Student Leadership Development

What is Leadership?
Leadership is the ability to inspire and influence others to contribute towards a common goal. In a work setting, this can mean directing colleagues with a strategy to meet organisation needs. In a school setting, this can mean spreading knowledge and influencing decisions to improve academic and student life.
Student leaders are core to a vibrant university life. We believe that our student leaders not only have the capacity to shape the culture of the student experience but also, the ability to amplify impact.
NTU's Student Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) aims to help students gain insights into leadership traits and skill set, and hone these for future success.
Three Levels of SLDP:

Level 1: Develop Self-Awareness
All Students
Level 2: Discover and Develop
Student Leaders
Level 3: Explore and Experience
Selected StudentsSLDP Framework

At the end of the entire programme, you will be able to:
- Recognise various leadership styles and competencies;
- Gain insight into your personal leadership style including personal strengths and weaknesses;
- Communicate and engage more effectively in a team setting; and
- Exhibit greater awareness and understanding of current issues to make positive sustainable impact in the community