We’re looking for stories about literary life and culture. We’re interested in the ways that books or their authors fit into the culture at large, and we enjoy rigorous criticism for a general audience.
We’ve published essays on craft, those that veer into criticism, and reported pieces on literary issues. If you’re pitching a personal essay on writing life, it helps to describe how an incident in your life speaks to larger issues in the literary world. We’re also looking for stories that talk about upcoming nonfiction books and address the broader cultural issues around them by adding your own analysis or reporting. Check out some of our favorite pieces from last year here.
Send us a brief (2-3 paragraph) description of the story and give us an idea of what makes it interesting, why it matters now, and what perspective, analysis, or reporting you will bring to it. The pitch is a great place to give us a sense of your writing style and tone. Include links to previous work, if you have them. It’s okay to send us full, finished essays, if you have them, with a brief description of the piece in an email.
We do not accept original poetry or fiction.
Send your ideas to [email protected]. We read everything we receive.
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