2024-252014-152004-051994-951984-851974-751964-65 121954-55 121944-451934-35 123
2023-242013-142003-041993-941983-841973-741963-64 121953-54 121943-441933-34
2022-232012-132002-031992-931982-831972-731962-63 121952-53 121942-43 1231932-33
2021-222011-122001-021991-921981-821971-721961-62 121951-52 121941-42 1231931-32
2020-212010-112000-011990-911980-811970-711960-61 121950-51 121940-41 121930-31
2019-202009-101999-001989-901979-801969-701959-60 121949-50 121939-40 123451929-30
2018-192008-091998-991988-891978-791968-691958-59 121948-491928-29 12
2017-182007-081997-981987-881977-781967-68 121957-58 121947-48
2016-172006-071996-971986-871976-771966-67 121956-57 121946-47
2015-162005-061995-961985-861975-761965-66 121955-56 121945-461935-36 123
2024-25 IIIIIIIVV2014-15 IIIIIIIV2004-05 IIIIIIIV1994-95 IIIIIIIV1984-85 III
2023-24 IIIIIIIVV2013-14 IIIIIIIV2003-04 IIIIIIIV1993-94 IIIIIIIV1983-84 III
2022-23 IIIIIIIVV2012-13 IIIIIIIV2002-03 IIIIIIIV1992-93 IIIIIIIV1982-83 III
2021-22 IIIIIIIVV2011-12 IIIIIIIV2001-02 IIIIIIIV1991-92 IIIIIIIV1981-82 III
2020-21 IIIIIIIVV2010-11 IIIIIIIV2000-01 IIIIIIIV1990-91 IIIIIIIV1980-81 III
2019-20 IIIIIIIV2009-10 IIIIIIIV1999-00 IIIIIIIV1989-90 IIIIIIIV1979-80 III
2018-19 IIIIIIIV2008-09 IIIIIIIV1998-99 IIIIIIIV1988-89 IIIIIIIV1978-79 III
2017-18 IIIIIIIV2007-08 IIIIIIIV1997-98 IIIIIIIV1987-88 IIIIIIIV1977-78 III
2016-17 IIIIIIIV2006-07 IIIIIIIV1996-97 IIIIIIIV1986-87
2015-16 IIIIIIIV2005-06 IIIIIIIV1995-96 IIIIIIIV1985-86 III

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