Whenever someone says the Babadook isn’t openly gay it’s like?? Did you even watch the movie???
It’s canon basically. I mean he created a pop-up book of himself for the drama of it all???
Y'all realize the babadook was just her depression right???
Yeah and he was gay???
It was all a hamfisted metaphor for grief after the death of a loved one, not just her depression but all the related stages of grief.
No the Babadook was a man who fearlessly and proudly loved other men in spite of a society telling him that his love was wrong- like, watch the movie??
why does tumblr always do too fucking much ITS JUST A MOVIE LMAO
A movie about a gay man who just wants to live his life in a small australian suburb? It may be “just a movie” to you but to the LGBT community the Babadook is a symbol of our journey
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