Who We Are

PEOPLE’s accomplished team of editors, writers, designers and photographers are all dedicated to the brand’s core mission: to inform, entertain and inspire by sharing the stories that everyone will be talking about. For 50 years, the PEOPLE team has been comprised of trusted experts in nearly every field. We’re the go-to source for news about celebrities, entertainment and the royals, and we elevate powerful human interest stories and everyday people making a difference in their communities. With decades of experience and a true passion for the subjects we cover, our journalists believe in the power of storytelling to make a difference.

All About PEOPLE

PEOPLE delivers the most trustworthy celebrity news and captivating human interest stories, connecting you to the pulse of American culture. Since our first issue hit stands in 1974, we have been striving to tell compelling stories about the people behind the issues, as opposed to just the issues themselves. We are your everyday escape, taking you inside the lives of intriguing stars, newsmakers, up-and-comers and ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We serve and delight you by providing ideas about beauty, food and style through the lens of the people influencing the trends. And we are a force for good by telling stories of hope, optimism and kindness that drive conversation and inspire action.

Editorial Policy

If you read it on PEOPLE, you know it is true. PEOPLE is committed to accurate, fair and complete journalism. As part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family, we uphold the Dotdash Meredith Content Integrity Promise.

Click here for our full Editorial Policy.

Click here for our Terms of Use page.

ChatGPT & Other AI

At PEOPLE, we are committed to providing the highest quality content, created by a trusted group of human writers, reporters and editors with our audience in mind. It is against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content that has been written by AI (artificial intelligence) tools such as ChatGPT.

Diversity & Inclusion

PEOPLE is committed to taking visible, measurable steps to combat racism, sexism and other biases in the media. Our definition of diversity, and the areas in which we seek to increase inclusivity and representation, includes race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, body type and ability.

We will enlist Dotdash Meredith’s Anti-Bias Review Board to do a thorough review of our content on a consistent basis, starting with our print magazine and social media platforms (which include Instagram, TikTok and YouTube), to give actionable recommendations of how we can increase diversity and representation in those formats. 

Additionally, we will conduct a survey of contractors who create content for PEOPLE to better understand the diverse makeup of our freelancers, photographers, and other contributors. This survey will aid in our ongoing initiative to make diversity a priority when assigning work, and during our recruiting and hiring processes. 

We will commit to greater representation in our visual assets, working to ensure a broad array of people and perspectives are represented on social media, our homepage, within print and digital articles, and in any additional video programming. With the help of the Anti-Bias Review Board, we will continue to do ongoing audits of the language we use to ensure it is fair, accurate and inclusive.

And we will ask readers to hold us accountable. True progress comes with accountability, and we hope readers will partner with us on our mission to tell these stories well and accurately. Please feel free to send questions, comments or suggestions to [email protected].

Community Guidelines

Our comments section is intended to be a place where readers can engage in discussions about our stories. Offensive language, hate speech, personal attacks and/or defamatory statements are not allowed. Advertising or spammy content is also prohibited. Comments are not always available on all stories.

Comments are moderated and may be deleted without notice. Repeat offenders may be banned without notice. We reserve the right to delete comments and ban offenders at our discretion. Our decisions are final.

If you have questions or issues with your commenter account, please email [email protected].

PEOPLE Leadership

Charlotte Triggs, General Manager & Editor in Chief, PEOPLE Group

Charlotte Triggs, General Manager & Editor-in-Chief, PEOPLE Group

Charlotte Triggs is General Manager and Editor-in-Chief of the PEOPLE Group, overseeing the brand across all platforms, in addition to overseeing People en Español. A 20-year-veteran of PEOPLE, Triggs has covered everything from entertainment to politics and previously served as Executive Editorial Director for PEOPLE digital, running all digital editorial coverage. She was also previously a producer for PEOPLE’s daily podcast, PEOPLE Every Day. A graduate of Rutgers University, she resides in New Jersey with her husband and three daughters.

Michelle Tauber Author Photo

Michelle Tauber, Associate General Manager

Michelle Tauber is Associate General Manager at PEOPLE, overseeing all digital content and managing the editorial newsroom. She joined PEOPLE in 2000 and since then has covered everything from royal weddings to celebrity breaking news to health, crime and human interest.

