics - birds, reptiles and small mammals.The hospital has in house radiology for diagnostic x-rays, and ultrasound for preliminary scans and guided aspirates. We also provide on site laboratory services for pre-op, critical care and routine bloodwork, available within 15 minutes to offer immediate care to your pets. Our doctors perform all routine surgical procedures as well as dental procedures and extractions. We have available on site specialized surgical care with a board certified surgeon as needed."

  • New York

    Kayla Karn, V'21

    Practice Name: Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital of Clifton Park

    Practice Address: 12456 NY-146, Clifton Park, NY 12065

    Practice Phone Number: 518-282-6254

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Karn graduated with her VMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She has always loved being around animals. Ever since she was little, Dr. Karn knew that she wanted to work with animals in some way when she grew up. In high school, she started working with the local veterinarian and loved it. For Dr. Karn, that sealed the deal on her becoming a veterinarian. Her favorite aspects of working at Cornerstone are the friendly, hard-working people she gets to work with every day, and always learning new things and finding new ways to help the animals we love. At home, Dr. Karn shares her time with Winnie, a black Lab mix. When she’s not working, she enjoys cooking, hiking, knitting, kayaking, and being with her family. One of her most memorable experiences was getting to travel to Honduras as an undergrad. While there, she got to go snorkeling and see an amazing variety of fish and other sea creatures.

    Mary Wallace, V'99

    Practice Name: Taconic Veterinary Center

    Practice Address: 3655 Crompond Rd, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567

    Practice Type: General Practice & Emergency

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Wallace graduated with a BS in Animal Science from Cornell University. The next four years she spent in Philadelphia earning her veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. Furthering her training, she completed a rotating internship at the Animal Medical Center in Manhattan where she developed interests in exotics, ophthalmology, and surgery. She is now the medical director at Taconic Veterinary Center in Cortlandt Manor, NY.

    Twila Whitefield, V'87

    Practice Name: Hudson Highlands Veterinary Medical Group, PC

    Practice Address: 222 Lime Kiln Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

    Practice Phone Number: 845-221-2244

    Practice Type: General and Specialty

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "After completing an internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery in 1988, I have continued to practice general medicine and surgery in New York State. Since 2001, I have been at my current location in the Hudson Valley, and for the past 10 years have owned and directed Hudson Highlands Veterinary Medical and Specialty Group."

    Katherine Houpt, V'63

    Practice Name: Animal behavior Clinic

    Practice Address: Cornell University , College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY 14850

    Practice Phone Number: 607-273-5246

    Practice Type: Behavior

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: After obtaining my VMD and PhD at Penn, I spent my career at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine where I taught farm, small animal, and equine behavior and treated behavior cases. I was a charter member of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and remain active with three residents in training. My research and personal interests are in horses and I have investigated cribbing, foal rejection, salt and water intake of horses and have managed to ride horses on six continents

    Robert Weiner, V'80

    Practice Name: County Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 49 Congers Road, New City, NY 10956

    Practice Phone Number: 845-634-4607

    Practice Type: General Companion Animal and Avian

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977 with a BA in Biology and from the School of Veterinary Medicine in 1980. I joined County Animal Hospital in 1981 and became a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practioners certified in Canine and Feline medicine and surgery in 1988. I am a past president of the Westchester Rockland Veterinary Medical Association and the current WRVMA representative to the NYSVMS Board of Directors. I am the second of three generations of veterinarians in my family."

    Eli Braun, V'23

    Practice Name: Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group – Lower East Side

    Practice Address: 241 Eldridge St, New York, NY 10002

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Braun grew up just north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania around many creatures including cats, dogs, and birds which showed him the value of the human animal bond.  He earned his VMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2023 while working in the microbiology lab and spearheading efforts to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion. Afterwards he moved to New York City to be around family and friends and join the great team at Heart of Chelsea.

    Frank Fontana, V'22

    Practice Name: Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group - Chelsea

    Practice Address: 257 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Fontana grew up in New York City with an inquisitive spirit, leading him to follow a career in veterinary medicine. He attended veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated in 2022. When he is not in the office, he can be found spending time with his two dogs Lorenzo and Mason, and cooking, traveling and going to see a Broadway show.

    Elizabeth Higgins, V'11

    Practice Name: Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group – Hell’s Kitchen

    Practice Address: 453 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Elizabeth Higgins grew up in northern New Jersey and knew from a very young age that she wanted to become a veterinarian. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2011. Dr. Higgins spent four years practicing medicine as an emergency clinician at a large referral and emergency hospital in New Jersey before joining the Heart of Chelsea team.

    Marc Siebert, V'93

    Practice Name: Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group - Chelsea

    Practice Address: 257 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Marc Siebert is the owner and medical director of Heart of Chelsea Veterinary Group. After being awarded his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from University of Pennsylvania College of Veterinary Medicine in 1993, Dr. Siebert opened Heart Of Chelsea Veterinary Group as a one-doctor practice in 1999; it has since grown to a five-doctor practice supporting Chelsea and its pet community at large.

