

View synonyms for accusation


[ ak-yoo-zey-shuhn ]


  1. a charge of wrongdoing; imputation of guilt or blame.
  2. the specific offense charged:

    The accusation is murder.

  3. the act of accusing or state of being accused.


/ ˌækjʊˈzeɪʃən /


  1. an allegation that a person is guilty of some fault, offence, or crime; imputation
  2. a formal charge brought against a person stating the crime that he is alleged to have committed
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • counter·accu·sation noun
  • preac·cu·sation noun
  • reac·cu·sation noun
  • self-accu·sation noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of accusation1

1350–1400; Middle English accusacion < Latin accūsātiōn- (stem of accūsātiō ), equivalent to accūsāt ( us ), past participle of accūsāre ( accuse, -ate 1 ) + -iōn- -ion
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Example Sentences

She has also been accused of cultural appropriation for recording straight-ahead salsa tunes — an unfair accusation to this writer, considering that she is a dedicated student and collector of Afro-Caribbean music.

The UK Foreign Office said: "This is not the first time that Russia has made malicious and baseless accusations against our staff."

From BBC

Tehran has denied accusation it is building nuclear weapons, emphasising instead that its programme has peaceful aims.

From BBC

But retail experts warn that the very nature of the places that Gail's is picking means there are likely to be accusations of gentrification, increasing prices and rents for existing businesses and residents.

From BBC

The show sparked intense backlash and accusations of "treason," "sedition" and even "betrayal".

From BBC


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More About Accusation

What does accusation mean?

An accusation is a claim that someone is guilty of a crime or offense.

To make an accusation is to accuse someone. This can happen in everyday situations, such as children accusing each other of not sharing. But accusation is typically used in a legal context to refer to an official claim or charge that a crime has been committed.

A person who makes an accusation (who accuses) is called an accuser (especially when the accusation involves a crime). The adjective accused means charged with a crime or other offense. Accused is also used as a noun to refer to a person or people who have been charged with a crime, often as the accused. 

Statements that suggest or outright say that someone did something wrong can be described as accusatory.

Example: If you’re going to make an accusation that serious, you’d better have some evidence to back it up.

Where does accusation come from?

The first records of the word accusation come from the second half of the 1300s. It ultimately derives from the Latin accūsāre, meaning “to call to account,” from causa, “lawsuit.”

You might accuse your family members of not listening to you, or accuse one of them of eating the last muffin (when you specifically said you were saving it!). But some accusations are more serious than others.

Making an accusation that someone committed a crime is a serious thing to do. Even if they are not found guilty, having been accused may permanently hurt their reputation. Still, just because someone is accused (or charged and indicted) doesn’t mean that they are automatically found guilty of the crime they are suspected of committing. In most court systems, the accusation (and the guilt of the person) needs to be proven. And, in many cases, the accused has the right to face their accuser in court. Still, the word accusation typically implies that the accuser has firsthand knowledge or evidence of the crime that they claim was committed. When people deny accusations made against them, they often call them false or baseless (meaning they’re made up).

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to accusation?

  • counteraccusation (noun)
  • self-accusation (noun)
  • accuse (verb)

What are some synonyms for accusation?

What are some words that share a root or word element with accusation

What are some words that often get used in discussing accusation?

How is accusation used in real life?

Accusation is used in serious and not-so-serious ways, but it always involves claiming that someone did something wrong.



Try using accusation!

Is accusation used correctly in the following sentence?

He was arrested after several people came forward to make accusations against him.



