2025 Overview

In November 2024, the Federal Reserve announced additional information about the periodic review of its monetary policy strategy, tools, and communications—the framework it uses to pursue its congressionally-assigned goals of maximum employment and price stability.

The review is focused on two specific areas: the Federal Open Market Committee's Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy (PDF), which articulates the Committee's approach to monetary policy; and the Committee's policy communications tools. The Committee's two percent longer-run inflation goal is not a focus of the review.

"We are open to new ideas and critical feedback and will take onboard lessons from the last five years and adapt our approach where appropriate to best serve the American people, to whom we are accountable," said Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell.

Like the review that concluded in 2020, the review will include outreach and public events with a wide range of parties. As part of the outreach effort, the Federal Reserve Board will host a research conference on May 15-16, 2025, with speakers and panelists from outside the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve will continue to host Fed Listens public events around the country. As in past years, these events will provide an opportunity for policymakers to consult with a broad range of organizations—for example, small business owners, nonprofit leaders, educators, union and trade association representatives, residents of low- and moderate-income communities, retirees, and others—on the effects that labor market conditions, inflation, and interest rates have on them.

The Federal Reserve intends to wrap up the review by late summer. At the end of the process, policymakers will assess the information and perspectives gathered during the review and report their findings. The Fed's first review began in 2019 and concluded in summer 2020.

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Last Update: March 05, 2025