Formerly PEOPLE's first and only Head Writer, Michelle has written more than 300 PEOPLE cover stories, the most in the magazine's 50-year history. Michelle also founded the role of Royals Senior Editor at PEOPLE.

Andrea Lavinthal Bio Photo

Andrea Lavinthal, Executive Director, Special Integrated Projects

Andrea Lavinthal is the Executive Director, Special Integrated Projects at PEOPLE, where she oversees the brand’s franchises including Sexiest Man Alive and The Beautiful Issue, plus execution of digital issues, editorial partnerships, events and campaigns. With over 20 years of experience in media, Andrea is an authority in the beauty, style and pop culture space and has appeared on national television shows including TodayE! NewsGood Morning America, The Drew Barrymore Show and Access Hollywood. She co-hosted the PEOPLE in the ’90s podcast, and regularly appears on top ranked podcasts including The Bright SideLady GangNot Skinny But Not FatAdd to CartFat Mascara and Breaking Beauty.

Before joining PEOPLE as the Style and Beauty Director in 2012, Andrea spent almost a decade at Cosmopolitan where in addition to writing features about beauty, she helped launch Cosmo Radio on SiriusXM and started the brand’s first ever beauty blog. She graduated with a B.A. in Magazine Journalism from the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University and lives in Connecticut (but is a proud New Jersey native).

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Kathryn Vandervalk, VP of Content Strategy

Kathryn Vandervalk is the VP of Content Strategy for the Entertainment Group. Her role spans across PEOPLE, PEOPLE En Español and Entertainment Weekly, where she develops digital strategies to increase traffic and revenue across the brands. Vandervalk previously served as Editorial Director for Dotdash Meredith's Beauty Group.

She began her career at an agency, crafting content strategy for tech startups. After moving to Dotdash Meredith in 2017, she worked in SEO and growth across the portfolio of lifestyle brands, before focusing on beauty and weddings. During her tenure with Byrdie & Brides, she helped grow each site's search presence to over six times its pre-acquisition size. Her work combines her passion for logic and data with her love of writing: Vandervalk earned a B.A. and M.A. studying Creative Writing at The University of Chicago, and her M.F.A. in Fiction Writing is from Columbia University.

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Alex Brez, Director of Operations and Finance

Alex Brez is the Director of Operations for the editorial teams across all platforms at PEOPLE, Entertainment Weekly, and PEOPLE en Español. She has held this position (or something similar) for the past seven years. Prior, Alex was Managing Editor at Marie Claire at Hearst. She began her journalism career as a Photo Director at Gruner + Jahr and at Mansueto Ventures. She also taught at the School of Visual Arts in New York City for many years. Alex is a lifelong New Yorker, having left just long enough to attend and graduate from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

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Melody Chiu, Executive Editorial Director, Entertainment

Melody Chiu is a Los Angeles-based journalist with extensive experience editing, writing and reporting across PEOPLE's entertainment verticals. With the brand since 2009, she has written cover stories on Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Melissa McCarthy and House of Horrors survivor Jordan Turpin. Chiu oversees all of PEOPLE's entertainment verticals, as well as events strategy and live red carpet coverage for awards season. She graduated from the University of Southern California and has appeared on Today, The Talk, Good Morning America and more.

Elizabeth Favre Bio Photo

Elizabeth Favre, Senior Director, Social Media

Elizabeth Favre is Senior Director of Social Media at PEOPLE. She leads social efforts, audience growth strategy, content distribution and optimization across platforms (with a combined social footprint of 45 million+ followers). Prior to joining the team at PEOPLE, she managed social strategy at Hearst and Billboard.

Maria Mercedes Lara PEOPLE Digital Content Operations Director Editor

Maria Mercedes Lara, Senior Director of Digital Content Operations

Maria Mercedes Lara is Senior Director of Digital Content Operations for PEOPLE, where she oversees content management and editorial workflow for the digital team, with a focus on increasing growth through PEOPLE's newsletters, homepage and notification audiences. She previously held the position of Deputy News Director for PEOPLE.com. Before joining PEOPLE, Maria worked at POPSUGAR, SpinMedia Group and Jezebel. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature from Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts at the New School University in New York City.