    Joseph Glennon, V'84

    Practice Name: Veterianary Specialties Referral Center

    Practice Address: 1641 Main Street, Pattersonville, NY 08559

    Practice Type: Specialty - Surgery

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Upon graduation from Penn, I completed a rotating internship at the Animal Medical Center, NYC, followed by a surgical residency at Cornell University. Shortly there after, I become board certified by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. In 1990 I established a specialty practice in the Capital District of upstate NY where I continue to perform surgery. I am forever grateful for the opportunity Penn afforded me to attain my life-long dream.

    James Nutt, V'04

    Practice Name: Rhinebeck Equine LLP

    Practice Address: Surgery Department, 26 Losee Lane, Rhinebeck, NY 12572

    Practice Phone Number: 845-876-7085

    Practice Type: Equine Referral

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Equine Surgeon

    Diana Reska, V'14

    Practice Name: Waterville Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 7383 Madison Street, Waterville, NY 13480

    Practice Phone Number: 315-557-0680

    Practice Website:

  • Ohio

    Sven Anstadt, V'85

    Practice Name: Upper Heights Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 8356 Old Troy Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424

    Practice Phone Number: 937-233-0789

    Practice Type: Small Animal

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Full service small animal practice."

  • Oregon

    Scott Loepp, V'84

    Practice Name: Beaverton Pet Clinic

    Practice Address: 11876 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton, OR 97005

    Practice Phone Number: 503-646-6101

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Dr. Scott Loepp received his doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. Prior to entering veterinary school, he earned his BA in chemistry and anthropology at Duke University. In 1984 Dr. Loepp joined the Soderholm Veterinary Hospital team. Ten years later he purchased the practice, renaming it Frontier Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Loepp retired from clinical practice in 2015 to focus on the administrative side of running Frontier, and to look for opportunities to bring the excellent medical care, customer service and team culture of Frontier to other practices in the Portland Metro area. Beaverton Pet Clinic is a wonderful practice and fits into the Frontier family values, which lead to the purchase of the practice from Dr. Chris Wilson in 2019 along with my wife Megan and Dr. Lisa Yung.

    Dr. Loepp’s commitment to animal care and welfare is also evidenced by his active participation in the veterinary community. He served a 1-year term as President of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association, has served as chairman of the Board of Directors for Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital in Portland, and served a 3-year term as the President of the Portland Veterinary Medical Association.

    An avid outdoorsman, Dr. Loepp enjoys taking full advantage of all the outdoor recreational opportunities Oregon has to offer. Scott has three adult children and has lived in the Portland area for over 30 years.

    Betsy Golden, V'15

    Practice Name: DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital

    Practice Address: 1945 NW Pettygrove St, Portland, OR 97209

    Practice Phone Number: 503-228-7281

    Practice Website:

  • Pennsylvania

    Robert Burleigh, V'71

    Practice Name: Abington Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 1626 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001

    Practice Phone Number: 215-659-0106

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Surgery

    Bio statement: "Medical and Surgical Residency at Henry Bergh Memorial Hospital. Have worked in several practice locations both large and small. Performed varied surgical case load. Over 30 years experience."

    Heather Regan, V'07

    Practice Name: Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Veterinary Medical Center

    Practice Address: 7042 Snowdrift Rd, Allentown, PA 18106

    Practice Phone Number: 610.904.1776

    Practice Type: Referral and ER

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I have been working in ER small animal medicine since graduation. We are currently looking for additional ER doctors at my current place of employment!"

    Gia Croce, V'92

    Practice Name: Ivens-Bronstein Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 555 Sandy Bank Road, 60 Haverford Rd., Ardmore, PA 19003

    Practice Phone Number: (610) 649-4242

    Practice Type: Shelter Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Gia Croce, VMD is a 1992 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and also trained at Cornell University where she did an internship in small animal medicine and surgery. After spending some time away from home, she is now back on the Main Line and has agreed to share with us her years of experience in both general practice and shelter veterinary medicine. She enjoys spending time in the OR, and uses her surgical skills not only to improve the lives of our patients here but also for the benefit of animals in need through her ongoing work with animals owned by those in financial distress. She will be performing spays, neuters, mass removals, and other procedures here at Ivens-Bronstein two days a week, and we are happy to have her!

    Outside of work, Dr. Croce enjoys spending time with her family and friends, travelling, and new experiences. She also continues her volunteer work as time permits, and has a special fondness for the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, where she was the lead husbandry volunteer veterinarian for many years.

