Babies change so much in a short space of time, and at four months, you have probably noticed some big differences in your little one already. At this stage, your baby will have a smile ready to dazzle you whenever you catch their eye, often accompanied by an adorable giggle.
At four months old, there are lots more exciting developments to enjoy. Here’s what you can expect when your baby turns 16 weeks old:
Baby’s Growth and Overall Health at 4 Months
Once your baby reaches four months old, they may start to show the first signs of teething. You may notice your little one starts to dribble more, they may get rosy cheeks, and their gums may appear red and sore. But their first teeth probably won’t appear for a few weeks yet.
Tummy time will continue to help your baby’s development, and your little one will likely have learned a couple of new tricks during tummy time. To your baby’s surprise, they may discover they can roll from their front to their back. Your baby may also be able to raise themselves up to rest on their forearms for a little while.
At 16 weeks, baby girls typically weigh between 4.5kg and 8.5kg and measure 56cm to 67cm in length. Baby boys are generally a little larger than girls and weigh between 5kg and 9kg. Baby boys usually measure between 58cm and 68cm.
If you have any concerns about your baby’s weight or length, you can discuss these with your health visitor.
Your baby will be due their next round of immunisations at four months old. Now is the time for your baby’s third dose of the 6-in-1 vaccine. The 6-in-1 vaccine will once again be administered in a single injection and provides protection against diphtheria, hepatitis B, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B), polio, tetanus, and whooping cough. Your baby will also receive the second dose of the meningitis B vaccine.
Baby’s Sleep at 4 Months
Some parents find that their babies fall into a natural routine at four months old, and they start sleeping for longer stretches during the night. For some babies, this means they now sleep far more at night and may nap for shorter stretches during the day. Your baby will need between 14 and 16 hours of sleep each day at this age, made up of both night-time sleep and daytime naps.
You may notice that your little one starts to show signs of being tired in the evening. Introducing a bedtime routine at this stage can be helpful, and you may want to start putting them to bed at a regular time each evening.
Some babies sleep for up to eight hours a time at night when they reach four months, but don’t worry if your baby is still waking throughout the night, as this is totally normal.
Baby’s Food and Feeding Schedule at 4 Months
At four months old, your baby will only need milk feeds. Every baby is different, which means their feeding schedule will also vary. It is important to remember that every baby has their own feeding and sleep routine, so try not to compare your baby to others of the same age. If you have concerns about your baby’s feeding, you can discuss these with your health visitor, who will be able to provide you with advice.
Vitamin D
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, it is recommended that they are given a daily vitamin D supplement. Your health visitor will be able to recommend an appropriate vitamin D supplement that is suitable for your baby.
Baby’s Personality at 4 Months
At four months old, your baby will be full of fun and ready to giggle at any opportunity. This is something that you can encourage by interacting lots with your little one. As well as being happy to smile, chatter, and giggle, your baby will also be showing an interest in toys and will quickly let you know that they are upset if you take a toy away before they have finished playing with it!
At this stage, you will be able to tell if your baby is happy or sad and often what they want when they cry, which makes it easier for you to respond to their needs.
Baby’s Milestones at 4 Months:
- Your baby may now be able to roll over from their tummy onto their back.
- At four months, your baby may be able to reach out to take a toy with one hand.
- Your little one may start showing the first signs of teething.
- 4-month-old babies will recognise objects and people that they are familiar with from a distance. Your little one will follow people and objects around a room.
Games and Activities for Baby at 4 Months
Your baby is learning new things all the time at this stage; here are some of the ways you can support their development:
Communicate With Your Baby
Babies this age love it when you interact with them. So, spending time talking to your baby, copying their noises, and singing to them are all great activities. This interaction will help nurture your baby’s early language and communication skills.
Play Together
Placing toys within your baby’s reach will encourage them to develop their hand-eye coordination as they reach out to take them. Rattles are especially good for this, as your baby will love to hear the noise that it makes as they move it.
Share Books
Introducing quiet playtime to your little one with the help of books is an excellent activity to try at home. Showing your baby the colourful pages of baby board books and reading to them is a great way to stimulate their senses and nurture their early language skills.
How mum's feeling at 4 months postpartum

Mum's View
"My most recent experience with the 4 month sleep regression was with my youngest who is now 2 years old. After usually being able to settle her to sleep in our bedroom, I found myself spending many nights over a few weeks downstairs, sitting with
her on the sofa, walking her around the living room and trying to get her back to sleep in the middle of the night.
It’s tough when parenthood is extra exhausting and it’s harder when you have more than one child too as
you have less chance to catch up on lost sleep."
Mum of 3, Petra

Mum's View
"When you’re pregnant or you’ve just had a baby, it feels as though people are giving you advice left, right and centre. We know everyone means well, we really do, but sometimes it’s all a little too much.
Sleep when the
baby sleeps…
This was my biggest agitation and so many people have said the same. If every new parent had a pound each time someone says this, they’d be able to afford nappies until their little one turned 3."
Mum of 2, Hollie

Mum's View
"I felt really lonely on my maternity leave. Of course I loved having my daughter and spending time with her, but so many friends and family say they are going to be there and can’t wait to spend time with you and the baby and do things, and once the initial novelty of a new baby wears off everyone disappears."
Mum & PS Member, Katie

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