Michele Corriston Bio Photo

Michele Corriston, Editorial Director, Innovations

Michele Corriston has led efforts to bring PEOPLE to the next generation of readers since her time as Director of Platforms Strategy from 2020-2023, when she spear-headed the brand's TikTok and Snapchat content. But she first started at PEOPLE in 2014, rising from digital intern to senior editor of the TV vertical. 

She has also worked as a digital producer at SiriusXM and director of digital/influencer at PR/marketing firm M Booth. 

Sonal Dutt Bio Photo

Sonal Dutt, Editorial Director, Food and Lifestyle

Sonal Dutt oversees food, travel and home coverage for PEOPLE, having launched PEOPLE.com's first lifestyle-focused vertical and Celeb Food recipe app for the brand back in 2013. Prior to her time at PEOPLE, Dutt served as Executive Lifestyle Editor at Every Day with Rachael Ray, Senior Lifestyle Editor at Woman's Day and held editorial positions at InStyle, For Me and Details

A Virginia native, Dutt graduated from James Madison University with degrees in Communications, English and Graphic Design.  She also has a Master's Degree in Magazine Journalism from New York University.

Samantha Miller Bio Photo

Samantha Miller, Editorial Director, Entertainment

As Editorial Director for entertainment, Samantha Miller oversees PEOPLE's coverage of the celebrity and entertainment world, from cover and feature interviews with top stars to the latest breaking news to the buzz on movies, TV shows, music and more. She joined PEOPLE in 1995 as one of the very first writers for PEOPLE.com and has previously served as Executive Editor, Senior Editor for movies and technology columnist.

Miller is a graduate of Princeton University and author of E-Mail Etiquette. She lives in Brooklyn.

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Elizabeth Leonard, Managing Executive Editor and West Coast Bureau Chief

Lizz Leonard is an award-winning journalist based in Los Angeles who oversees PEOPLE's verticals on the West Coast and manages key industry partnerships and relationships in Hollywood. A veteran who began her career as a reporter at Newsweek, Leonard has helped PEOPLE become an industry leader in access journalism and breaking news, helping to transform PEOPLE's West Coast bureau into a cross-platform creative powerhouse.

Recognized by the Los Angeles Press Club with several Southern California Journalism awards, Leonard is a tireless journalist, compassionate leader and creative thinker. Her world-exclusive cover story featuring Vanessa Bryant for PEOPLE's Women Changing the World franchise won the 2021 FOLIO Eddie & Ozzie Award for Best Full Issue (Lifestyle).

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Alex Apatoff, Executive Editor

Alex Apatoff is the Executive Editor of PEOPLE Digital. She has been with the brand for more than a decade, holding various roles on the Style and Beauty team before becoming the site's Lifestyle Director to coordinate the work across the commerce, evergreen, features and marketing teams.

Prior to her role at PEOPLE, Apatoff worked at Us Weekly (where, among other things, she oversaw the Fashion Police pages) and graduated from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism.

Jeremy Helligar Bio Photo

Jeremy Helligar, Executive Editor, Entertainment

PEOPLE Executive Editor Jeremy Helligar helps oversee the brand's entertainment coverage. He is a PEOPLE veteran who began his professional career as an intern at the magazine straight after graduating college.

Between 2006 and 2019, Helligar was an international drifter, settling short- and longer-term in Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Bangkok, Cape Town, Sydney, London, Belgrade, Kiev, Sarajevo and Prague. He documented his expat escapades in these cities and various others in Eastern Europe in two books (Is It True What They Say About Black Men? and Storms in Africa) and various articles. Helligar has also written about race and queer issues for The Advocate, HuffPost, Medium, Reader's Digest, The Root, Variety, The Wrap, Queerty and various other digital and print platforms.

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Lindsay Kimble, Executive Editor, News

Lindsay Kimble has worked at PEOPLE for over seven years, non-consecutively, as a writer, reporter and editor across content buckets, covering everything from the Super Bowl to the Olympics to the Met Gala.

In her role as Executive Editor, News, she coordinates with all content verticals in executing coverage of the buzziest news stories every day and oversees the off-hours news teams.