    Jeffrey Stupine, V'10

    Practice Name: World of Animals Veterinary Hospital - Bensalem

    Practice Address: 3462 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA 19020

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Jeffrey Stupine received his V.M.D in 2010 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and has worked in both private practice and shelter medicine since. His veterinary interests include radiology, heart disease, and parvovirus. On April 1, 2017, Dr. Stupine was appointed the Medical Director for all World of Animals Hospitals.

    Jennifer Fry, V'98

    Practice Name: The Vet on Main

    Practice Address: 330 W Main St, Birdsboro, PA 19508

    Practice Phone Number: 610-575-0920

    Practice Type: General, Small Animal and Pocket Pets

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Fry is the proud owner and Chief of Staff of Banfield Pet Hospital of Pottstown. We are a full-service, computerized, state-of-the-art hospital providing your pet with the best care possible, and we always treat your pet like family. Dr. Fry has served Berks County as a small animal veterinarian for seven years prior to venturing out on her own. As a graduate of University of Penn, she has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 15 years. Dr. Fry strongly advocates spay and neuter as well as preventative health care programs for pets. She is the Executive Director of the Fairchild “Feral Friends” Foundation, a local Trap-Neuter-Return program that spays and neuters stray and feral cats in Berks County and surrounding areas. Dr. Fry also has a strong interest in soft tissue surgery, nutrition, alternative medicine, animal behavior, and pet supplements."

    David Matunis, V'98

    Practice Name: Eagle Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 211 Byers Road, Chester Springs, PA 19425

    Practice Phone Number: 610-458-8789

    Practice Type: Small Animal

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "We are a 2 doctor, family oriented small animal practice in Chester County, PA. We are a full service medical and surgical facility and pride ourselves on having a relationship with our clients that goes beyond the patient. We treat our patients with the respect and care they deserve."

    Marisa Brunetti, V'10

    Practice Name: Independent Vets

    Practice Address: 15 E Ridge Pike, Ste 220, Conshohocken, PA 19428

    Practice Phone Number: 484-832-4831

    Practice Type: General medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: I currently work part-time as a practicing small animal general practitioner. I am certified in animal chiropractic and interested in integrative medicine. The rest of my professional time is spent as the regional medical director for Independent Vets, a relief veterinary service in the Philadelphia tri-state areas.

    Sheldon Gerstenfeld, V'68

    Practice Name: Chestnut Hill Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 903 Bethlehem Pike, Erdenheim, PA 19038

    Practice Phone Number: 215-836-2950

    Practice Type: Small Animal / Avian / Special Species / Holistic

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Gerstenfeld received his VMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and bachelor of science degree from George Washington University. He is certified in veterinary acupuncture and Chinese veterinary food therapy. He completed his studies in veterinary acupuncture and Chinese veterinary food therapy at the Chi Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and studied fish and marine mammal medicine at Aquavet in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He completed dentistry coursework at the Animal Dental Training Center. Dr. Gerstenfeld has over 40 years experience with birds, fish, and special species. He is the author of eight books and served as a contributing editor for Parents Magazine for 21 years. His television segments have appeared on The Today Show, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, and Animal Planet. He appeared on KYW Channel 3's "Ask the Vet" program for 6 years, hosted a radio show on WILM-AM in Delaware for 6 years and has been honored by Philadelphia Magazine as one of "23 Great Vets." His previous community work included organizing one of the first dog walks in the United States with the Philadelphia Phillies and the Philly Phanatic to support ALS research and patient care. He was honored to receive the Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. His animal companions include two cats. He has also been the guardian for fish, ducks, reptiles, birds, a rat and many dogs.

    Christine Polaneczky, V'99

    Practice Name: The Village Veterinarian

    Practice Address: 489 S Oxford Valley Road, Fairless Hills, PA 19030

    Practice Phone Number: 215-945-7900

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Polaneczky graduated from The University of Pennsylvania in 1999. She worked in several veterinary clinics before opening her own practice, The Village Veterinarian, in 2011. Her philosophy is that working with and educating clients leads to quality care for patients and great relationships with owners and their pets."

    Tamara Borland, V'07

    Practice Name: World of Animals Veterinary Hospital - Bethayres

    Practice Address: 2621 Philmont Ave, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Tamara Borland attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine where she earned her V.M.D. in 2007. Her special interests are dentistry, dermatology, and surgery. In her off time, she enjoys indulging her amateur foodie title exploring new restaurants, going on hikes with her dog Picxie, and feeding her love for music, art, and literature.

    Jeanne Ludlow, V'88

    Practice Address: 50 Buck Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

    Practice Phone Number: 215-343-0325

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Bio statement: "BS Denison University. MA Univ of Tennessee. Special interest in feline medicine. House call veterinarian going in to homes to visit pets. Enjoys fly fishing, shotgun sports and competitive activities with my dog (obedience, tracking, agility)."

