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federal capital, statutory city of Austria, federal state of Austria, metropolis, enclave, city-state, municipality of Austria, largest city, district of Austria
Golle imaaɗe1. century BCE Taƴto
Laamu inndeWien Taƴto
LesdinkeejumWien Taƴto
Named afterWien Taƴto
Founded byAncient Celts Taƴto
Doondo leydino value Taƴto
DuungalYuroopu Taƴto
LesdiOtiris Taƴto
Nder laamooreOtiris Taƴto
Hiiri-weeti pelleUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00, Central European Time Taƴto
Located in or next to body of waterDanube, Wien, Liesing, Donaukanal Taƴto
Enclave withinLower Austria Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto48°12′30″N 16°22′21″E Taƴto
Kwa'odineto lettugal48°9′3″N 16°34′39″E Taƴto
Soɓɓire48°19′23″N 16°25′15″E Taƴto
Horɗoore48°7′6″N 16°24′32″E Taƴto
Gorgal48°10′16″N 16°10′57″E Taƴto
TowendiHermannskogel Taƴto
HoɓadeLobau Taƴto
Office held by head of governmentmayor of Vienna Taƴto
Hooreejo leydiMichael Ludwig Taƴto
Laamu depitee enMunicipal Council and Landtag of Vienna Taƴto
Memba enClimate Alliance of European cities with indigenous rainforest peoples, League of Historical Cities, Organization of World Heritage Cities Taƴto
ReplacesVindobona Taƴto
Ɗemngal ngal sarwisiji leydi fu njoni haaludeAustrian German Taƴto
Award receivedEuropean City of the Reformation, European City of the Trees Taƴto
Present in workCivilization V Taƴto
Laawol ngol laamu anndanihttps://www.wien.gv.at/ Taƴto
HashtagWien Taƴto
Coat of armsCoat of Arms of Vienna Taƴto
Has works in the collectionNational Gallery of Victoria Taƴto
Related categoryCategory:Vienna-related lists Taƴto
Open data portalOpen Government Data (OGD) in Vienna Taƴto
Ndesaeconomy of Vienna Taƴto
Annaji Aljeridemographics of Vienna Taƴto
District heating gridFernwärme Wien Taƴto
Time of earliest written record1. century BCE Taƴto
Local dialing code01 Taƴto
Licence plate codeW Taƴto
Has listlist of Viennese Taƴto
Category for honorary citizens of entityCategory:Honorary citizens of Vienna Taƴto
Category for the view of the itemCategory:Views of Vienna Taƴto
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Vienna Taƴto

Vienna (/ viˈɛnə/ ( listen ) vee-EN-ə ; [7][8] German: Wien [viːn] (heitina); Austro-Bavarian : Wean [veɐ̯n]) Un lamorde, gelle mawɗe e go'o ɗum ɗer diiwe jowee nayi ɗun Austriyya. Vienna un galliol Gasol ɓorgol ɗuuɗuki hauti e baano miliyanji ɗiɗi [9](2.9)miliyanji hautuuɗe filtiingo geɓɓal ngal,[10]haade go'o tatije ɗun ɗi ɗuuɗirka leysdi ɗin,e de finna tawi, jaudi e joɗorde siyasa. Un gelle de jowee go'o mauɗe ɗe hollingo ɓe ɗuuɗirka der hautirde yuroopu e de gelle mawɗe ɗun fuu gasuji ngu mayo [Danube}.