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Grants & Funding

By administering programs that provide grants and loans (from both state and federal housing programs), HCD creates rental and homeownership opportunities for Californians from all walks of life, including veterans, seniors, young families starting out, people with disabilities, farmworkers, and individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Over the last three decades, HCD has provided more than $3 billion of funding for the development of affordable housing and associated infrastructure, but HCD’s role does not end once the awards are made. Through long-term monitoring, HCD ensures the developments continue to provide safe and affordable homes, and that the homes remain well-maintained and financially sound.


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Division of State Financial Assistance

Estimated Outstanding Bond and Tax Credit Demand for HCD funded projects

Information provided below is based on application data submitted to HCD for the following multifamily programs: AHSC, VHHP, HOME, NPLH (does not include APC Counties), MHP, Serna, IIG, TOD, HHC/NHTF

 2018* HCD Funded Projects2019* HCD Funded Projects2020* HCD Funded ProjectsTotal Outstanding Demand 2018-2020
4%Total projects awarded:3542131208
Outstanding Awarded Projects Seeking Allocation101089109
Remaining Bond Allocation Need$92.7 million$288.6 million$2.925 billion$3.306 billion
Remaining 4% Tax Equity Need$119.6 million$174.3 million$1.710 billion$2.003 billion
9%Total projects awarded:13143461
Outstanding Projects Seeking 9% credits8111837
Remaining 9% Tax Equity Need$133.3 million$186.0 billion$364.7 billion$684.0 billion

* Represents first HCD funding received. Projects may have received funding from an additional HCD funding source in a subsequent year

Administrative Memos on HCD Programs

25-02February 18, 2025FWHG Marketing and Prioritization Requirements (PDF)This policy sets forth marketing and prioritization requirements for FWHG-funded multifamily housing projects. The requirements require marketing in OMS centers and prioritization of eligible migrant farmworkers into FWHG units as detailed in Chapter 523, Statutes of 2024 Assembly Bill 2240.
25-01January 21, 2025Disability Income Exclusion for Veterans (PDF)This memo sets forth a disability income exclusion for HUD-VASH participants who are applying to or living in HCD-assisted units and highlights a similar disability income exclusion for all VHHP tenants and VHHP applicants.
24-06November 25, 2024VHHP Secondary Tenants Policy (PDF)This policy establishes a petition process to temporarily redesignate a portion of a VHHP-assisted project’s 30% Area Median Income (AMI) Supportive Housing units at 50% or 60% AMI.
24-05October 7, 20242024 Supportive Services Cost Limits Omnibus Guideline Amendments (PDF)This memo sets forth increased cost caps for supportive services funded through project budgets for DSFA multifamily rental programs.
24-04September 27, 2024; amended January 2, 2025LWSI Omnibus Amendment (PDF)Removal of Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity requirements for most of HCD's state-funded housing programs.
24-03June 19, 2024;Developer Fee Memo (PDF)This memo provides important updates and clarifications regarding the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) policies on developer fees and project funding.
24-02May 30, 2024;Homeownership Omnibus Amendment (PDF)Sets forth and repeals certain requirements under multiple homeownership financing programs, specifically the CalHome program and the homeownership elements of the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant program (“Serna Homeownership”).
23-01January 3, 2023; amended August 8, 2023Transition Reserve Policy (PDF)Sets forth the Department’s transition reserve policy applicable to all HCD funded multifamily rental programs.
22-07July 29, 2022Infill Infrastructure Grant Program COVID - 19 liquidation extension (PDF)Sets forth and clarifies certain requirements un the IIG Program of 2019 Guidelines. The 2021 Budget Bill Guideline Amendment (Chapter 21, statute of 2021) authorized the Department of Finance to authorize and extension of the liquidation Period it is determined that an extension is needed to facilitate a projects’ completion due to the impact of COVID-19.
22-03May 5, 2022Omnibus Guideline Amendment (PDF)Sets forth, clarifies and repeals certain requirements under the Multifamily Housing Program (MHP), Homekey and California Housing Accelerator programs.
22-02March 30, 2022 and amended Dec. 19, 2022Notice of Disencumbrance (PDF)Sets forth the Department’s disencumbrance policy applicable to all HCD state funded multifamily rental programs.
22-01March 30, 2022 and amended April 3, 2023Notice of Negative Points (PDF)Sets forth the Department’s negative points policy applicable to all state and federal funding programs which will apply to any application submitted under a Notice of Funding Availability released on or after March 31, 2022.
21-05June 22, 2021Notice of Omnibus Interpretive Guidance to Program Guidelines (PDF)Sets forth and repeals certain requirements under multiple multifamily financing programs for the purposes of securing Calendar Year 2021 disaster credits through the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC)
21-06August 11, 2021 and amended September 13, 2023Repeal of Stacking Prohibition of Multiple Department Funding Sources (PDF)Sets forth and repeals the Department’s stacking prohibition of multiple Department Funding Sources for all multifamily programs allowing the use of multiple funding sources on the same Assisted Unit in a single Project for applications submitted for HCD on or after July 1, 2021
20-01September 1, 2020Electronic Signature Policy (PDF)Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) will accept electronic copies of signatures (“e-signatures”) instead of wet or original signature. The requirements for the e-signature may vary slightly depending on the document.