    Steven Radbill, V'75

    Practice Name: World of Animals Veterinary Hospital - Bethayres

    Practice Address: 2621 Philmont Ave, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Steven Radbill VMD is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Radbill is newly associated with World of Animals after successfully owning and operating Radbill Animal Hospital in Center City Philadelphia and in Northeast Philadelphia for over 40 years. Additionally, Dr. Radbill served on the Pennsylvania Board of Veterinary Medicine for 8 years. He is the author of the book Questions and Answers Dog Owners Ask Their Vet and was the Veterinary Contributor to Evening Magazine on ABC.

    Kimberly Bresee Knipe, V'95

    Practice Name: Longwood Veterinary Center

    Practice Address: 230 Kennett Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348

    Practice Phone Number: 610-388-3388

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Kimberly Knipe received her veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1995 and began practicing small animal medicine in Alexandria Virginia. She now works at Longwood Veterinary Center and her own "Dr. Knipes Mobile Veterinary Services" (website: // phone: 610-823-4148) based out of West Chester Pennsylvania. She especially enjoy building trusting relationships with her clients and working together with them to make decisions for their pets. 

    Tammy Stone, V'97

    Practice Name: Veterinary Medical Center of Lebanon, Inc

    Practice Address: 602 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA 17042

    Practice Phone Number: 717-270-1989

    Practice Type: General Small Animal

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Small animal and exotic, AAHA accredited hospital with 3 doctors in Lebanon, PA. Dr. Stone also has a master's degree in laboratory animal science."

    Christine Mullin, V'11

    Practice Name: BluePearl Pet Hospital

    Practice Address: 40 Three Tun Rd, Malvern, PA 19355

    Practice Type: Specialty

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Dr. Christine Mullin has been board certified in medical oncology by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine since 2015. She has conducted bench top research in osteosarcoma, has authored and coauthored multiple journal articles, provided webinars on topics in veterinary oncology for the Veterinary Information Network and presented regional education lectures for veterinarians and support staff. She currently serves on the Northeast Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group committee as well as the ACVIM General Examination rating committee.

    Dr. Mullin has a strong interest in clinical research and has served as co-investigator for several clinical trials. She finds treatment of hematologic malignancies and osteosarcoma most gratifying.

    Steven Prier, V'81

    Practice Name: Sugartown Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 605 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355

    Practice Phone Number: 610-647-1266

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I started in practice in Ardmore, PA taking over a practice owned by my father and subsequently sold that practice and moved to Malvern. I have been practicing small animal medicine and surgery (with a tiny bit of small ruminant medicine thrown in for fun) since graduation."

    Linda Bender, V'00

    Practice Name: Media Veterinary Hospital

    Practice Address: 695 South Ridley Creek Road, Media, PA 19063

    Practice Phone Number: 610-566-1936

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:  

    Kimberly Boudwin, V'09

    Practice Name: Providence Animal Center

    Practice Address: 555 Sandy Bank Road, Media, PA 19063

    Practice Phone Number: 610-566-1370

    Practice Type: Shelter Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Kimberly Boudwin is the Director of Shelter Medicine at the Delaware County SPCA. She was hired in 2010 to help develop and institute new shelter health protocols and policies to improve the care and welfare of the animals in the adoption center. Kimberly established the DelcoSPCAWellness Clinic, which provides low-cost vet care to the community and the Spay/Neuter clinic, which has performed over 19,000 surgeries through collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, she hosts and trains veterinary students enrolled in rotations and internships to gain experience in shelter medicine and surgery."

    Joseph Ewaskiewicz, V'96

    Practice Name: Penns Valley Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 104 East Main Street, Millheim, PA 16854

    Practice Phone Number: 814-349-5605

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Joe” as he is commonly known, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1996 and has since practiced in Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania.  He has worked in mixed animal practice as well as exclusively dairy practice, and enjoys the challenges of working on all species. He also enjoys passing on his knowledge of animals to others.  Dr. Ewaskiewicz also has a PhD in Biochemistry and is a runner as well as a bike rider.  In his spare time he takes care of his three children, as well as occasional guitar playing. He has Jebadiah (Jeb), a slightly neurotic chocolate lab, Banabas Boo, a West Highland White Terrier and Gizmo, a Lhasapoo. Isaac and Miley are his cats who live at the clinic.

    Jeffrey Horst, V'02

    Practice Name: Animal Health Care of Myerstown

    Practice Address: 1 Krall Road, Myerstown, PA 17067

    Practice Phone Number: 717-866-7387

    Practice Type: Small Animal/Exotic

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "We are happy to provide our clients with advanced and compassionate care in a state of the art facility. Also on staff is Dr. Tisha Ebling, VMD."

    Randolyn Carr-Sabrosky, V'71

    Practice Address: 1902 West State Street, New Castle, PA 16101

    Practice Phone Number: 724-654-2400

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Bio statement: "I am a companion animal veterinarian practicing in my home town. Personal pets include dogs and cats. My secondary business is breeding Arabian horses."