She's been nominated for the ASME NEXT Awards for Journalists Under 30, and previously wrote for Us Weekly while on staff at Wenner Media. She also served as the Entertainment and Celebrity Content Director at POPSUGAR.

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Nick Maslow, Executive Editor, Crime, Health, Human Interest, Politics, Royals and Sports

Nick Maslow is Executive Editor of Crime, Health, Human Interest, Politics, Royals and Sports, overseeing PEOPLE’s award-winning news teams. A graduate of the University of Miami, he first joined PEOPLE in 2015 and has since worked on breaking stories across the newsroom. Nick is the creator of Real-Life Love, PEOPLE’s story series on extraordinary romances, and appears on People Magazine Investigates, Discovery ID’s true crime TV series streaming on Max. He lives in New York City. 

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Breanne Heldman, Executive Editor, TV and Events

Breanne L. Heldman is the Executive Editor of TV and Events for PEOPLE. In this role, she oversees event coverage strategy as well as all television coverage — and coverage of TV stars — across all platforms. Heldman joined PEOPLE in April 2018 after two years as Senior Editor at Entertainment Weekly. Prior to that, she held editorial positions at Yahoo Entertainment, MTV, E!, and the New York Daily News. The Boston University alum and Cincinnati native frequently appears as an entertainment expert on programs such as Good Morning America, Access Hollywood and podcasts and has moderated panels at Lincoln Center, 92NY, 90s Con, New York Comic Con and more.

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Anya Leon, Executive Editor

Anya Leon is an Executive Editor for PEOPLE. She's been at the brand for over 16 years in various roles across the Entertainment, Lifestyle and News teams. She has appeared on PEOPLE's podcast, PEOPLE Every Day and spearheads coverage on celebrity families, viral moments and buzzed-about influencers. She resides in Northern Virginia with her family.

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Brittany Talarico, Director, Style & Beauty

Brittany Talarico is PEOPLE's Style & Beauty Director, where she oversees fashion and beauty coverage across the brand's platforms. This includes managing the vertical's tentpoles, running lead on the Met Gala, which is among PEOPLE.com's top-trafficked red carpet events every year, interviewing the industry's top celebrities and tastemakers and breaking A-list celeb news (a New Jersey shore native, it is no surprise that her favorite interview ever was with Bruce Springsteen). Brittany has represented the brand on national TV programs including Good Morning America and The CW's two TV specials on the British Royals. You may also see her on one of PEOPLE's green screen social media videos decoding Taylor Swift's style. She joined PEOPLE from Cosmopolitan in 2013, where she was an Associate Editor.

Marissa Charles Bio Photo

Marissa Charles, Managing Editor, Innovations

Marissa Charles is an award-winning journalist with two decades of experience specializing in entertainment news, human interest and lifestyle stories. She joined PEOPLE as West Coast News Director in 2021, before becoming the News Director a year later. In that role she collaborated with multiple cross-functional teams to deliver compelling digital stories.

Prior to joining PEOPLE in 2021, Marissa spent three years at HollywoodLife serving as Senior Editor and News Director. Her exclusive features have appeared in a variety of media outlets including The GuardianEssenceGlamour U.K., Harper's BAZAAR ArabiaCosmopolitan and ELLE.com. Born in the U.K., she graduated from Oxford University with a Bachelor of Arts in Modern History.

Zach Gabrieleski Bio Photo

Zach Gabrielski, Vice President, Product

Zach Gabrielski leads the product development team for the Entertainment Group at Dotdash Meredith, which includes PEOPLE.com, EW.com and PeopleEnEspanol.com. Prior to that, Zach worked on other brands at Dotdash Meredith including Byrdie.com, Brides.com, and Tripsavvy.com.

Zach loves being on teams that build engaging consumer experiences. His teams have created brand new packages for several Dotdash Meredith brands, including the Byrdie Beauty Awards, the TripSavvy Editors Choice Awards and the Digital Issue packages now used across the DDM portfolio. Previously he was a product manager at Daily Burn where he led the launch of Daily Burn 365, a live-streaming daily workout program that was nominated for a Daytime Emmy for Best Interactive Media, Original Content. He studied at Temple University, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies.

