The National Library of Israel is an institution that serves all citizens of Israel, and welcomes visitors from all sectors, faiths, and communities of Israeli society and around the world. As such, both a Jewish synagogue and a prayer room for people of diverse faiths were prioritized in planning the new building, with the prerequisite that these spaces offer an inclusive atmosphere consistent with the Library's mission and vision.
The Wohl Synagogue provides worshippers with a reverential environment and a welcoming atmosphere consistent with the vision of the National Library of Israel. A vaulted ceiling draws the eye upwards, while a skylight allows in natural light. Light wood furnishings in a separated seating arrangement surround a central bima (dias). The mechitza is modular, allowing for clear sightlines when needed, and creating a multi-functional space, suitable for lectures, classes and other gatherings.
The Anne Germanacos Prayer Room provides worshippers with an aesthetic environment suited to places of contemplation and worship. The design is modular to balance the needs of worshippers using the space, taking into consideration different norms and values, and fostering a sense of goodwill and cooperation. The room may be outfitted with items for daily Muslim worship. For Christian prayer, it can be outfitted with seats and a lectern.
The Wohl Synagogue and Germanacos Prayer Room are located on the same level as the Special Collections Reading Room, and are accessible via stairway or elevator. The area includes a lobby and kitchenette suited to small and medium-scale events. Larger catered events may be accommodated in the restaurant or café space.