    Susan Colbassani, V'87

    Practice Name: Hometown Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 526 Burke Bypass, Olyphant , PA 18447

    Practice Phone Number: 570-383-1950

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Alternative Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: "Medicine surgery dentistry, laser therapy, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, food therapy. Opened in 1996."

    James Rowan, V'90

    Practice Name: Paoli Vetcare

    Practice Address: 1476 E Lancaster Ave, Paoli, PA 19301

    Practice Phone Number: 610-644-5360

    Practice Type: Small Animal Medicine & Surgery

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Rowan treats all pets as if they are his own. Stop in to check out Dr. R’s collection of veterinary antiques and vintage advertising featuring dogs and cats. Clients appreciate his exceptional “petside” manner. For example, he is happy to get down on the floor to examine the big dogs, so they remain as comfortable as possible. Make an Appointment today to visit Dr. Rowan. We want you to be thrilled with your new veterinarian. A new client "Meet & Greet” with your pet’s first exam is always complimentary at Paoli Vetcare. Dr. Rowan attended Penn State, graduating with a BS in Biology, with distinction, in 1985. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1990 as a member of The Society of Phi Zeta, the honor society of veterinary medicine. He became the owner of Paoli Vetcare (previously Tredyffrin Animal Hospital) in 1996. He is the parent of two college-aged boys and lives on a historic farm (circa 1764) with a myriad of pets, literally too many to name. Doc enjoys reading and spending time outdoors, especially working around the farm, backpacking, and canoeing.

    Michael Cohen, V'02

    Practice Address: 37 South 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

    Practice Phone Number: 215-923-2284

    Practice Type: General, Small Animal (dogs and cats only)

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Michael Cohen earned his VMD in small animal medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. Raised just outside of Philadelphia, he graduated with honors from the University of Delaware, and received special distinction for his research in dairy cattle nutrition. After graduation, Dr. Cohen was an associate veterinarian at a small practice in Delaware County for two years. To increase his range of experience, he spent six years as an emergency clinician at the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware. Here he gained vital experience dealing with traumatic injuries, metabolic and endocrine diseases, toxin exposure, obstetrical emergencies, among others. Dr. Cohen was inspired to go back into private practice after working with animals whose emergency room visit could have been prevented with proper preventative care at their regular veterinarian’s office. Dr. Cohen started Center City Veterinary Hospital to provide quality, modern, and compassionate care to the dogs and cats of Philadelphia. As a member of the Veterinary Information Network, Dr. Cohen participates in an online community of veterinarians and board certified specialists who share cases and information. This allows him to provide your pet with the collective experience of over 42,000 veterinarians who love what they do and love to do it well! Dr. Cohen is also a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Animal Hospital Association. Dr. Cohen is a USDA certified veterinarian and has sent pets everywhere from Colombia to Saipan. A man of many hobbies, Dr. Cohen has been a novice urban beekeeper, kept chickens (for eggs, not meat!) during his veterinary school days in West Philadelphia, enjoys light gardening with the help of a worm composting bin, woodworking, and regularly starts, but only occasionally finishes, projects in his home. Currently, he is slowly restoring a 1957 Volkswagen Beetle. He is always on the lookout for other vintage VW projects (despite his wife forbidding any more non-working cars in front of his house)! Dr. Cohen currently lives in Bala Cynwyd with his wife Rebecca, his two children Adina and Benjamin and his rescue Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Logan. Rebecca and Logan can sometimes be found at CCVH working hard in the office to keep things up and running!

    Adam Denish, V'93

    Practice Name: Rhawnhurst Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 7905 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia , PA 19152

    Practice Phone Number: 215-333-8888

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Surgery; specialize in Exotics Species

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I am a 1993 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. I own and operate two practices in the Philadelphia area. First is the Rhawnhurst Animal Hospital, which is a modern computerized practice. Second is our satellite animal hospital, Elkins Park Veterinary Hospital, which also has a full time boarding facility on its premises. As for myself, I also specialize in exotic and zoo animal medicine as I am the veterinarian for the Elmwood Park Zoo. I am proud to have Marsha Katz, a 1994 graduate on board as my associate vet. We and our staff are proud to practice quality personalized veterinary medicine and surgery to benefit you and your animals."

    Laurel Frydenborg, V'05

    Practice Name: Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society

    Practice Address: 1810 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19115

    Practice Phone Number: 215-545-9600

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "The most rewarding thing about my job is helping keep families together by providing education and high-quality low-cost care. When I’m not at work, I’m probably walking or hiking with Avery, spending time with my human son, Milo, or reading a book."