David Flumenbaum Bio Photo

David Flumenbaum, Vice President, Video & Audio, Entertainment Group

David Flumenbaum is head of video and audio for PEOPLE. Since July 2020, he has run the PEOPLE Digital Studio, a business unit that he launched unifying video and audio, and is responsible for all programming, production, distribution and revenue for PEOPLE video and audio. Under his leadership, PEOPLE video has reached record numbers for both viewership and revenue, and established its first slate of podcasts, including the daily podcast PEOPLE Every Day.

Prior to his role at PEOPLE, he ran video programming strategy, distribution and analytics for both the Meredith and Time Inc. brand portfolios, and before that, spent nine years at the Huffington Post.

Lauren Mikler Bio Photo

Lauren Mikler, Head of Production, People, PeopleTV

Lauren Mikler oversees video content for PEOPLE digital, covering everything from celebrity interviews to breaking news, live red carpets, and lifestyle and human interest features across platforms including PEOPLE.com, PeopleTV (Dotdash Meredith's OTT streaming network), YouTube and social media. She joined PEOPLE in 2016 after roles at HuffPost, CNN, ABC, WNBC, NY1 and Time Out New York.

Phoebe Weekes

Phoebe Weekes, Creative Director

Phoebe Weekes has been the Creative Director of the PEOPLE brand since 2023, serving as Design Director for a decade prior. Her role focuses on ensuring a seamless integration of content, imagery and design elements across all platforms.

Originally from Australia, she graduated from the Sydney University of Technology with an Honors degree in Visual Communications. Before relocating to America she held senior positions with Emap Australia and the Australian Consolidated Press, specializing in entertainment and lifestyle related art direction.

Phoebe has received various awards throughout her 25-year career including being named Australian Magazine Designer of the Year by the MPA Association. She currently resides in Brooklyn, New York with her daughter Iris.

Ilana Schweber Bio Photo

Ilana Schweber, Photo Director

Ilana Schweber was named Director of Photography for Meredith Corporation's PEOPLE brand across digital and print platforms in August 2018. She joined PEOPLE's photo team in 2010, serving as Managing Director of Photography and overseeing all aspects of shoot production and photo research in addition to managing staff and overseeing budgets.

Prior, Schweber was Deputy Photo Editor at InStyle Specials, producing cover and feature shoots for the Weddings, Home, Makeover and Hair titles, as well as the monthly print edition. Her 20-plus years of experience include roles at REAL SIMPLE, Woman's Day, Consumer Reports and Us Weekly. Her work has been recognized with awards from American Photo, the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME), and the Society of Publication Designers (SPD).

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Lauren Lieberman, Managing Photo Director, Digital

Lauren Lieberman is the Managing Photo Director for Digital, overseeing the online photo teams for PEOPLE and Entertainment Weekly, while also working on digital issues and special features. She joined PEOPLE in 2009 as an Assistant Photo Editor, working on the news and style verticals, before moving into a Senior Photo Editor role, managing the photo team. Prior to PEOPLE, she worked as a Photo Editor at NBC Universal, Bravo and ESSENCE. Lauren graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree in Communications, and published her first novelDown to Youin May 2023.

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Karli Bendlin.

Karli Bendlin, Director of Content Strategy

Karli Bendlin is the Director of Content Strategy for PEOPLE and Entertainment Weekly, where she oversees PEOPLE's burgeoning evergreen content branch, in addition to providing strategy across digital operations. She previously served as a Senior Editor at the brand.

Prior to joining PEOPLE, Karli was a Senior Editor at Byrdie and Brides, where she helped launch and oversee their news departments. She graduated from Boston University with a B.A. in Journalism and Advertising.

Jason Sheeler Bio Photo

Jason Sheeler, West Coast Special Projects Director

Jason Sheeler is West Coast Special Projects Director for PEOPLE, Byrdie & InStyle. Prior to PEOPLE, Sheeler served as Style Director at Departures magazine, managing the fashion department and advertiser relationships.

A graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York, Sheeler has served in senior editorial positions at Entertainment Weekly and Condé Nast's Glamour. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, VOGUE, Condé Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure, The Hollywood Reporter and Air Mail.

