Penn Vet | Admissions Process
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The Admissions process at Penn Vet

The Admissions & Application Process

You've decided to apply. What are your next steps? Here's everything you need to know to get through the Penn Vet application process. 

We're looking forward to reviewing your application and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We're here to help. 

Contact Admissions

Hear from Penn Vet Students!

Please contact our team if you are interested in Penn Vet.

Message from the Admissions Director

Dear applicants, 

As you are in the process of applying or preparing to apply, we wanted to make clear our requirements for this year’s application process so that you can plan accordingly.  You will find everything you need below.

  • Experience/GPA

    Penn Vet does not require a certain number of experience hours or that applicants get experience in every area of vet med. While we believe that experience in the veterinary profession is crucial, we also recognize that not all have the time or ability to get all that experience and don’t judge applicants on their total number of hours or locations.  We do strongly recommend that applicants should have at least 600 hours of vet experiences which allows for a mature view in the role of the veterinarian, an understanding into the depth of the vet profession, and a realization of the science of medicine practiced by veterinarians.  While we recommend that you have at least 600 hours of experience when applying, it is really the insight and understanding gained in the experience that impacts the competitiveness of an applicant.  You should consider this when completing the essays in the application and use detail to convey this understanding.  Also, while Penn Vet does not specifically require a specific overall GPA to apply, it is recommended that applicants have a GPA at least a 3.0 or above.  Additionally, the Last 45 credit GPA (typically a snapshot of 3 semesters and most recent academic coursework) should be rising above the overall GPA.  The average GPA of the incoming class typically falls around a 3.6.  

  • References

    Penn Vet has always been flexible in acceptance of references to meet our requirements of 1 Science Academic reference, 1 vet reference and 1 references of your choosing (total of 3 required). We will accept those references submitted to VMCAS from the following:

    • Academic/Science References: faculty members who have taught you in class, teaching faculty members who you have worked for (T/A, Research) but haven’t taught you in class, academic advisors, etc.
    • Vet References: Vets you have worked for clinically, worked for in labs, who have taught you in class, etc. While we feel that the best references come from direct work with clinical/research vets, we will accept them from Vets in other relationships if you wish to solely meet the reference requirement.
    • Reference of Your Choosing: from anyone you select…your choice. We strongly recommend using another vet or faculty member. We do not recommend personal references.
    • Also of Note: VMCAS accepts up to 6 references. While our requirement is only three, rest assured we will read all references submitted to the application.
  • Pass/Fail and Online Courses

    Penn Vet has always accepted online coursework from accredited colleges/universities. This year will be no different. In fact, rarely can we tell from transcripts that courses are online. In regards to Pass/Fail coursework, please see our policy below: 

    If a college/university Required students to take courses Pass/Fail only due to the pandemic, we will accept that Pass in any 2020 or  2021 course to meet a requirement(s).

    If a student has been made a choice to take a course Pass/Fail (when a graded option was offered), we will still accept the Pass/Fail course towards a requirement(s). However it must be supplemented by a letter or email (from the professor or academic advisor) sent directly to the Office of Admissions identifying what the grade in the class would have been if not taken Pass/Fail, as all Matriculation Requirements must be completed with a C or above.


I hope this helps answer some of your questions, but if you have more, don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected] . I am more than happy to help and look forward to receiving your application in this upcoming cycle.


Rob DiMeo
Director of Admissions – Penn Vet

Applying to Penn Vet

Here are four steps to guide you through the application process. Make sure you read through these carefully!


One.  Review Our Matriculation Requirements

Review Our Requirements: First, it's a good idea to learn about our course requirements for matriculation if accepted and attending. You don't have to complete all of the required coursework by the time you apply, but you'll need to be prepared to complete everything when you are accepted.


Two. Apply - Part I

Apply - Part I: Penn Vet uses the Veterinary Medical College Application Service's VMCAS application, offered by AAVMC, the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges. Review our application checklist, which will describe the application process step by step, as well as provide insights about what we are looking for from our applicants. 

Traditionally, the VMCAS application is due September 15th (unless the 15th falls on the weekend.  For applicants applying for entry in Fall 2025, the dealine is September 16th, 2024 at 11:59PM EST.


Three. Apply - Part II

Apply - Part II: Once you've completed your VMCAS application, make sure you fill out and submit the Supplemental Information Form and send in your processing fee payment. This is a requirement of all applications to Penn Vet. 

  • Access the Supplemental Information Form and Payment System for Fall 2025 entry will be available in May 2024.

Four. Check Out Our Timeline

Check Out Our Timeline: Next, you'll want to check out our timeline to see what happens next. Not everyone who applies is invited to interview, but if you are, you'll want to make sure to review our interview tips. 


Five. (Optional) Review Our Incoming Class Profile 

Review Our Incoming Class Profile: Review our most recent incoming class profile to view class data (GPA, Undergraduate majors, etc). 

Penn Vet Professional License and Certification Information

As an educational program designed to meet specific professional license or certification standards that are required for employment in an occupation it is necessary that Upenn disclose its standing with the state of Pennsylvania. Follow this link to find this Public Disclosure with the state.