    Zachary Glantz, V'12

    Practice Name: Art City Vets & Urgent Care

    Practice Address: 2001 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

    Practice Phone Number: 215-563-8387

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:  

    Josiah Hendler, V'22

    Practice Name: World of Animals Veterinary Hospital - Mayfair

    Practice Address: 6503 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19135

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Hendler received his V.M.D. in 2022 from the University of Pennsylvania and is devoted to empowering owners to care for their loved ones. He lives in South Philly with his family: wife Allison, son Noah, and dog Lola.

    Natasha Kassell, V'94

    Practice Name: Holistic Veterinary Care Service of Greater Philadelphia

    Practice Address: 155 W Durham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119

    Practice Phone Number: 215-407-4535

    Practice Type: Small Animal Holistic House Calls

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Kassell received her veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1994. She then practiced conventional small animal medicine in Gig Harbor, Washington. Though she loved being a vet, she found herself frustrated by what she could offer her patients with conventional medicine alone. When she learned of a year-long course specifically for veterinarians in nutrition and homeopathy, she jumped at the opportunity. The course was taught by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, the author of "The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," and founder of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy. The experience transformed her veterinary practice, and her life. After completing the course, Dr. Kassell opened a small animal holistic house-call practice in Gig Harbor, specializing in preventive health care and homeopathy for dogs and cats. In 2002, Dr. Kassell returned to Philadelphia with her family and opened a similar holistic veterinary house-call practice in Mt. Airy. She is thrilled to serve the people and pets of the metropolitan-area Philadelphia."

    Casey McMahon, V'18

    Practice Name: World of Animals Veterinary Hospital - Rittenhouse

    Practice Address: 408 S 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19146

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Casey McMahon attended the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Veterinary Medical Degree. After graduating she moved to Boston where she worked with dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and chickens. Dr. McMahon and her cat Bill are excited to be back in Philadelphia and be a part of the World of Animals family.

    Aimee Simpson, V'05

    Practice Name: VCA Cat Hospital of Philadelphia

    Practice Address: 226 S 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

    Practice Phone Number: 215-567-6446

    Practice Type: Feline

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Following graduation from Penn Vet I began my career as a feline practitioner at VCA Cat Hospital in Rittenhouse Square where I am currently the Medical Director. We specialize in low-stress feline handling in a quiet, relaxing environment."

    Bonnie Valiente, V'06

    Practice Name: Liberty Vet Pets

    Practice Address: 265 South 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

    Practice Phone Number: 888-458-8587

    Practice Type: Home Visit and General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Graduated from University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Worked as a veterinary nurse in Emergency Service, Intensive Care, and the Fluid Wards at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital prior to becoming a veterinarian.  Grew up in Philadelphia where she has raised an assortment of pets, including rabbits, dogs, and cats."

    Karen Detweiler, V'86

    Practice Name: MOMS Veterinary Clinic/Mobivet

    Practice Address: 4831 Stump Road, Pioersville, PA 18947

    Practice Phone Number: 215-766-8934

    Practice Type: General/Housecall

    Bio statement: "In mixed practice for 30 years, currently running MOMS Veterinary Clinic, where we try to offer clients options in the care of their pets (Multiple Options Medicine & Surgery). We also have a house call practice called MobiVet."

    David P. Dorn, V'81

    Practice Name: West Liberty Animal Hospital, Inc.

    Practice Address: 3055 West Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216

    Practice Phone Number: 412-341-3383

    Practice Type: General Medicine - Small Animals and Exotics

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I grew up in this area and returned after Veterinary School and an internship at the University of California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. West Liberty Animal Hospital has been an ongoing practice in the South Hills of Pittsburgh for over thirty years providing quality pet care to dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and small mammals."

    Michael Mansfield, V'01

    Practice Name: Lawrenceville Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 5500 Butler St, Suite D, Pittsburgh, PA 15201

    Practice Phone Number: 412-219-7387

    Practice Type: General Medicine for Cats and Dogs

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Mansfield has over 20 years of experience working in veterinary clinics as well as emergency/specialty centers in both Western Pennsylvania and Southern California.  In 2022, he opened the Lawrenceville Veterinary Clinic in Pittsburgh to provide routine care, such as vaccinations, surgery and dentistry, for cats and dogs. 

    Kimberly Werner, V'91

    Practice Name: Always Compassionate Veterinary Care

    Practice Address: 4701 Clairton Boulevard, Pittsburgh , PA 15236

    Practice Phone Number: 412-882-3070

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Companion Animal Practitioner. American Animal Hospital Association accredited (AAHA)."

    Ann Bastian, V'93

    Practice Name: Willow Creek Veterinary Center

    Practice Address: 5707 Leesport Avenue, Reading, PA 19605

    Practice Phone Number: 610-378-0192

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Companion animal veterinarian with a special interest in surgery, emergency medicine, and client education. I believe in being straight forward and honest with clients, while educating them so they can make the best decision for both themselves and their pets.

