Street Sweeping
Street cleaning is one way that Santa Monica enhances the quality of life for all. The City's weekly street cleaning program helps to keep trash out of our ocean, the streets clean, and prevent local flooding due to blocked storm drains.
If you're unsure of what days and times your area is swept follow your "NO PARKING" street signs for the weekly street sweeping schedule or click here for the interactive map.
We encourage all residents to be mindful of street signage to avoid being ticketed. Vehicles will be cited if they are parked in restricted areas on days when street cleaning is scheduled. If you received a parking ticket you can visit our parking page to learn how to pay or contest your ticket.
Street cleaning does not occur on the days below. Please
note: Whenever a designated holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be celebrated
on the immediately preceding Friday. Whenever a designated holiday falls on a
Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the immediately following Monday.
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday of January)
- Presidents’ Day (third Monday of February)
- Cesar Chavez Day (observed last Monday of March)
- Memorial Day (last Monday of May)
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day (first Monday of September)
- Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday of November)
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas
- New Year's Eve