Janine Rubenstein Bio Photo

Janine Rubenstein, Editor at Large

Janine Rubenstein is a veteran entertainment journalist and former host of the daily podcast, PEOPLE Every Day.

For the past nine years she has reported and edited breaking news, music features (she interviewed Lenny Kravitz, Mariah Carey, Jon Bon Jovi, and John Legend, to name a few), human interest, style, and contributed to PEOPLE's popular franchises Sexiest Man Alive and the Beautiful Issue, as well as co-hosted the PEOPLE & Entertainment Weekly Red Carpet Live streaming events during awards season. Prior to joining PEOPLE, the San Francisco native reported news and entertainment at Essence and served as a reporter/writer at the legendary Cape Times newspaper in South Africa.

Editorial Staff



EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Sonal Dutt, Samantha Miller

EXECUTIVE EDITORS Alex Apatoff, Breanne Heldman, Jeremy Helligar, Lindsay Kimble, Anya Leon, Nick Maslow



DIRECTOR, STYLE & BEAUTY Brittany Talarico


EDITORS AT LARGE Julie Jordan, Elizabeth McNeil, Janine Rayford Rubenstein


News Director: Marissa Charles

Senior Director, Digital Content Operations: Maria Mercedes Lara 

Programming Editors: Erica Mason, Victor Barajas

Senior News Editors: Joelle Goldstein, Kelsie Gibson, Greg Hanlon, Julie Mazziotta, Sarah Michaud, Stephanie Petit, Stephanie Pfeffer, Nigel Smith, Emily Strohm, Dave Quinn

Weekend Editor: Nicholas Rice

Morning Editor: Philip Boucher

Nights Editor: Lawrence Yee

Staff Editors: Kyler Alvord, Erin Clack, Dayna Haffenden, Jenny Haward, Dorienne Jackson, Daniel Levine, Maria Pasquini, Georgia Slater, Benjamin VanHoose

Associate Editors: Brian Brant, Clare Fisher, Kirsty Hatcher, Charmaine Patterson, Stephanie Wenger

Senior Reporters: Danielle Bacher, Elizabeth Rosner, Gillian Telling

Staff Writer: Vanessa Etienne, Charna Flam, Janine Henni, Angel Saunders

Writer/Reporters: Brenton Blanchet, Skyler Caruso, Lizzie Hyman, Charlotte Phillipp, Bailey Richards, Gabrielle Rockson, Hannah Sacks, Escher Walcott


Senior Director, Social Media: Elizabeth Favre 

Associate Director, Audience Engagement: Ariel Nagi

Associate Editor, Audience Engagement: Klaritza Rico, Aquil Starks Jr.

Editor, Audience Engagement: Matthew Boyd

Weekend Audience Editor: Nathan Vinson

Associate Director, Social Media Production: Maggie Dickman

Senior Editor, Platforms: Carly Breit 

Writer, Digital Platforms: Robert Moscato-Goodpaster

Associate Producer, Platforms: Sloan Pecchia, Maya Pow


Senior Editors: Colleen Kratofil (TV), Andrea Mandell (Movies & Entertainment Projects), Jeff Nelson (Music), Lizz Schumer (Books)

People Picks Editor: Tom Gliatto 

Senior Writers: Eric Andersson, Rachel DeSantis, JP Mangalindan 

Staff Editor: Brianne Tracy 

Staff Writers: Dana Rose Falcone, Jennifer Haupt, Alex Ross, Jack Smart

Writer/Reporters: Daniela Avila, Jack Irvin, Esther Kang, Tommy McArdle, Julia Moore


Senior Editors: Adam Carlson (Human Interest), Erin Hill (Royals), Tina Johnson (Health), Patrick Rogers (Crime)

Senior Writers: KC Baker, Johnny Dodd, Eileen Finan, Emily Palmer, Christine Pelisek 

Chief Foreign Correspondent: Simon Perry (London)

Contributing Correspondent Monique Jessen (London) 

Special Correspondent: Peter Mikelbank (Paris)

Staff Editor: Stephanie Pfeffer

Staff Writers: Nicole Acosta, Angela Andaloro, Virginia Chamlee, Samira Asma-Sadeque