    Amy Smagala, V'11

    Practice Name: VCA Old Marple Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 820 West Springfield Road, Springfield, PA 19064

    Practice Phone Number: 610-328-1300

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "Dr. Smagala completed her undergraduate degree with a B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Delaware and received a Master's degree from Drexel University. She then attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in Philadelphia. Dr. Smagala joined Tri-County in June of 2011, after graduation from veterinary school. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her cat Bart."

    David Spiegel, V'92

    Practice Address: 400 Yale Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081

    Practice Phone Number: 610-541-0805

    Practice Type: Animal Behavior Consultant

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    "Dr. Spiegel is a veterinarian whose unique practice is limited exclusively to the prevention and treatment of behavioral problems in animals.

    B. A., Biological Basis of Behavior, University of Pennsylvania, 1987.

    Trained under Dr. Victoria Voith (well recognized as one of the founders of, and foremost contributors in, the field of clinical companion animal behavior).

    Over 22 years full time behavior practice. Thousands of successfully treated cases (primarily canine and feline).

    4 years featured columnist Philadelphia Inquirer & News Journal.

    House calls, office visits, and phone consultations.

    This is a behavior only practice.

    All new cases are thoroughly evaluated with initial consultation consisting of detailed behavioral history, observation, diagnosis & explanation, complete customized treatment plan, and demonstrations of any/all behavior modification techniques to be implemented.

    Dr. Spiegel works with over 50 veterinary hospitals throughout the Delaware Valley."

    Kathryn Kropp, V'95

    Practice Name: Companion Animal Hospital of Tamaqua

    Practice Address: 223 Center St, (rear), Tamaqua, PA 18252

    Practice Phone Number: 570-668-6855

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Kropp has a BS in Animal Bioscience from Penn State University. She earned her veterinary degree in 1995 from the University of Pennsylvania. After working in two other small animal practices for several years, she returned to the Tamaqua area and founded Companion Animal Hospital of Tamaqua in 2002. She enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine but has a special interest in surgery and diagnostic ultrasound. Continuing education is a priority to Dr. Kropp, and she attends more than 30 credits of advanced learning annually. Her practice philosophy is that if she can't help your pet, she will help direct you to a specialist who can.

    Robert Fetterman, V'90

    Practice Name: Laurel Hill Veterinary Services, Inc.

    Practice Address: 3383 Rolling Hills Rd, Ulster, PA 18850

    Practice Phone Number: 570-596-2020

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Dr. Fetterman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1990
    He has worked for Laurel Hill Veterinary Services, Inc. since July 9, 2001

    He does both large animal and small animals. With a special interest in camelids (llamas and alpacas).

    He is married and his wife’s name is Kathleen and has 2 children Edward and Daniel.

    He has 2 dogs and 1 cat.

    Lauren Jones, V'10

    Practice Name: Owner/VMD

    Practice Address: 1353 Pottstown Pike, West Chester, PA 19380

    Practice Phone Number: 610-850-0805

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Dr. Lauren Jones is the proud owner of AHCC! She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010, after receiving her bachelor's degree in biology from Arcadia University in 2005. Following graduation, she worked in private practice with a special interest in canine reproduction and obstetrics, neonatal care, preventative medicine, dentistry, nutrition and exotic animals. She purchased the Animal Hospital of Chester Country in 2017. She currently lives with her husband, Jack, three children, Griffin, Charlotte, and Jack Jr., and their silly bearded dragon, Bruni. Her interests outside veterinary medicine include kayaking, yoga, music, Jeeps, and sports. 

    Brenda Perkins, V'84

    Practice Name: West Chester Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 1140 Pottstown Pike, West Chester, PA 19380

    Practice Phone Number: 610-696-3476

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    Dr. Brenda Perkins graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1984. She is a graduate of Westtown School, Swarthmore College, and has a MS from the University of Delaware. She came to West Chester in 1987, and has owned the practice since 1993. She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, the American Association of Feline Practitioners, and the American Heartworm Society. Along with her husband and two sons, she shares her house with one cat and two dogs, and shows the dogs in AKC obedience trials. She enjoys gardening and traveling.

    Thomas Wilson, V'86

    Practice Name: Lancaster County Career & Technology Center

    Practice Address: 1730 Hans Herr Drive, Willow Street, PA 17584

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: Transitioned from private food animal practice to the position of Program Veterinarian in Lancaster County Career & Technology Veterinary Technology (A.A.S.) program which received AVMA accreditation in March 2018.

  • Rhode Island

    Amalia Seggos-Martin, V'93

    Practice Name: Veterinarian

    Practice Address: 25 shermantown Road, Saunderstown, RI 02874

    Practice Phone Number: 401-294-9518

    Practice Type: Small Animal, Exotics, Wildlife

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Bio statement: After practicing in France for 20 years, most recently in an equine hospital, I have recently returned to the states and am back to practicing small animal medicine and surgery.

  • Tennessee

    Kristen Frevert, V'09

    Practice Name: Little House Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 1109 Battlewood Street, Franklin, TN 37069

    Practice Phone Number: 615-791-9148

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: I graduated in 2009 and worked in Hoboken, NJ for 3 years before relocating with my family to Nashville, TN. Since then, I have worked for an amazing small animal general practice as one of three doctors on staff at Little House Animal Hospital in Franklin. We see dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits primarily, but occasionally will see other animals as well!

    Amy Holford, V'00

    Practice Name: University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine

    Practice Address: 2407 River Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996

    Practice Phone Number: 865-974-8387

    Practice Type: General Medicine and Specialty

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: "I graduated from Penn Vet in 2000 and then went on to pursue a small animal rotating internship followed by an internal medicine internship at Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls, NJ from 2000-2002. After completion of my internships, I did a residency in small animal internal medicine at the University of Tennessee from 2002-2005. I stayed on as faculty at the University of Tennessee in the internal medicine department until becoming full time in the community practice department in 2014.  I see pets from the University community as a whole for wellness and sick appointments and help the students learn how to become well prepared small animal private practice veterinarians. If you move to Knoxville, TN and are employed by the University of the UT Hospital, I would be happy to be the VMD TN veterinarian to take care of your pet."

    Michael Caruso III, V'11

    Practice Name: Reedsdale Equine Specialists

    Practice Address: P O Box 306, Tullahoma, TN 37388

    Practice Phone Number: 412-266-4699

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

  • Vermont

    Ronald Veenema, V'73

    Practice Name: Vermont-New Hampshire Veterinary Clinic

    Practice Address: 38 EAST WEST RD, EAST DUMMERSTON, VT 05346

    Practice Phone Number: 802-254-5422

    Practice Website:

    Rhiannon Woolwich-Holzman, V'92

    Practice Name: Dancing Dragon Animal Health

    Practice Address: P.O. Box 1053 , Manchester Center, VT 05255

    Practice Phone Number: 802-375-9376

    Practice Type: Holistic Medicine

    Bio statement:   

  • Virginia

    Meghan Ryan, V'10

    Practice Name: Lexington Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 28 Bones Place, Lexington, VA 24450-1846

    Practice Phone Number: 540-463-2715

    Practice Type: General Practice

    Practice Email: [email protected]

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement: Following her small animal rotating internship at the Regional Veterinary Referral Center in Springfield, VA, Meghan Gick Ryan worked in the ER and as an associate vet at hospitals in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. In July 2017, Meghan purchased Lexington Animal Hospital, a small animal general practice, that is located in the Shenandoah Valley town of Lexington, VA. She is enjoying modernizing the practice as it grows and serves the local community.

    Simeon Taft, V'10

    Practice Name: Aquia-Garrisonville Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 878 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22554

    Practice Phone Number: 540-659-8140

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    "Dr. Taft earned his VMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, where he was a small animal and large animal major. He furthered his interests in ophthalmology, small animal internal medicine, and equine medicine & surgery via externships at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also spent a summer in Wisconsin under the tutelage of the official veterinarian of the World Dairy Expo, Dr. Rick Halvorson.

    Dr. Taft is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and a certified member of Penn HIP, the Hip Improvement Program developed at the University of Pennsylvania for the assessment of hip dysplasia in dogs and cats.

    Immediately before veterinary medical school, Dr. Taft was an animal keeper in the Elephant House at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C. In addition, for several years, he was a volunteer at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, Va. After he earned his BA in Economics from the University of Virginia, Dr. Taft worked at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, DC. While at the Fed, he studied graduate-level economics at Johns Hopkins University."

    Wayne Johnson, V'87

    Practice Name: Birdneck Animal Hospital

    Practice Address: 508 North Birdneck Road , Suite C, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

    Practice Phone Number: 757-355-5694

    Practice Type: General Medicine

    Practice Website:

    Bio statement:

    "As a veterinarian, I especially enjoy surgery, educating owners and children on how to keep their pets healthy, the fun of puppy and kitten visits, and making elderly patients feel like puppies and kittens again. I have had post graduate training in endoscopy, ultrasound, laser surgery and reptile medicine.

    I am proud to be a member of the Noblemen, a philanthropic organization which raises money for special needs children in the Tidewater area. Additionally, I helped to form the NoblePets branch of the organization. I am a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association. I am on the board of interviewers for prospective veterinary students at Virginia-Maryland College of veterinary Medicine, as well as being a mentor to two current veterinary students.

    When I'm not working at the hospital, or working at home assisting my wife and my son in their duties as local wildlife rehabilitators, I love to surf fish and I enjoy writing. I recently finished my first Fantasy novel, which I hope to have published. We have a Golden Retriever named "Chloe"."