Writer/Reporters: Abigail Adams, Anna Caplan, Jordan Greene, Zoey Lyttle, Liam Quinn


Digital Features Director: Kate Hogan 

Senior Editor, Special Integrated Projects: Ana Calderone

Home Editor: Mackenzie Schmidt 

Pets Editor: Kelli Bender 

Features Editor: Stephanie Sengwe 

Features Writer: Alexandra Schonfeld 


Deputy Beauty Director: Jacqueline Fields 

Style Editor: Hedy Phillips 

Style Writer: Catherine Santino


Director of Commerce, Evergreen: Lindsey Metrus

Editorial Director, News & Deals: Laura Gurfein


Vice President: David Flumenbaum 

Head of Production: Lauren Mikler

Executive Producer, PEOPLE in 10: Lauren Carney 

Executive Producers: Jessica Iavazzi, Robyn Ross 

Senior Director of Operations: Alesa Andrew 


Design Director: Dean Markadakis 

Art Directors: David Jaenisch, Henry Yung

Deputy Art Director: Elease Crump 

Associate Art Director: Jackie Jordan 

Senior Designer: Aleena Qazi 


Associate Director of Photography: Jessica Bryan 

News Director: Florence Nash 

Senior Photo Editor: Sarah Burrows

West Coast Photo Editor: Gladees Prieur 

Photo Editors: Sarah Fernando, Jen Lombardo 

Photo Researcher: Mika Dyer 

Assistant Photo Editor: Hannah Tashkovich 

Photo Operations Associate: Joy Scheller 

Photo Finance Coordinator: Shemika Harris 

Photo & Art Assistant: Keira Castellitto


Managing Photo Director: Lauren Lieberman 

Senior Photo Editor: Deirdre Galvin

Photo Editors: Denise Domlesky, Salina Gallegos, Alissa Harris, Tracy Pepey, Barrie Schneiderman, Jill Steadman


Editorial Production Director: Rachel Moskovitz Abraham 

Editorial Manager: Kalina Ollinger

Content Operations Manager: Miya Ramos 

West Coast Editorial Operations Manager: Cecilia de la Paz 

Research Manager: Celine Wojtala 

Reporters: Sue Carswell, Michelle DuPre, Mary Hart, Toby Kahn, Gail Nussbaum  

Research Archivist: Ean Sheehy

Production Artists: Daniel J. Neuburger, Dominick Santise, Mike Vukobratovich

Copy Chief: Joanann Scali 

Deputy Copy Chief: James Bradley 

Copy Editors: Gabrielle Danchick, Rich Donnelly, Shakthi Jothianandan, Dan Morrissey, Matt Weingarden


Brendan Le, Michelle Lee, Daniel Peláez, Natalia Senanayake, Carly Tagen-Dye, Sabrina Weiss


Vice President: Marnie Perez 

Senior Manager: Kari Stephenson 

Associate Communications Manager: Danielle Viera 

Junior Publicist: Sophia Martini


Senior Director: Dale Tunender 

Quality Analysts: Sara Luckey, Rob Roszkowski

Imaging Specialists: Don Atkinson, Jacques Lizotte, David Swain 

Trafficking Supervisors: Jackie Beard, Sarah Schuster, Taylor Thomas


Vice President, Content Strategy: Kathryn Vandervalk 

Director, Content Strategy: Karli Bendlin 

Senior Editor: Maggie Kreienberg 

Editor: Selena Barrientos

Associate Editor: Madi Janz, Rebecca Aizin

Vice President, Engineering: Ed Benjamin 

Vice President, Product: Zach Gabrielski 

Senior Art Director: Gloria Pantell

About Dotdash Meredith

PEOPLE is part of the Dotdash Meredith family of brands committed to creating accurate, helpful news and information that represents and serves all people. Founded in 1996, Dotdash Meredith is an operating business of IAC. From mobile to magazines, nearly 200 million people trust us to help them make decisions, take action and find inspiration. Dotdash Meredith's over 50 iconic brands include PEOPLE, Better Homes & Gardens, Verywell, FOOD & WINE, The Spruce, Allrecipes, Byrdie, REAL SIMPLE, Investopedia, Southern Living and more.

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